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Voter's Guide


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Dear Friend,




Join the thousands who already have recieved their copy. Time is running out. Get yours free today to distribute to your parish and among your network of friends and family.




Order your supply of "Voting for the Common Good: A Practical Guide for Conscientious Catholics" today.



Voter Guides are free of charge to recipients of this email. Feel free to forward to others who may want to distribute these as well. We will ship free to them as well. No cost at all for the guides - please read on and order yours today!




Voting for the Common Good: A Practical Guide for Conscientious Catholics is an essential tool for Catholics who wish to vote their faith this November. It calls us to look beyond divisive politics to the fullness of our Church's teaching on a range of social issues - from poverty, war and torture to health care, immigration and the environment.


NOTE: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system in order to view the guide. Click here to get Adobe Acrobat for free.





By placing Catholic Social Teaching at the center of our discourse, we're expanding the debate and encouraging Catholics across the country to inform their consciences, apply prudence in their choices, and vote for the Common Good. Catholics in Alliance needs your help spreading the word about the fullness of our faith.




Here's what you can do:




Order a quantity of voter guides today. There is no cost for the guide.




We will ship quantities at no cost to reciepiants of this email. Simply email [email protected] - include the amount you need and your mailing address. You may call us at 202-90-0856.




Tell your friends, family, colleagues, and fellow parishioners about Voting for the Common Good.


If you are pastor or other community leader, use Voting for the Common Good as an educational resource, or encourage your pastor and community leaders to do so.


Order printed copies of the guide to hand out at Mass or at church events.

Download and read Voting for the Common Good. (Español)


NOTE: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system in order to view the guide. Click here to get Adobe Acrobat for free.

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