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Loaiza getting


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man this guy has been a very pleasant surprise. he came out of nowhere to put up some outstanding numbers.


question, is he a fluke, a 1 yr wonder?

Can I get back to you on this next June ;)

so should we resign him and at what cost?

We have a one year team option for 04 at $3.5mil. As for the whole fluke things, all of the trolls were first saying how awful he was, then he pitched awesome in April, they were saying wait til May. May he pitches awesome they say wait til June. June he is still pitching well now they are saying wait til after the all star break.


I think Loz may have turned the corner. It was well documented the problems he had in Toronto. He became a two pitch pitcher too easily, and he didn't work hard enough between starts. Once he was given his wake up call, unlike some who have been tagged as lazy, he has gone out of his way to improve and make a good impression.

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man this guy has been a very pleasant surprise. he came out of nowhere to put up some outstanding numbers.


question, is he a fluke, a 1 yr wonder?

Can I get back to you on this next June ;)

so should we resign him and at what cost?

We have a one year team option for 04 at $3.5mil. As for the whole fluke things, all of the trolls were first saying how awful he was, then he pitched awesome in April, they were saying wait til May. May he pitches awesome they say wait til June. June he is still pitching well now they are saying wait til after the all star break.


I think Loz may have turned the corner. It was well documented the problems he had in Toronto. He became a two pitch pitcher too easily, and he didn't work hard enough between starts. Once he was given his wake up call, unlike some who have been tagged as lazy, he has gone out of his way to improve and make a good impression.

you may have a point, i was not one who criticize his pickup. if i remember correctly, i gave way to others opinion as i did with r. white.


now i am sold for him this season. i just can't help but wonder if he is a 1 yr wonder.


ref to his contract, i didn't know about the option. we got a steall here, that is if he improve. does this mean that jr and company has an excuse not to resign colon?

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I agree that the Sox seem to get no respect from the media. ESPN BTN showed a 1 second clip of Loaiza striking out a Bosox player when they began their show and nothing after that at all about the game. However, Sportscenter had good coverage.


Dibble does suck when it comes to his predictions and comments about who should start the all-star game. Loaiza deserves it and it's in Chicago at COMISKEY PARK. Frank Thomas also deserves to be there.

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I was amazed here in south Texas that the forst game mentioned after the Rangers and Astros was the Sox. Then I realized it was because we played the Red Sox. I guess you play a winner or are a winner you get more press. The next game mentioned was Mariners. On a national basis cover the teams in 1st and 2nd then worry about the rest. We've been "the rest" for so long we get relegated to bottom of the coverage.


Also, what players have we had that had the skills and personality to be promoted on a national basis? Frank? Fisk?

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Also, what players have we had that had the skills and personality to be promoted on a national basis? Frank? Fisk?

Ventura, Maggs, Gullien, (even though bad) Belle, (even though a bust) Wells, Durham, Alomar, Mark, Foulke..

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All good choices and most were overshadowed by guys on the other side of town. Perhaps we could also blame the Tribune Co.? Once I moved from the Chicago market I realize how little respect there is for WS baseball. I will see exactly two Sox games on my cable system this season and we were expected to contend. I will see the Yakees, Bo Sox, Mariners, A's a dozen times at least.


I agree with the programmers, who wants to televise a game from a half empty stadium? If Chicago fans don't fill the stadium as the audience, we aren't going to receive much publicity and then guys like E-Lo get overlooked.


I hate to say it but if Frank was a media darling this all would be different. Frank has to be Frank and I respect him for being himself. However, if he had half the charisma of Shamey or Michael Jordan the Sox wouldn't be near the basement in fan popularity as defined by sales of licensed merchandise. You don't see kids in Omaha with Sox jerseys.

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In the early 90's you did.

Yes, you are right. So it's either a current winning team (Mariners) tradition of winning (Yankees) or popular player (Cards with Mac) that drive fan popularity. We've never sustained any of the three. We also don't have the greatest graphics (unlike the Blackhawks jersey which is awesome IMHO).


Bottom line is until we have fans in all corners of the world we're going to be overlooked. Players with less ability but better marketability will be publicized better than E-Lo. It sucks but it's true.


I also believe if E-Lo was 24 and not 31 he would be garnering more attention. If we were leading our division or really competing it would make a better story. We would be reading headlines like

Surprise E-Lo Leading Sox to Pennant

instead of

E-Lo Lone Bright Spot as Sox get Eliminated


Props are hard to come by on a losing team that hasn't won a playoff game in a long time.

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So did Tu Pac. Puffy sported one for a bit in the late 90's. Salt-n-Pepa, 2 Live Crew, and a couple members of NWA did as well.

It's the color and the Chicago market for their music. Remember the whole black and silver/white thing was hot. The Raiders sold a hell of a lot of stuff also. Drove the purple and gold off the charts.

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I think we have to face facts. The Sox aren't playing very well this year. Would they be leading off SportsCenter if they were leading the league? I'm not sure, but I thought they got plenty of attention in 2000. I couldn't turn on Mike&Mike without hearing Gammons tell me the Sox were for real. If the Sox aren't getting a lot of respect or coverage now, it's because they aren't contenders and not because of any bias, IMHO.

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So did Tu Pac. Puffy sported one for a bit in the late 90's. Salt-n-Pepa, 2 Live Crew, and a couple members of NWA did as well.

Even though he's a rapist, R-Kelly, A hometown guy, always sporting the black and white!

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I think we have to face facts. The Sox aren't playing very well this year. Would they be leading off SportsCenter if they were leading the league? I'm not sure, but I thought they got plenty of attention in 2000. I couldn't turn on Mike&Mike without hearing Gammons tell me the Sox were for real. If the Sox aren't getting a lot of respect or coverage now, it's because they aren't contenders and not because of any bias, IMHO.

I dont know if you were living under a rock or what but in 2000 the Sox got very little publicity. The only big thing was the race between us and Minny! in 200, none of the sports channels wanted to show the Sox cuz it would get so little ratings. Thats why they were all day games on ESPN. What happened in 2000? Swept in 3 games by Seattle. Gammons thought the Sox had a chance to be good but didnt think they had enough! Since 2000, the Chicago White Sox have been the Chicago Under Achievers!

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Mike & Mike (national show) both agreed that Loaiza will be on the AS team. Surprisingly.. they also agreed that Frank has a good shot at being there.

I say he'll be there out of respect. It's his house. He's the star here. He'll be there.

I think he needs a couple more hot hitting weeks to be named.

a .280-something average won't be enough, I don't think.

I hope he makes it, though - and that's weird for me, cuz I've never been a big fan of his.


Loaiza ABSOLUTELY should start the All-Star Game.

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Ventura, Maggs, Gullien, (even though bad) Belle, (even though a bust) Wells, Durham, Alomar, Mark, Foulke..

I don't see anyone with much personality on that list.

Ventura was a locker-room prankster, but not outwardly chatty.

Maybe Guillen, but he wasn't quite good enough to get on the national radar.

Maggs is too quiet.

Belle was a dick.

Wells IS a dick.

Durham may not have been a dick, but SEEMED like a dick.

Alomar....I don't know if I've ever heard him speak.

Mark could be a possibility.....we'll find out when he's on the Cardinals, I guess.

Foulke was kind of a dick, at least I thought so.

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