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Feds net 125 nationwide in kid-porn case


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So sad.. so so sad.





NEWARK, N.J. - A Bible camp counselor and a Boy Scout leader were among 125 people arrested nationwide in an Internet child pornography case in which subscribers purchased photos and videos of children engaged in sex acts with adults, federal authorities said Wednesday.


The case originated in New Jersey, but quickly spread to 22 states. The defendants were charged with either possession or receipt of child pornography. Additional arrests are expected.


Prosecutors said the Web site alerted subscribers that its content was illegal and urged them to be discreet about their purchases.


"When I say `hard-core' pornography, I am talking about child pornography that includes images of children as young as six months involved in bondage and sodomy," U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said. "This type of depraved conduct is something a civilized society cannot tolerate."


Christie said none of the defendants appeared in any of the images they obtained from the Web site. He would not identify the Web site or say whether it is still in operation.


Among those arrested were a Bible camp counselor from Vancouver, Wash.; a Boy Scout leader from Mission, Texas; and a pharmaceutical researcher in New Jersey.


Several of those arrested nationwide have prior records for molesting or sexually assaulting children, officials said.


One defendant from San Diego told agents at his arrest that he had molested at least eight children over a 30-year period, and boasted of being able to identify particularly vulnerable children, said Christie.


Another defendant from Sacramento, Calif., was found to be in possession of a hand-held video camera with a videotape showing him sexually assaulting an 8-year-old girl, Christie said.


"I'm the father of four young children between the ages of 13 and 3," Christie said. "This is every parent's worst nightmare. It is just deeply disturbing to know there are people like this out there in our neighborhoods."

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Once convicted, they all deserve a very long stay at tax payer expense. :pray for the children and families.


I personally know the Boy Scout leader. He lived and worked in the next town over. He was also a Middle School teacher and coach. Lots of details there really turned my stomache.

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. law enforcement officials on Wednesday said a crackdown on Internet child pornography has resulted in the arrest of 125 people nationwide, including police officers, high school teachers, and a federal border patrol agent.


Those arrested are accused of using a commercial Web site to access videos and images of hard-core pornography involving children as young as infants engaged in sexual activities with adults, according to federal officials.


The suspects allegedly subscribed to the Web site over a period of two to three months late last year and early this year.


"This case should clearly demonstrate to those pedophiles who believe that the Internet provides them with anonymity that they are clearly mistaken," said U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie during a press conference in Newark, New Jersey.


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Many of the 125 suspects were arrested on Wednesday, including 14 in New Jersey, where "Operation Emissary" was initiated.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement joined with the Justice Department to investigate the use of the Internet to access child pornography.


Besides law enforcement officers, those arrested also included a clinical researcher for a pharmaceutical company, military personnel and a Customs and Border Protection officer, according to officials. They said several suspects have been previously convicted of sex offenses against children or were under investigation in other pornography cases.


The charges could bring prison sentences of up to 20 years and large fines.


Federal agents have executed 225 search warrants on personal computers of people who are accused of subscribing to the Web site, according to law enforcement officials.


Interesting how each author picks different occupations to highlight. What do you think that these people cut a wide path through society and could be found in a wide variety of social and economic conditions.

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