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Early Voting


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I voted today. When the summary came on the screen, in contested contests, I voted for more Republicans and Independents than Dems. Here in South Texas, The GOP doesn't even bother to run a candidate in many races.

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I'll be voting early, this week, since I'll be on the road on 11/7.


For those who are in the Chicago area... Illinois does now allow open early voting, up until 5 days prior to the election, at a number of locations. For those of you who work downtown, one of the locations is good old 69 W. Washington.


Linky for IL early voting

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 03:09 PM)
Another absentee ballot for me as I will be in the middle of the Mojave Desert on election day. All Republicans for me with the exception of Lipinski for Congress.

Want to know the scary thing? I'll be right out there that weekend as well. Field trip through part of the Mojave & Owens Valley.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 05:11 PM)
Want to know the scary thing? I'll be right out there that weekend as well. Field trip through part of the Mojave & Owens Valley.



If you know where Ft. Irwin is that's where I'll be from Friday up until the day before Thanksgiving.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 03:31 PM)
If you know where Ft. Irwin is that's where I'll be from Friday up until the day before Thanksgiving.

Wow, your out in the middle of nowhere. I was just through that area a month ago. Balta, what do you think of Owens Valley ever getting its water back. I saw an article about them still fighting just recently since you LA people stole it all :lol:

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I will be voting early.


Napolitano over Munsil

Peterson over Kyl

Simon over Renzi


Then I still have to decide on 16 propositions on the ballot


One that I will vote for is the Smoking ban which outlaws smoking in all public places expect Bars.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 04:28 PM)
Wow, your out in the middle of nowhere. I was just through that area a month ago. Balta, what do you think of Owens Valley ever getting its water back. I saw an article about them still fighting just recently since you LA people stole it all :lol:

They're never going to get all of it back, but it would certainly be nice if they could get enough to get the Owens river flowing again.


A few projects have actually managed to succeed in getting a few drops out of L.A. Mono Lake is ever so slowly going back up a little bit...and a few years ago they began irrigating the now dry Owens lake, because the dust from it was a major component of the air pollution out here (seriously, the clean air act made L.A. give up a little bit of its water).


And anyway, it's not like L.A. is the only area out here that has stolen water. Mexico would love to get a few more drops of the Colorado River, but that ain't happening, and then there's the whole mess with Lake Powell on top of that.


Water resources are going to be some of the most interesting and volatile debates in the next century as populations continue to increase and climate patterns shift rapidly.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 10:06 PM)
I think it's sort of strange to talk about "early voting". Absentee, ya, I understand. But "early voting"? That's one of the things that they said skewed the exit polling on election day two years ago.


Kind of weird, to me.


Yah yah yah, go make our next Governor a Jewish Cowboy :D

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 09:35 PM)
They're never going to get all of it back, but it would certainly be nice if they could get enough to get the Owens river flowing again.


A few projects have actually managed to succeed in getting a few drops out of L.A. Mono Lake is ever so slowly going back up a little bit...and a few years ago they began irrigating the now dry Owens lake, because the dust from it was a major component of the air pollution out here (seriously, the clean air act made L.A. give up a little bit of its water).


And anyway, it's not like L.A. is the only area out here that has stolen water. Mexico would love to get a few more drops of the Colorado River, but that ain't happening, and then there's the whole mess with Lake Powell on top of that.


Water resources are going to be some of the most interesting and volatile debates in the next century as populations continue to increase and climate patterns shift rapidly.


Water is an issue that much of the country is only vaguely aware of. Its of course a huge issue in the most parts of the West. And it will be a larger and larger issue going forward. If the current policies of choosing drilling over water keep occurring, I'll remain convinced that most lawmakers are blissfully ignorant of the problem.


QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 23, 2006 -> 10:06 PM)
I think it's sort of strange to talk about "early voting". Absentee, ya, I understand. But "early voting"? That's one of the things that they said skewed the exit polling on election day two years ago.


Kind of weird, to me.


I like it. In fact, I personally think voting should be a period of a couple weeks anyway, instead of 1 day. It woudl result in higher turnout, less problems with people not getting to vote, a chance for agencies to shake out any problems with time to spare... lots of positives.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 24, 2006 -> 01:14 PM)
Water is an issue that much of the country is only vaguely aware of. Its of course a huge issue in the most parts of the West. And it will be a larger and larger issue going forward. If the current policies of choosing drilling over water keep occurring, I'll remain convinced that most lawmakers are blissfully ignorant of the problem.

