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Fear of Flying

Rex Kickass

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I am right with you on the fear of flying.The whole time i think what if the engines fail.or the wing breaks.or the pilot makes a fatal mistake,run out of gas.All i can say is we need to be sedated cause their is nothing they can tell me to ease my fear.

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I also hate flying. With every little noise part of my brain is screaming that the engine is falling off. Drugs, and a tight grip on the arm rest is about all I can do most of the time. Occasionally, at least while mid-flight, a good book distracts me from the fact that I am on a plane. But takeoffs and landing I am a mess inside. One time i had to take one of those commuter planes to missouri. I swear it was like riding a rollercoaster. My bouys loved it, I thought I was gonna pass out. Good luck! 2 hours is about all I think I can take.

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Visualization, bio feedback, and logic.


Start by tracking your flight each day and see how it arrives on time, early, late, etc. Then begin to think about the powerful takeoff, perhaps some banking left or right, maybe an in-flight jostle or two. As you feel your pulse quicken or getting anxious, calm yourself down. Basically take this flight as often as possible before leaving the ground.


I would also recommend bringing along some books, music, or movies that will distract you. Cut off as many environmental receptors as possible.

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Probably best to try and get an aisle seat when you book in, so you're not looking outside at things like the wing.


Make sure you have some good entertainment with you, so at least you're concentrating on that (things like I-Pods etc.)


You could always take a sleeping pill as well maybe.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 01:13 AM)
I'm flying to Iceland next month.


I have a crippling fear of flying. How can I get past it?

I have an intense fear of flying and I fly around 8-10 times a month, and travel 50-75 percent of the time. The way I get over it? Reading books while its taking off, not sitting in the window seat, possibly take some depressents before flying, or just sitting back and bearing the pain. I HATE taking off more than anything, its the worse, every time the plane levels off my stomach drops.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 01:13 AM)
I'm flying to Iceland next month.


I have a crippling fear of flying. How can I get past it?

I could offer my typical solution of watching Fearless and Alive, but honestly, there's nothing you can about it. Reading self-help books won't assist much. You have to experience it for yourself and learn to overcome such a fear.


I believe you have to embody sort of a, "eh, f*** it" approach. Most often, individuals with this mindset are most adapt to flying. They're the ones who tell themselves dying in an aircrash is quick, or "if it's their time; it's their time." Neither I agree with, but my uncle continually uses this logic. I tell him, "what about TWA 800 -- the passengers on that flight were aware half their plane was missing," but he shrugs it off. Basically, turn off your brain during flight. :D


As much as I joke, I'm not exactly thrilled with flying, either. People can explain to me the statistical facts concerning airline safety all they want. "It's a 1,000 times safer, etc. etc." It's just the mere concept of flying 6-7 miles above the earth, 300mph, without a single bit of control which worries me. Atleast in my car I'm able to control my actions. Yes, other drivers can certaintly hit me, but I enjoy the concept of being no more than two feet off the ground.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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What gets me through flying, even though I really don't have a fear as much as an excitement, is to nerd out.


I think of the engineering feats that gets that flying metal tube off the ground. Sure, I've been scared with bad takeoffs and landings...flying through horrible weather and the like, but at the end of the day, you will get there.


The other thing I try to think of is the millions of people who have done that action before me and survived. yes, there are people who haven't, but there is a far, far, FAR greater majority that are fine.


Concentrate on what a fantastic time you are going to have in Iceland and if you see Bjork, get her autograph for me.

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I agree with Flash on the F it approach, I didn't have a crippling fear of flying, but definite fear existed, and that worked for me.


A little thing I do is watch the flight attendants, they've been through it all most likely, and if you're nervous they're usually calm and collected, which puts me at ease. (i've never had one freak out, so it works so far)

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Buy a portable DVD player and watch a movie or two. Time flys ;)


I actually don't mind flying and I love taking off. My friend freaks out and holds on for dear life at any sign of turbulence. I told him when you drive your car you hit bumps in the road. These are just bumps in the air. There's nothing unusual about them. The best thing for him though is to be distracted and a movie usually works best. Flying at night should help as well...

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 11:40 AM)
Now, I have a bigger question, why the hell would you want to go to Iceland? South America I can understand, but you are going to Iceland? And I know it's nicer than Greenland.


Don't ya read the boards here? He's going to see The Sugarcubes reform for one night only.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 12:16 PM)
Don't ya read the boards here? He's going to see The Sugarcubes reform for one night only.


Hey, I'm new around here, do you think I have all day to read threads?



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QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 12:11 PM)
I love flying, especially the take off. I'm amazed at how it all works. After that I am so bored I fall asleep. The worst part IMO is the ear popping. That I absolutely hate.

That's probably number two on my list. As I kid I had numerous ear infections, and whenever I was aboard an airplane it wasn't a pleasant experience.


Personally, I've always HATED the smell of an airplane. They have their own fragrance, like a new car. It didn't matter which airline either-- all were alike, and it was nauseating to me. Recirculated air mixed with whatever else was terrible.


I haven't been aboard an airplane in 6 years so perhaps it has changed. All I know is immediately stepping aboard an aircraft would give me a headache from breathing in that crap.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 18, 2006 -> 02:13 AM)
I'm flying to Iceland next month.


I have a crippling fear of flying. How can I get past it?


Hopefully you are going there to b*tchslap the Icelanders for deciding to resume commercial whale hunting. :angry: :angry:


I dislike the discomfort in my ears and eustachian tubes on landing, but otherwise I really love flying. More than a lack of fear it's more the excitement of getting wherever I'm going.

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I used to really be terrified of flying (actually crashing, but whatever), but I used to fly so much I got over it.


Anyway, what always makes me feel better is wearing loose fitting clothing, so I'm comfortable. I tend to feel claustrophobic on planes, so not having really restricting clothing on (especially around the neck) really makes me feel better. That and lots of deep breathing. You could buy one of those relaxation cd's to play, I find those can be helpful.


And remember: some people pay thousands of dollars to get on a plane and get "cured" using implosion therapy. So, really, you're doing the same thing and saving a bunch of money. :)

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