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Freddy Sanchez


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I agree if we could get him, Nixon, and Fossum for Colon and maybe even Gordon I would do it.


I would hold out for Nomar, Manny, and Pedro. It's nearly as likely as getting the Red Sox's top two upper level prospects and a decent CFer for two rent-a-players.


MAYBE the Red Sox do Fossum and a lower tier prospect. Maybe.

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I think they would be willing to do it cause they have two other good middle infield/3rd base prospects.


I think we'd be nuts to trade him straight up for Colon though. We would have to get Nixon as well and a pitcher. I still think a Fossum, Nixon, Sanchez deal would be nice for Colon and Flash.


We get a shortstop and outfielder while getting a solid young lefty. If they don't give up Fossum, then we ask for another good pitcher.

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I agree if we could get him, Nixon, and Fossum for Colon and maybe even Gordon I would do it. 


It gives us the CF, SS, and another LHP to go in the rotation with Mark and Stewert.

Damn, didn't read your post until I made my post, but it looks like we see things eye to eye.

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I would hold out for Nomar, Manny, and Pedro.  It's nearly as likely as getting the Red Sox's top two upper level prospects and a decent CFer for two rent-a-players.


MAYBE the Red Sox do Fossum and a lower tier prospect.  Maybe.

But if it ends their curse it will be well worth it.


The thing is David Ortiz could go to the outfield. I think somehow we'd have to give them an outfielder to replace Nixon (Rowand), a reliever, and Colon and we could get the package of three.


Colon, Lowe and Pedro can take them to the series and they'll have quite the punch.

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I like the trade, but it says in there scouts see Sanchez as an ideal second baseman? and really, Nixon isn't a natural CF.


I mean, if they can do the job there, great, but keep in mind a lot of people don't like the Sox because they rely on guys adjusting to a position, rather than putting them at their natural spot.


if the Sox scout believe Sanchez is a shortstop, I would do the deal. I like Nixon and Fossum looks to be solid pitcher. Problem is, where would Nixon play?


if he were to play CF, we can't afford to have Lee in left, instead we'd need Borchard and Nixon in left/center in some fashion and defensively we are fine in the OF. that would be cool with me as Lee could then move to 1B/DH with Thomas, but then we still have Konerko and his $7+ million.


UNLESS, the Sox were to trade Lee and hope Konerko can return, but not sure dumping Lee would be wise considering we can probably sign him to a rather cheap deal.

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I like the trade, but it says in there scouts see Sanchez as an ideal second baseman?  and really, Nixon isn't a natural CF. 


I mean, if they can do the job there, great, but keep in mind a lot of people don't like the Sox because they rely on guys adjusting to a position, rather than putting them at their natural spot.


if the Sox scout believe Sanchez is a shortstop, I would do the deal.  I like Nixon and Fossum looks to be solid pitcher. Problem is, where would Nixon play?


if he were to play CF, we can't afford to have Lee in left, instead we'd need Borchard and Nixon in left/center in some fashion and defensively we are fine in the OF.  that would be cool with me as Lee could then move to 1B/DH with Thomas, but then we still have Konerko and his $7+ million.


UNLESS, the Sox were to trade Lee and hope Konerko can return, but not sure dumping Lee would be wise considering we can probably sign him to a rather cheap deal.

Well my logic would be to acquire those guys and then move out some of the other position players for what you can get in return.


Also in regards to Sanchez he has been playing specatular defense at 3rd base. He has a good arm and very good range. This kid will be a good defensive shortstop and offensively he is good too.


Nixon is really good too. I wouldn't play him in center for too long. I'd eventually move him to left. I also think that the Sox could be best off dealing Magglio at one point in time. When your cheap about things your sometimes best off moving your stars for 3 to 4 good major league players.

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also, if that deal were to happen, then we'd basically gave up Biddle, Liefer, Osuna, Lantigua and Gordon for Sanchez, Fossum and Nixon.


The only guys we give up who are worth something is Biddle and Gordon as Osuna is back on the DL, Liefer was released. we would have to shop for another reliever though too.

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Ordonez is someone they have to keep, at least until he hits 32 or so.


He's one of the better player's in the game. Only way trading him would work is if you get READY, PROVEN major leaguers. if you were to deal Ordonez for prospects, god, I can't imagine the reaction from the fans.

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also, if that deal were to happen, then we'd basically gave up Biddle, Liefer, Osuna, Lantigua and Gordon for Sanchez, Fossum and Nixon.


The only guys we give up who are worth something is Biddle and Gordon as Osuna is back on the DL, Liefer was released.  we would have to shop for another reliever though too.

Well, I think if we did this we'd likely be building for next year, so we'd call up Munoz or Ring and let them work out of the pen gaining experience.


If your going to win down the stretch you need Colon, imo.


After making this deal I'd try to move Konerko somehow and see if someone would take a flyer on him. Of course trading him at his absolute low could be a bad thing if he comes back next year 100%.