I like it. In fact, I personally think voting should be a period of a couple weeks anyway, instead of 1 day. It woudl result in higher turnout, less problems with people not getting to vote, a chance for agencies to shake out any problems with time to spare... lots of positives.

Yea, you're right. I'm in the middle on this issue.

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Water is a huge issue here. On one end, Mexico owes us a couple trillion acre feet of water from a 150 year old treaty, water our farmers badly needs and on the other, on our ballot is a $100,000,000 bond issue to improve storm water drainage throughout the county.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Homestretch!


Friends and neighbors, we're down to the last hours and minutes of the campaign. Everything we have worked so hard for for nearly 2 years comes down to this: if the voters turn out in force, Kinky Friedman will be our next governor! Get out and VOTE!


This isn't going to be easy, but we can do it! We're not going to waltz to victory; we need to claw and scratch and fight for every single vote.


If you have already voted, thank you! You've taken the most important step in electing Kinky, but there's still more you can do.


Encourage everyone you know to get out and vote for Kinky on Tuesday. Offer to take someone to the polls who may not be able to get there on their own. Come by Austin HQ at 701 E. Ben White Blvd. and make some calls Monday or Tuesday between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM. If you can't make it to HQ, call us at (512) 326-5465, and we'll set you up with some phone numbers to call on your own! You'll need access to a fax machine if you want to call remotely!


If you have not yet voted, election day is this Tuesday, November 7th. If you are a registered Texas voter, there is no excuse for not getting to the polls on time. Take a friend or two with you to the polls. Vote early and get to work late. Take a long lunch. Leave work early if you have to. We can only win if Texas sees a massive turnout, so get out there early and vote Kinky!


We've been saying all along that Kinky's voters are the 71% of Texans who didn't bother to vote in 2002. If we can bring a million new voters to the polls on Tuesday, we'll be making history as we install the first independent governor in nearly 150 years. Get ready for a Kinky administration!


"The calvary ain't riding in to save us, folks. It's up to us to save Texas." -- Kinky Friedman


You know the politicians are counting on apathy. You know they're in it for their own gain. The system is closed and both parties want to keep it that way. Disaster awaits us if we stay on their course.


So reach down deep. It's not going to be easy, but nothing good ever is. Work the vote, get out the word. We have until the polls close Tuesday night.


Texas needs you.


The Kinky Friedman campaign



-Go Kinky!

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 24, 2006 -> 07:14 AM)
I like it. In fact, I personally think voting should be a period of a couple weeks anyway, instead of 1 day. It woudl result in higher turnout, less problems with people not getting to vote, a chance for agencies to shake out any problems with time to spare... lots of positives.


I disagree. I think it will keep voter turnout the same or possibly lower. UNLESS, they don't release preliminary results until election day. I believe I saw a blurb this morning from the Dallas Morning News that they all but declared Rick Perry has been re-elected. That makes me wanna get out and vote, but there are a lot of people out there who may see that and say to themselves, "What difference is my vote gonna make?"


Plus, early voting to me is like leaving a Sox game early...you never know what might happen. Seriously, with the amount of media coverage these people get, what if something comes out that could alter your feelings for a candidate? Personally, I think they should make voting easier and put it online (if they can keep the hackers out), or at least make it a day that most people can get to...or even a weekend long election day.


I will be voting, but I'll be voting on Tuesday.

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I'm just excited to vote tomorrow. I've got my sheet all written out with who I want to vote for. Although, there were a few positions with no good choices (NYS Comptroller), but I'm still pretty pumped.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 03:29 PM)
Hevesi is less corrupt than Giuliani.


He had a state chauffeur drive his wife around in her car with her credit card being used for gas.


Giuliani gave his wife a full NYC police detail to his mistress. While married.

Plus his name sounds like a cognac. Added bonus!

I think I'm going with the green party candidate, less corrupt is still too corrupt for me.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 12:17 PM)
Personally, I think they should make voting easier and put it online (if they can keep the hackers out),


that would be a very risky move. it would be extremely difficult/expensive to have it online and safe.

Edited by mr_genius
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