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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 12:15 PM)
Oden is going pro, why does anyone actually think he's staying?

Because people close to him and the program keep saying there is a good chance he will stay based on how much he likes playing for Matta and how much he likes college, apparently his friendship with Conley is also a factor. But hey, what do THEY know?

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 12:53 PM)
But why take the risk?


Even if the risk is .01%, why take it?


You are not talking about financial security here, this is about so much wealth that his childrens children will probably never have to worry about money if he does not spend it foolishly.


Playing 1 more year is just not worth the risk. Unless your parents are Bill Gates, etc and the money does not mean anything anyways.


Otherwise its time to move from being a big fish in a medium pond, to big fish in big pond.


I agree, I'd be gone without a doubt.


However, if he really likes college that much and wants to work on his game some more before making the jump, I can't totally fault him for that. There's like a 99.99 percent chance that the money will still be there, and if he can live with that it's his call.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 12:28 AM)
Zags about to knock of Stanford, really surprised to see this.


The Chicago kid, Jeremy Pargo, did whatever he wanted all game, just like Heytvelt did when they upset UNC. It's all about the matchups.


As for Oden, I've been hearing for a while he might stay in school, and it's even more possible with that wrist and the fact he'd have to fight to go #1 this year. What he does might depend on what some others guys like Conley do.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 01:05 PM)
From an interview I heard with Oden about a week ago, it sounded to me like he'd eventually decide to leave after this season.

I would say theres a good chance he will go pro, but an even better chance that Cook does.


There also more than one problem if Oden stays.


1. He could get hurt, and move down the baord. Not likely in my opinion


2. OSU is bringing in another 7 foot freshman monster next year, which could possibly hurt his touches in the post.

for those who dont know him




he is much more of a scorer than Oden.



Oh and after that they have this guy coming in.



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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 07:15 PM)
I would say theres a good chance he will go pro, but an even better chance that Cook does.


There also more than one problem if Oden stays.


1. He could get hurt, and move down the baord. Not likely in my opinion


2. OSU is bringing in another 7 foot freshman monster next year, which could possibly hurt his touches in the post.

for those who dont know him




he is much more of a scorer than Oden.

Oh and after that they have this guy coming in.




koufos is good, but much more of a perimeter-oriented guy than a post player.


i've seen mullens a few times and he's real good. he also transferred from a small school to a bigger school this year and has only gotten better. personally i think he'll be a lot better than koufos. he's also much more of a true post player.

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I've been saying he'll go to college for at least 2 years since he was in high school and before that rule was implemented. No one seems to understand the guy loves college, has a great friendship with Mike Conley Jr., loves playing for Thad Matta, and wants to be a dominant force coming out of college, not some typical player who struggles.


Oden will be rich regardless of when he comes out just like Duncan was. Could he break his leg if he stays in college? Yeah, he could also break his leg falling down stairs, getting ran over, or even during an NBA Draft workout. I think it's dumb how people overestimate the risk of staying. It's not large at all, especially for a guy like Oden who's been hyped since high school.

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he could also break his leg falling down stairs, getting ran over, or even during an NBA Draft workout


At that point he would most likely already have millions in signed contracts so its not as big of a deal.


I work with risk all the time, I would never advise any client to take such a risk with their life.


Its not to say some people wouldnt do it, just imo it is foolish. 1 year of college bball is not worth any amount of risk, even if the risk is so minute that it would never happen. The difference is this risk is not small, as there are plenty of examples of guys staying and hurting their draft status.


Not very many stay who could be #1 overall and improve their draft status.

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There were at least a few ESPN types who have been saying that the wrist injury really got under Oden's skin a little bit (pun intended) to the point where he is concerned about getting out and getting his chance at a contract before he has another chance to get hurt.

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it wouldn't surprise me at all if oden stayed. the few times i've had the chance to speak with him i've been thoroughly impressed. he is different than what you usually find when you meet someone who's been receiving as much attention as he has for as long as he has.


i think a lot of his decision will come down to how ohio state does in the tournament this year. if they go out before the final four, i'm about certain he'll return. if he goes to the final four or title game, i'm about certain he'll go pro.


i don't think his decision hinges on a fear of injury or a fear of his draft status diminishing. given the type of kid he is, he wants to win and if ohio state wins this year i feel he'll be more comfortable saying adios to columbus.

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 12:15 PM)
Oden is going pro, why does anyone actually think he's staying? If he blows out his knee he'll lose $100 mil easily, if not more. To come back would simply be one of the dumbest moves I can think of, regardless of how much he says he loves college.


On another note, I've been reading some IU forums and it seems like a lot of the older fans are pissed that the students rushed the floor after beating Wisconsin.


So I'd like to say my piece on this. First off, we're talking about 18-22 year old kids, most of whom have had to watch IU play like crap for the last six years under Mike Davis. To say that we shouldn't rush the court and that we should act like we've been there before is ridiculous. Maybe the alums and the older folks have been there before, these students have not. For them, this is by far the biggest win IU has had in their time at the university. That alone to me is justification to rush the floor. They are college kids, having fun, experiencing something they will never forget. Then you factor in that Wisconsin is the #2 team in the country and had a 17 game winning streak and that just adds more incentive to rush the floor. As much as I love IU, some of the older Knight apologists just don't get it. Being in college is about having fun, it's a once in the lifetime experience. Who are these jackasses to critique what college students can and cannot do at a basketball game? I think what happened last night is perfectly acceptable given the circumstances and some of the "old guard" IU fans need to realize what the program has been through the last couple of years and people are excited to see it climb once again. In no way does rushing the floor "cheapen" the win.