Still, I like playing Daubach at first and DH. The Sox would also swing Jose somewhere and he has some value and they could move Koch as well.


Then you still have Buehrle and Loaiza in the front of the rotation and are giving Wright and Garland a bit more time. Defensively the team is way better with Sanchez and Nixon, they are also better offensively in those areas. Pitching staff would have a good lefty if they could lure Fossum, I think its doubtful we could get him, but I'd press for him.


I'd like this











Of course I'd try to move Lee for someone like Juan Encarnacion and then I'd really be happy. Maybe a 3 way deal, Tigers get Carlos Lee, Tigers send a prospect to the Marlins, Sox acquire Juan Encarnacion.


Then we'd have a damn good defensive outfield and a damn good defensive infield and some speed. Encarnacion and Sanchez are fast as is Nixon.

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Ordonez is someone they have to keep, at least until he hits 32 or so.


He's one of the better player's in the game.  Only way trading him would work is if you get READY, PROVEN major leaguers.  if you were to deal Ordonez for prospects, god, I can't imagine the reaction from the fans.

I am never going to say to trade him for prospects. I'd trade him for some really good players. Say, a deal where you get Pat Burrel and Brett Myers from Philly. Not saying they would do it, just an example.


As long as Maggs is really to re-up for something around 8-10 mill a year, then I do it. If he wants more, then in all honesty I wouldn't pay it. The Sox have to manage this club cheaply cause thats how the owner wants it done.


If your going to have a small payroll, you can't pay a guy like 15% of the payroll and have about 3 or 4 players making 80%. That just isn't a sucessful way to operate.


Sign him at to a 4 yr 32 mill deal with some incentives that push it to 40 if he's an all star in 3 of the 4 season. If he wins the MVP he automatically gets 40 mill.


Guaranteed 8 mill, with incentives to take it to 10 mill per season.

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Ordonez is someone they have to keep, at least until he hits 32 or so.


He's one of the better player's in the game.  Only way trading him would work is if you get READY, PROVEN major leaguers.  if you were to deal Ordonez for prospects, god, I can't imagine the reaction from the fans.

I am never going to say to trade him for prospects. I'd trade him for some really good players. Say, a deal where you get Pat Burrel and Brett Myers from Philly. Not saying they would do it, just an example.


As long as Maggs is really to re-up for something around 8-10 mill a year, then I do it. If he wants more, then in all honesty I wouldn't pay it. The Sox have to manage this club cheaply cause thats how the owner wants it done.


If your going to have a small payroll, you can't pay a guy like 15% of the payroll and have about 3 or 4 players making 80%. That just isn't a sucessful way to operate.


Sign him at to a 4 yr 32 mill deal with some incentives that push it to 40 if he's an all star in 3 of the 4 season. If he wins the MVP he automatically gets 40 mill.


Guaranteed 8 mill, with incentives to take it to 10 mill per season.

Are you kidding me? Ordonez would laugh at a 4 year 32 mil deal. He is due to make $14 mil next year, do you really think he is going to take a near 50% pay cut? If we are going to insult him with an offer we might as well do what the A's have done with Tejada and just flat out tell him that we can't afford to resign him.

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But Southsider, he was paid on the long haul and average of 10 mill or so, it may of been 9. Yes, he will get 14 next year but that was because he was at a much lower salary for a while.


I'm sorry in this new era of a bit softer salaries, you don't pay a guy 14 million a year unless his name is Arod or Vladdy. And I don't give Vlad a cent more.

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you'll have to give him the same money he's making jas.


you'd have to pay him 4 yr, between $55-$60 mil. he won't get much more than what he's getting now since the market is no longerl like that.

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you can probably give him less since Ordonez doesn't seem like the one to leave for a few extra mil. he's a quiet guy who, at least it appears, likes it here. I think at the minimum, you can sign him for $13 a year.

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you'll have to give him the same money he's making jas.


you'd have to pay him 4 yr, between $55-$60 mil.  he won't get much more than what he's getting now since the market is no longerl like that.

But he only got 10 mill a year in that deal, once you average it out.


If the Sox pay him 14 mill they would be idiots. Mark it down in my mind. Magglio is awesome, but only the very best are worth 14 mill and even that presses it.


The Times, they are a changing. This is just my philosphy and its what I'd go by if I was the general manager. You either sign to a deal that works for the whole team or you do something, ala, the Mariners and get good players in return for them and take the money you were willing to spend and tie up a few guys long term as well as sign two to three good players to shorter term deals.


Long term deals are way too risky. I also wouldn't ever go more then a 4 yr deal for a player cause after that you really don't know.

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you can probably give him less since Ordonez doesn't seem like the one to leave for a few extra mil.  he's a quiet guy who, at least it appears, likes it here.  I think at the minimum, you can sign him for $13 a year.

