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A-Rod, what's the asking price


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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 11:04 PM)
ARod is the best defensive shortstop in baseball imo.

Having not watched a ton of games with ARod at SS, I really doubt that claim. But with his bat, if he came at $13-$15m to the White Sox, I would tolerate adequate and nonspectacular defense in exchange for his bat.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:07 AM)
Having not watched a ton of games with ARod at SS, I really doubt that claim. But with his bat, if he came at $13-$15m to the White Sox, I would tolerate adequate and nonspectacular defense in exchange for his bat.

Like I said, that's jmo. You're entitled to yours as well, but imo there is no one better than ARod at short.

Edited by Rowand44
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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 11:05 PM)
I would not go that far now.

This I understand...his time in NY has seen him at least now trying to defend himself, not just accepting the blame for his suckage, and it's seen him not learning form his suckage in the clutch. He has a bad rap because of his $250m, but if he was carrying teams to winning records or championships, his rap would have been forgotten, even if he was blaming Jeter every time he went 0/4.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:04 AM)
ARod is the best defensive shortstop in baseball imo.

you don't know that. he regressed at third after a year, if he were traded and moved back to SS he'd likely be shaking off cobwebs for a month or two. I think A-Rod's kind of a headcase, like he's thinking too much about his play.


and I forgot to add this, but I always thought A-Rod was solid at SS. solid to a point where it would get him a Gold Glove, if you know what I'm saying. I think I need sleep, I'm making little sense, if any.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:06 AM)
Why? Explain to me what he's ever done. He gets a bad rap because he makes a lot of money, that's really it.


Ugh, why do you do this to me. I don't feel like finding the article, but if you want me too, I'll do it. A-Rod yes is always backed in a corner because of the $$$, but when he says that maybe because he's good looking or light skinned, or that he looks at his stats saying he got five hits in a series where those five hits were just scattered hits not the "clutch hit," calling out his teammates (I will never understand his reasoning when Jeter is basically like A-Rod in the makes more money, good-looking department and he blames him for ALOT) and throwing them under the bus (yes I do realize some of it wasn't entirely accurate but most of it was nonetheless) is not class. A-Rod is what I call a stat watcher.


QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:14 AM)
A-Rod has a huge ego, its pretty clear.


It's like a bad tumor how large it is.

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:15 AM)
Ugh, why do you do this to me. I don't feel like finding the article, but if you want me too, I'll do it. A-Rod yes is always backed in a corner because of the $$$, but when he says that maybe because he's good looking or light skinned, or that he looks at his stats saying he got five hits in a series where those five hits were just scattered hits not the "clutch hit," calling out his teammates (I will never understand his reasoning when Jeter is basically like A-Rod in the makes more money, good-looking department and he blames him for ALOT) and throwing them under the bus (yes I do realize some of it wasn't entirely accurate but most of it was nonetheless) is not class. A-Rod is what I call a stat watcher.

It's like a bad tumor how large it is.

I'll give you the Jeter stuff, to be honest I forgot about that. To be honest though I'm sure after being criticized night after night it just came out, still doesn't make it right but he's human. He has taken some blame on himself and yes there has also been times where he doesn't take it, once again seems pretty normal to me. Maybe class act wasn't the right word to use but I certainly don't think he's an asshole and I don't think he'd have any problem in our clubhouse, that's what I should have said to begin with. IMO though, every thing comes back to the money.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:19 AM)
I'll give you the Jeter stuff, to be honest I forgot about that. To be honest though I'm sure after being criticized night after night it just came out, still doesn't make it right but he's human. He has taken some blame on himself and yes there has also been times where he doesn't take it, once again seems pretty normal to me. Maybe class act wasn't the right word to use but I certainly don't think he's an asshole and I don't think he'd have any problem in our clubhouse, that's what I should have said to begin with. IMO though, every thing comes back to the money.


Just for the record, I'll love A-Rod here and twice on Sundays. He is, and will be one of the greatest players to play the game. I'm up for the "king's ransom" to get him here.


QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:18 AM)
I think its a good thing. Give me the guy that says "Im the f***ing best, and Im going to show you im the f***ing best."


What you just said has flaws that come with that statement.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:19 AM)
I'll give you the Jeter stuff, to be honest I forgot about that. To be honest though I'm sure after being criticized night after night it just came out, still doesn't make it right but he's human. He has taken some blame on himself and yes there has also been times where he doesn't take it, once again seems pretty normal to me. Maybe class act wasn't the right word to use but I certainly don't think he's an asshole and I don't think he'd have any problem in our clubhouse, that's what I should have said to begin with. IMO though, every thing comes back to the money.

when I think more about this, maybe A-Rod wouldn't be a good fit. think, he was happy on Texas, the team sucked, but he was unquestionably "the man." on the Yankees, Jeter is "the man," and A-Rod is second or third fiddle. in New York, A-Rod will never surpass Jeter.


now it's weird in Chicago. Paulie's "the man" here, but he seems a quieter leader than Jeter. so would A-Rod's ego fit here? what exactly does A-Rod need to be happy, content, whatever?

Edited by AirScott
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QUOTE(AirScott @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:25 AM)
now it's weird in Chicago. Paulie's "the man" here, but he seems a quieter leader than Jeter. so would A-Rod's ego fit here? what exactly does A-Rod need to be happy, content, whatever?

