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That might be the best episode of both the US and UK versions. I was in tears for so much of it, but especially when Michael marked her arm! Plus, the twist the show has taken with Pam and Karen is brilliant. Yeah, that was one funny show. I told my wife to save it, as it is very much a multi-watch episode.


QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Dec 15, 2006 -> 10:51 AM)
Nogg-a-Sake for all!!! :drink



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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 04:37 AM)
I guess I'm missing out, a few funny moments (marking the arm, Dwight asking to be in Jim's committee), but thought most of it was pretty dumb


Yes, you are right, you must be missing out. ;)

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 03:19 PM)
oh i remember that girl. she was a ho. for sho.

not yo ho no mo.


i can't stop cracking up.


Him singing james blunt might have been my favorite part.



I've seen it 3 times already and it may be my favorite episode ever.


miss an episode?


here ya go.


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QUOTE(bmags @ Dec 17, 2006 -> 08:29 PM)
oh man, when dwight starts telling the waitress how to kill the goose or whatever i was clutching my stomach crying laughing.



"Whats the difference between what Pam is doing to Dwight, and what I just did to Dwight? Well, for one, what Pam is doing is a prank. What I am doing is, well, yeah its the same thing." - Jim, after he had Dwight explain to the waitress how to prepare a goose.


The end scene with Dwight waiting for the helicopter in the parking lot with a duffel bag on his arm I was laughing my ass off, especially when he got the message "You have been compromised, abort mission! Destroy this phone immediately!" and Dwight turns around and throws his phone as far as he can. Priceless

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Dec 20, 2006 -> 09:53 AM)
I'm guessing it's his mom, or that one friend of his.


The commercial for the new years episode during tonites Christmas episode rerun showed the Jan went with Michael on the trip.

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 08:32 PM)
kyyle, Pam is the receptionist. Jan is Michael's boss. And I don't think she knew about the email.




I have no idea why I typed that. I should stop trying to watch TV at the same time as posting

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