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Guest wsc425

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Guest hotsoxchick1

they have websites for this now days........why use the imagination when you can have it live on the net??? or are sticky keyboards a big problem for circut city to fix these days??????? :rolleyes:

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This thread is stupid, both wsc and Roman are virginiest virgins that ever virgined...


And, HSC, that very imagination (plus a real girlfriend who also needs "attention") you aluded to is the biggest reason why I resist temptations of porn for the most part. Try it, the effect is incredible.


Lack of imagination and mystery is so rampant in modern society, most disillusioned ones go through the motions most of the time. Sad....but not rteally since it makes me better in comparison.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Thos thread is stupid, both wsc and Roman are virginiest virgins that ever virgined...,


And, HSC, that very imagination (plus a real girlfriend who also needs "attention") you aluded to is the biggest reason why I resist temptations of porn for the most part.  Try it, the effect is incredible.


Lack of imagination and mystery is so rampant in modern society, most go through the motions most of the time.  Sad...b.ut not rteally since it makes me better in comparison.

lol i was taking into consideration who the reply was to when i put that up there.......come on now phamala and carmen in the shower together......their boobs alone make that impossible unless your using the shower at the local gym locker room....lol...........brando imaginiation is a great thing if used correctly.. why waste it on beating off when you can put it to good use in everyday life with tangibles?????? lol......

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Thos thread is stupid, both wsc and Roman are virginiest virgins that ever virgined...,


And, HSC, that very imagination (plus a real girlfriend who also needs "attention") you aluded to is the biggest reason why I resist temptations of porn for the most part.  Try it, the effect is incredible.


Lack of imagination and mystery is so rampant in modern society, most go through the motions most of the time.  Sad...b.ut not rteally since it makes me better in comparison.

lol i was taking into consideration who the reply was to when i put that up there.......come on now phamala and carmen in the shower together......their boobs alone make that impossible unless your using the shower at the local gym locker room....lol...........brando imaginiation is a great thing if used correctly.. why waste it on beating off when you can put it to good use in everyday life with tangibles?????? lol......

Pamela Anderson is a talenless ugly bimbo with fake tits. Ditto for Electra, though she cuter and can dance a little bit which I love in a woman. Both are overrated village bicycles.


My shower would have Angelina Jolie and Halle Berry teaching virginal Mandy Moore and Emilly Rossum the art of....well I'll let you that imagination of yours, haha

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i would rather have someone in my shower than think about someone being in my shower....... i could put to use my imagination better with "hands on" ..... ;)

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i would rather have someone  in my shower than think about someone being in my shower....... i could put to use my imagination better with "hands on" ..... ;)

Why not have both? :huh:


Symbiotic relationship between the two can be reached

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i gots to have my hands on everything.....my mind works better that way....... ;)

The best part about a semi-frigid girl like Nat is that you have work your ass off and be an ingenious mind-reader in order to get things rolling most of the time....But once they do, it's literally fireworks every single time.



Imagination, there is no substitute for that really. I don't care how big your balls are and how perfect your technique, if you can't make things feel and look as though for the first time, you're f***ed. I hate routine in every reincarnation, especially sexual.

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Here comes Tony's mail bag, got your email specials and your notes, here comes Tony's mail bag! Gonna read some for all of you folks!

Don't head injuries suck?

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Its nothing racist, I love black people. I just think Halle Berry is ugly. I think Pamela Anderson is ugly too, does that make me racist against white people? No it doesnt...

I think pamela anderson is not attractive at all. Halle berry is hot, though.

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I was just kidding.


my ultimate



















Dude, you're f***ing creepy. You can want that, but keep it to yourself.


I want a few things, but atleast I keep them to myself, like I'm sure many others here do too.


Jeezus f***ing rice

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I was just kidding.


my ultimate



















Dude, you're f***ing creepy. You can want that, but keep it to yourself.


I want a few things, but atleast I keep them to myself, like I'm sure many others here do too.


Jeezus f***ing rice

I agree 100%. I used to think he was hilarious but now I just think champs the reason other people have odd perspectives about Sox fans. In laymans terms, I think hes a perverted creep...

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To get this thread productive(because nothing has come out of it so far), roman, what are some good games on XBox? I just got mine, and I got the two game set of Sega GT 2002 and Jet Set Radio Future, and both those games are decent, but I want to know some other good ones that I should buy. I rented Time Splitters 2 the other day(was a decent game, though the controls were rather awkward). I know that the first game I'm going to get is WSB 2k3, but are there any other games you suggest I take a look at?

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Have I said that I own an Xbox or did you just guess? Well, if you guessed it was a good one. As for good games, Id say Halo (thats a favorite amongst me and my friends) and Project Gotham (racing game, not like NASCAR, more like organized street racing Id say). For football the NFL fever games are the best, for baseball Id go with WSB. Rallysport racing is enjoyable as well. Splinter Cell, even tho Im completely stuck on it, is one of the best Xbox games there is. Since youre just starting, those are the ones Id personally recommend...

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