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Guest wsc425

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Have I said that I own an Xbox or did you just guess? Well, if you guessed it was a good one. As for good games, Id say Halo (thats a favorite amongst me and my friends) and Project Gotham (racing game, not like NASCAR, more like organized street racing Id say). For football the NFL fever games are the best, for baseball Id go with WSB. Rallysport racing is enjoyable as well. Splinter Cell, even tho Im completely stuck on it, is one of the best Xbox games there is. Since youre just starting, those are the ones Id personally recommend...

You've said you have an XBox before....and thanks for the recommendations. I'll check them out(I figured Halo and Splinter Cell would be good ones....Halo is like THE game for XBox, just like Vice City is the signature game of the PS2).


I figure Project Gotham will be better then Sega GT....man, it is so f***ing hard to turn in that game...pisses me off.

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You've said you have an XBox before....and thanks for the recommendations.  I'll check them out(I figured Halo and Splinter Cell would be good ones....Halo is like THE game for XBox, just like Vice City is the signature game of the PS2).


I figure Project Gotham will be better then Sega GT....man, it is so f***ing hard to turn in that game...pisses me off.

Heck, Im already waitin for Halo 2. That games gonna be even better than the first. Id say go for that one too when it comes out next February. Itll be awesome. :headbang


Ive never played Sega GT. But on Project Gotham youll have 29 different cars (from Mini Coopers to Corvettes to F50s, and of course you have to gradually unlock these cars, or you can just use cheats to get em all and fool around). And the handling stats for each car truly do affect how it plays. Some, like the Delfino Feroce, have awesome handling and it shows in the game (you can make some sick slides with the better handling cars) and then some like the Corvette (which is the best car Ive got so far) suck at handling and it really shows in the game. Anyhow, its a really cool game. Id buy it if I were you... :headbang

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what do you expect?  the controller is made for like people with hands the size of gorillas.

Hey! I like Xbox controllers. I like em much more than PS controllers. I held a PS2 controller once after using an Xbox controller for a long time, and it was weird. Those controllers are small! :o

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what do you expect?  the controller is made for like people with hands the size of gorillas.

After you get used to them, the controllers don't really seem that big.


Compared to the GameCube or PS2 controllers, yeah, the XBox controllers are huge, but that's not why you can't turn very well. I can push the joystick way the hell over, and it still hardly turns. You have to brake and slow down and s*** like that.....just not a very exciting game unless you either get really f***ing good at it, or you are a big fan of racing and you understand s*** like that(which in turn would make you really damn good at the game). My hands are, at the worst, slightly bigger then normal hands, and I wouldn't even say that. I pretty much have normal sized hands.


That game is just frustrating as hell.


I like XBox a lot because it comes with a built in memory....not sure if a PS2 or a GameCube has that, but that is sweet s***.

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Hey, I just asked him some advice on some good video games.


As it is, the games I have are already either getting on my nerves and pissing me off, boring me to death, or are simple to mundane and repetitive.


I am going to get WSB 2k3, and was just asking him some other good games I should look into.

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