Then I would trade him. I love Magglio, but he's not a 13 mill a year player. In my mind Manny Ramirez, Vladdy, Arod, and even Soriano are guys that I'd pay that type of money. I wouldn't do it for Magglio. He's one slot below this guys.


Now if there are incentives to boost it up to that, I wouldn't have as much of a problem, cause it kind of guarantees that if he gets that much, he's producing to that pay.


I'm a huge fan of incentive contracts cause they are a great motivating factor for a player and also great insurance for a team.

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chisoxfn, I really like you starting lineup on the 1st page. The only problem is that I don't think the parts add up. I think the Sox would be giving up too little and getting too much in return. Still a good idea though and a team that is much more athletic and better defensively.


I think Fossum and Sanchez for Colon and Gordon is a fair trade for both teams. You have to take into consideration that Colon and Gordon might not be rent a players for Boston. They will probably be one of the teams after Colon this offseason, so if he pitches well for them they would probably make a good effort at resigning him. If Gordon pitches well for them, than they might also attempt to resign him for 1 or 2 years with their bullpen problems. Boston won't be giving up players that play an important role. Fossum has been moved out of the rotation and Sanchez is a utility infielder right now not getting much PT. In return they get a front of the rotation starter and a solid right handed reliever. Add that to the #1 offense in the AL and a poor pitching staff and the Red Sox are much improved and maybe the favorites to come out of the AL in the playoffs. You don't think Boston management would trade 2 prospects for 2 players that could put them over the hump and in the WS? The White Sox get a SS for the future that they need. Sanchez's natural position is short and from what I have heard he is a pretty solid defensive player. He doesn't have a great arm or range, but is solid in both catogories. Fossum is a lefty starter with plus stuff and decent major league sucess in his career.


Can the Sox please trade Konerko. I was never a huge fan of Konerko even when he was hitting, because he still was a one dimensional player. He is average at best defensively, possible the slowest player in the game, and refuses to walk. When he isn't hitting he might be the worst everyday hitter in baseball. The Sox need to get more athletic and getting rid of Konerko is a start. I would say wait until he has heated up, but I seriously don't know when that will be so just get rid of him for a used jock for all I care. I could never understand why people thought that Konerko was better then Lee.

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When [Konerko] isn't hitting he might be the worst everyday hitter in baseball.


About a month ago there was a "Konerko is the worst player in baseball" thread....Guess who started it? :lol:


Of course that degenerative hip condition and an 8 Mill tag don't help his case.

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chisoxfn, I really like you starting lineup on the 1st page. The only problem is that I don't think the parts add up. I think the Sox would be giving up too little and getting too much in return. Still a good idea though and a team that is much more athletic and better defensively.


I think Fossum and Sanchez for Colon and Gordon is a fair trade for both teams. You have to take into consideration that Colon and Gordon might not be rent a players for Boston. They will probably be one of the teams after Colon this offseason, so if he pitches well for them they would probably make a good effort at resigning him. If Gordon pitches well for them, than they might also attempt to resign him for 1 or 2 years with their bullpen problems. Boston won't be giving up players that play an important role. Fossum has been moved out of the rotation and Sanchez is a utility infielder right now not getting much PT. In return they get a front of the rotation starter and a solid right handed reliever. Add that to the #1 offense in the AL and a poor pitching staff and the Red Sox are much improved and maybe the favorites to come out of the AL in the playoffs. You don't think Boston management would trade 2 prospects for 2 players that could put them over the hump and in the WS? The White Sox get a SS for the future that they need. Sanchez's natural position is short and from what I have heard he is a pretty solid defensive player. He doesn't have a great arm or range, but is solid in both catogories. Fossum is a lefty starter with plus stuff and decent major league sucess in his career.


Can the Sox please trade Konerko. I was never a huge fan of Konerko even when he was hitting, because he still was a one dimensional player. He is average at best defensively, possible the slowest player in the game, and refuses to walk. When he isn't hitting he might be the worst everyday hitter in baseball. The Sox need to get more athletic and getting rid of Konerko is a start. I would say wait until he has heated up, but I seriously don't know when that will be so just get rid of him for a used jock for all I care. I could never understand why people thought that Konerko was better then Lee.

Well Nixon is one guy I want for sure. I absolutely love Trot as a player. He comes in and brings a left handed stick, which is pretty damn good and he is also a good defensive player and a good baserunner. He'd bring so much to this club.


If the BoSox wanted more then those two, I'd also give them Kelly Wunsch, since we have so many good left handed relievers in the minors.


I just think an ace pitcher is worth two prospects and a good player. Especially since Boston would also add one or two really valuable players to their pen. They would add 3 guys that would fill a huge role, losing one.


Plus, they have some other real good infield prospects in the minors.


I'm also with you on Konerko. Damn, would I like to rebuild this team with some athletic, quick, smart players.

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