Well I think the fact that an "ARod can't get a clutch hit to save his life" headline not being on the back page of the paper every night would certainly help. The guy got criticized more than anyone ever has for being a great player, that's got to take a toll on you.

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QUOTE(AirScott @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 11:25 PM)
when I think more about this, maybe A-Rod wouldn't be a good fit. think, he was happy on Texas, the team sucked, but he was unquestionably "the man." on the Yankees, Jeter is "the man," and A-Rod is second or third fiddle. in New York, A-Rod will never surpass Jeter.


now it's weird in Chicago. Paulie's "the man" here, but he seems a quieter leader than Jeter. so would A-Rod's ego fit here? what exactly does A-Rod need to be happy, content, whatever?

ARod's problem would not be Konerko, it would be Guillen.


You need to ask yourself one question if you want to know whether or not ARod would have a problem here...who would Mariotti blame when the team didn't win 120 games and go wire to wire?


ARod's only major competition in the media for control of this team would be Ozzie.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:26 AM)
He is the scapegoat. They havent won a WS since 2000, and when he was brought over in 04, that was it. That was going to make them into a new dynasty. Well, things didnt work out so well.


Your right with the money thing, and to be honest, it's actually pretty fair. With the amount of $$$ he makes, he deserves to take the heat when they dont win.


HOWEVER, just because the Yanks staff has been in shambles the last two years, and they seem to forget about middle relief pitching doesnt mean all the fall has to go on Alex like it always seems....

what, Farnsworth and Dotel don't constitute middle relief? actually, I don't know why they'd think Dotel was any answer, a year and a half out of baseball.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:26 AM)
HOWEVER, just because the Yanks staff has been in shambles the last two years.

This is why the Yankees haven't won as of late, not because of Alex. Their pitching has been old and bad for a while now and instead of fixing that, they just keep adding to their offense every single year, you're not going to win like that.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:28 AM)
ARod's problem would not be Konerko, it would be Guillen.


You need to ask yourself one question if you want to know whether or not ARod would have a problem here...who would Mariotti blame when the team didn't win 120 games and go wire to wire?


ARod's only major competition in the media for control of this team would be Ozzie.

grr...I meant to mention Ozzie. or the whole "hypocrite" comment fiasco. oh well. I need sleep. I can't comprehend the complexities of A-Rod on the White Sox. not now.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:28 AM)
ARod's problem would not be Konerko, it would be Guillen.


God damn I just forgot about that. There would probably be clashes, unless Ozzie makes ammends between he and A-Rod. kinda cold what Ozzie said about A-Rod when he was choosing to play with the U.S. or the Dominican Republic.

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:32 AM)
God damn I just forgot about that. There would probably be clashes, unless Ozzie makes ammends between he and A-Rod. kinda cold what Ozzie said about A-Rod when he was choosing to play with the U.S. or the Dominican Republic.

He already did apologize for that. I really don't think that would be a problem. That being said, if it comes down between ARod and Ozzie, I'll take Alex. :P

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QUOTE(AirScott @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 11:32 PM)
grr...I meant to mention Ozzie. or the whole "hypocrite" comment fiasco. oh well. I need sleep. I can't comprehend the complexities of A-Rod on the White Sox. not now.

After the apology and actual contrition from Guillen, I think the 2 would get along surprisingly well.


My only question of course is what Arod would do if he carried us to the playoffs. I just have no confidence in him late in games or in the clutch. I would rather have Thome up.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:34 AM)
My only question of course is what Arod would do if he carried us to the playoffs. I just have no confidence in him late in games or in the clutch. I would rather have Thome up.

The guy was pretty damn good outside of NY in the playoffs, hell he even did well in 04. Unfortunately for him, one bad postseason last season basically got every single Yankee fan on his back and I think it got into his head. Get him out of New York and I think he does just fine.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 11:36 PM)
The guy was pretty damn awesome outside of NY in the playoffs, hell he even did well in 04. Unfortunately for him, one bad postseason last season basically got every single Yankee fan on his back and I think it got into his head. Get him out of New York and I think he does just fine.

Who knows how much NY has gotten into his head? Maybe Mariotti talks to him and his brain goes "here we go again".

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:41 AM)
Who knows how much NY has gotten into his head? Maybe Mariotti talks to him and his brain goes "here we go again".

Eh, one guy compared to the whole city is a little bit different. You're right, we don't know how he'd react, but I think he'd be just fine.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 7, 2006 -> 11:43 PM)
Eh, one guy compared to the whole city is a little bit different. You're right, we don't know how he'd react, but I think he'd be just fine.

My only counterpoint is this: that's a lot of money to risk on that opinion.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:46 AM)
My only counterpoint is this: that's a lot of money to risk on that opinion.

That's fair. I'll counter that by saying, you're not risking a whole season on him, you know he's going to produce in the regular season. Even if he did struggle in the postseason with the bat, he can still defend and he can still run a bit(career .375 obp in the playoffs, so he still gets on base). He's not a one dimensional player so there is more he could do. And like I said before it's not like he's never played good in the postseason, so he's definitely capable of coming up big in the playoffs.

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