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Anti gay hatred...


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is senseless. Ive talked about it and sometimes preached it on the board, and after thinking it over, whats the point? A long time ago on another thread I said something and a lot of you are going to be very surprised. I said "hatred kills". I, the leading gay basher of soxtalk, said hatred freakin kills! And darn it, that was the smartest thing Ive ever said on these boards, and now Im gonna stick to it. I honestly and truly never hated gays. I did it because it was a simple thing to do and everyone else did it. Ive already decided that my senior quote is going like this "Tell it like it is. Dont ever be afraid to to tell the truth and stand out." So I guess I should go by that quote too. I dont care anymore what other people think about gays. Its only a sign of their own ignorance. Of course I would never be gay but if thats what they want to do, what can I say, go for it!


PS, if you want to see that thread I mentioned, you can find the "Just a thought thread" which was started by kipwellsfan around February. Ill try to find it and bump it up for everyones reading pleasure...

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Tell that to "Reverend" Fred Phelps @ www.godhatesf**s.com [That is this guy's CHURCH'S web page] :finger FRED.


This guy even protested Mr. Rogers' funeral because Mr. Rogers refused to condemn people. He said Mr. Rogers was burning in Hell....I ask you all, WHAT SORT OF SICK f*** HATES MR. ROGERS?

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This is sick


Matthew Shepard has been in Hell for 1711 days. Thats just sick. Yeah, he was gay but he was still described as a loving and gentle person. Thats all that matters.


Theres no way this guy is a Christian minister. He seems more like some kind of Christian bin Laden. Who uses religion to spread his hate... :angry:

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not only did I give up the republican party today...but I gave up organized religion too.


good lord..."perpetual memorial to mathew shepard"????!?!?! WTF?





and in hell, where the author of that site is surely headed, matthew shepard will be ass raping you....................with a cactus.

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Thats what I'm talking about. U wouldn't have said that if a straight person had said ass raped u.

I'm not exactly sure how to take that....




anyone ever see little nicky? hitler got ass raped by satan and a pineapple....




nevermind.... :fyou

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Although I think it turns me on when I see lesbians.


By reading WSC's posts we are actually monitoring him go through puberty. It seems he discovers these things and posts them...


there is the masturbation stuff, the famous "I love boobies I just want to squeeze them quote", now there is this... I think it is pretty funny.


Someone could put together a scrapbook WSC quotes and call it "A Young Man Observes Women, Life, and Maturation"

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Brandofan thinks Im hilarious, but me, I think champ is hilarious. Yeah, sometimes I write stuff just for the sake of being funny, but watching champ go thru puberty and all his perversion just cracks me up.


And yeah I agree, lesbians are pretty hot. Just not dyke lesbians, theyre kinda scary (this isnt homophobia, wouldnt you be a little creeped out if you saw some chubby, spiked haired chick complaining about how her cock hurts? Well I HAVE! And it aint pretty).


And heres something I find ironic about girls. One time I was at a dance and I was dancing with this chick, a friend of mine until this other chick pulled her away and told her that this girl next to me was a lesbian. She called me the next day and told me (she never explained the nite before) and said it really scared her. But ironically, she probably danced with the same amount of girls as she did guys. And heck, I met the lesbian chick later and found out she wasnt even a lesbian (darn...)...

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