Also, to Doug Gottlieb, maybe the biggest f***ing tool on ESPN. This son of a b**** got kicked out of Notre Dame for stealing credit cards and was basically a nobody for Oklahoma State. He has the gall to get on ESPN last night and say that IU fans rushing the floor was the most atrocious thing he has seen in years. No Doug, the most atrocious thing I've seen is ESPN giving your worthless ass a job. Get a life, you f***ing jag.


I guess you'll have to count me as one of the "old guard" because I disagree. My personal feeling is that rushing the court is stupid PERIOD. The court should not be rushed after a big win. It should not be rushed after winning a conference championship. MAYBE after a National Championship. Maybe it's just a new thing with 18-22 year old kids and I don't get it. But I have been to a lot of great games in my life, including when I was in college, and never once was rushing the floor even a thought.


But hey, that's just me, Mr. Old Guard lol

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 12:33 PM)
I agree that the risk for Oden is not that high.


But some of the guys you mentioned did severely impact how much money they were paid. McGahee went from potentially top 10 pick, to late first round. Cromartie left the first year he was eligible, had he stayed this year and then left this draft he most likely would have been one of the top cb's on the board.


A guy like Lee Evans is the best comparison. He stayed after 2001 tore his ACL in 2002, therefore had to stay in 2003 as well, and then finally went to the draft. Its hard to project where he would have gone but his 2001 stats were significantly better than his 2003 and there was no injury history also.


Its just very hard to leave 100mil (salary, bonus, endorsements) on the table for college basketball.



All of this makes me long for the days when we saw players stay for four years. Or hell, at least three. I really wish college basketball/NBA had the same rule as college baseball (I believe football is also the same) where a player can't leave before he has been in school for three years. College basketball is great as it is, but think about how much fun it would be if these guys stayed in school I'm sure somebody could provide a nice list of players that would be juniors and seniors right now had they stayed or went to college.

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 06:46 PM)
I guess you'll have to count me as one of the "old guard" because I disagree. My personal feeling is that rushing the court is stupid PERIOD. The court should not be rushed after a big win. It should not be rushed after winning a conference championship. MAYBE after a National Championship. Maybe it's just a new thing with 18-22 year old kids and I don't get it. But I have been to a lot of great games in my life, including when I was in college, and never once was rushing the floor even a thought.


But hey, that's just me, Mr. Old Guard lol

I'm with ya Rex, I am not a fan of rushing the court unless it's a real special occasion. For the most part it's a stupid thing to do.


People rushing the court for basically everything now a days and the overrated chant are my two sports pet peeves.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 01:03 PM)
Because people close to him and the program keep saying there is a good chance he will stay based on how much he likes playing for Matta and how much he likes college, apparently his friendship with Conley is also a factor. But hey, what do THEY know?


While I am not saying he will go for sure, I think Badger's point is that even if Oden himself genuinely thinks he will stay right now, that will change once decision time comes around. Once the college season is over and it gets down to making decisions based more on logic than emotion, he will decide he is stupid to pass up the opportunity in front of him. I think that is where Badger was going with this. So what THEY know, doesn't really matter right now. What he and his family decide in April is what will truly matters.


And for the record, despite being an avid IU fan, I am all for him staying. I love college basketball and would love to see these guys stick around for awhile. Hell, I'd have no problem seeing Oden play as a senior at OSU, but it won't happen.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 06:54 PM)
I'm with ya Rex, I am not a fan of rushing the court unless it's a real special occasion. For the most part it's a stupid thing to do.


People rushing the court for basically everything now a days and the overrated chant are my two sports pet peeves.

Obviously agree. 25 beating a 2 at home? What was the line in that game even? I chuckled when i saw kids rushing the floor. Rushing out from under those banners...yeah, act like you've done it before and show you expected to win that game.


Huge, ridiculous wins should be the only that people rush the floor for.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 07:01 PM)
Obviously agree. 25 beating a 2 at home? What was the line in that game even? I chuckled when i saw kids rushing the floor. Rushing out from under those banners...yeah, act like you've done it before and show you expected to win that game.


Huge, ridiculous wins should be the only that people rush the floor for.


Let me backtrack and state that I don't disagree at all with Aboz reasoning. If rushing the court is an acceptable thing, then I can see why it happened last night. My point is simply, rushing the court should not happen. It has become a "thing to do" these days rather than something done after a truly special event.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 07:01 PM)
Obviously agree. 25 beating a 2 at home? What was the line in that game even? I chuckled when i saw kids rushing the floor. Rushing out from under those banners...yeah, act like you've done it before and show you expected to win that game.


Huge, ridiculous wins should be the only that people rush the floor for.

IU was favored.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 07:21 PM)
I'm not saying it's right, but when is the last time a school that was ranked lower than the opponent didn't rush the court?


ESPN has made this a norm, and it's not going stop until something really awful happens.

It happens all the time and it's ridiculous. Once again, IU was favored in this game and for people who have watched that team play over the last few weeks, it was certainly a good possibility that they would win that game. I know you didn't rush the court cause you forgot your parachute but overall I just think rushing the floor needs to stop.

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Most of you guys aren't old enough to remember it, but the real fun was when fans flooded the court with rolls of toilet paper after the home team scored their first basket of the game. Of course, that practice didn't last very long, but it was a pretty cool sight when done right.



Old Codger

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Feb 1, 2007 -> 08:24 PM)
It happens all the time and it's ridiculous. Once again, IU was favored in this game and for people who have watched that team play over the last few weeks, it was certainly a good possibility that they would win that game. I know you didn't rush the court cause you forgot your parachute but overall I just think rushing the floor needs to stop.


I wouldn't have, even if I was in a better seat. I could have against Illinois last year and IIRC Michigan State my frosh year, and I didn't both times.


I don't like the idea of rushing the court, but I don't really care for the extreme negativity (not here) towards it either.

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