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Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks

Richard Kerbaj

October 26, 2006

THE nation's most senior Muslim cleric has blamed immodestly dressed women who don't wear Islamic headdress for being preyed on by men and likened them to abandoned "meat" that attracts voracious animals.

In a Ramadan sermon that has outraged Muslim women leaders, Sydney-based Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali also alluded to the infamous Sydney gang rapes, suggesting the attackers were not entirely to blame.


While not specifically referring to the rapes, brutal attacks on four women for which a group of young Lebanese men received long jail sentences, Sheik Hilali said there were women who "sway suggestively" and wore make-up and immodest dress ... "and then you get a judge without mercy (rahma) and gives you 65 years".


"But the problem, but the problem all began with who?" he asked.


The leader of the 2000 rapes in Sydney's southwest, Bilal Skaf, a Muslim, was initially sentenced to 55 years' jail, but later had the sentence reduced on appeal.


In the religious address on adultery to about 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, Sheik Hilali said: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?


"The uncovered meat is the problem."


The sheik then said: "If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred."


He said women were "weapons" used by "Satan" to control men.


"It is said in the state of zina (adultery), the responsibility falls 90 per cent of the time on the woman. Why? Because she possesses the weapon of enticement (igraa)."


Muslim community leaders were yesterday outraged and offended by Sheik Hilali's remarks, insisting the cleric was no longer worthy of his title as Australia's mufti.


Young Muslim adviser Iktimal Hage-Ali - who does not wear a hijab - said the Islamic headdress was not a "tool" worn to prevent rape and sexual harassment. "It's a symbol that readily identifies you as being Muslim, but just because you don't wear the headscarf doesn't mean that you're considered fresh meat for sale," the former member of John Howard's Muslim advisory board told The Australian. "The onus should not be on the female to not attract attention, it should be on males to learn how to control themselves."


Australia's most prominent female Muslim leader, Aziza Abdel-Halim, said the hijab did not "detract or add to a person's moral standards", while Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Waleed Ali said it was "ignorant and naive" for anyone to believe that a hijab could stop sexual assault.


"Anyone who is foolish enough to believe that there is a relationship between rape or unwelcome sexual interference and the failure to wear a hijab, clearly has no understanding of the nature of sexual crime," he said.


Ms Hage-Ali said she was "disgusted and offended" by Shiek Hilali's comments. "I find it very offensive that a man who considers himself as a mufti, a leader of Australia's Muslims, can give comment that lacks intelligence and common sense."


Yesterday, the mufti defended the sermon about "adultery and theft", a recorded copy of which has been obtained and translated by The Australian.


Sheik Hilali said he only meant to refer to prostitutes as "meat" and not any scantily dressed woman with no hijab, despite him not mentioning the word prostitute during the 17-minute talk.


He told The Australian the message he intended to convey was: "If a woman who shows herself off, she is to blame ... but a man should be able to control himself". He said if a woman is "covered and respectful" she "demands respect from a man". "But when she is cheap, she throws herself at the man and cheapens herself."


Sheik Hilali also insisted his references to the Sydney gang rapes were to illustrate that Skaf was guilty and worthy of receiving such a harsh sentence.


Waleed Ali said Sheik Hilali was "normalising immoral sexual behaviour" by comparing women to meat and men to animals and entirely blaming women for being victims.


"It's basically saying that the immoral response of men to women who are not fully covered is as natural and as inevitable as the response of an animal tempted by food," he said.


"But (unlike animals) men are people who have moral responsibilities and the capability in engaging in moral action."


Revelation of the mufti's comments comes after he criticised Mr Howard last month in The Australian for saying a minority of migrant men mistreated their women. Sheik Hilali said such a minority was found in all faiths. "Those who don't respect their women are not true Muslims."


"There's a small percentage found among all religions, but we don't recognise ours as Muslims."


Aziza Abdel-Halim said Sheik Hilali's remarks during Ramadan were inaccurate and upsetting to the Muslim community.


"They are below and beyond any comment (and) do not deserve any consideration."

Ladies, this is what you have to look forward to from our new Muslim overlords.

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The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.


Pat Robertson, Presidential candidate 1992.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 11:31 PM)
Pat Robertson, Presidential candidate 1992.



Lets deconstruct that quote:


Socialist: Check


Anti-Family: Check


Leave their Husbands: Check


Kill their Children: Their support of Abortion as a means of contraception = Check


Practice Witchcraft: That's too looney even for feminazis. NoGo on this one.


Destroy Capitalism: Check


Become Lesbians: Check


Robertson was 6/7 on that one.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 08:39 AM)
Lets deconstruct that quote:


Socialist: Check


Anti-Family: Check


Leave their Husbands: Check


Kill their Children: Their support of Abortion as a means of contraception = Check


Practice Witchcraft: That's too looney even for feminazis. NoGo on this one.


Destroy Capitalism: Check


Become Lesbians: Check


Robertson was 6/7 on that one.


To say your views are on the far right on this issue would be like saying its been a while since the Cubs won a world series.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:39 AM)
Lets deconstruct that quote:


Socialist: Check


Anti-Family: Check


Leave their Husbands: Check


Kill their Children: Their support of Abortion as a means of contraception = Check


Practice Witchcraft: That's too looney even for feminazis. NoGo on this one.


Destroy Capitalism: Check


Become Lesbians: Check


Robertson was 6/7 on that one.


So what you're basically saying is that the only difference between you and the mullah is a disagreement over a headcovering? Okay. It is, after all, just a matter of degrees at this point.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
So what you're basically saying is that the only difference between you and the mullah is a disagreement over a headcovering? Okay. It is, after all, just a matter of degrees at this point.



Ive heard some pretty asinine things come from you but that just tops the cake. Go find me one post where I advocate women being treated as second class citizens. Go find me one post where I state women shouldn't have the right to vote. Go find me one post where I advocate husbands beating their wives. Go find me one post where I say that you need 5 witnesses to prove rape.


I wont hold my breath.


It'll be a lot easier, though, for you to find posts written by me where I bemoan how awful women are treated in the Islamic world.


Just because I dont agree with the radical feminist agenda I must be one of the mullah's huh?


What the f*** ever. Go to the store and buy yourself a f***ing clue.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 10:39 AM)
Ive heard some pretty asinine things come from you but that just tops the cake. Go find me one post where I advocate women being treated as second class citizens. Go find me one post where I state women shouldn't have the right to vote. Go find me one post where I advocate husbands beating their wives. Go find me one post where I say that you need 5 witnesses to prove rape.


I wont hold my breath.


It'll be a lot easier, though, for you to find posts written by me where I bemoan how awful women are treated in the Islamic world.


Just because I dont agree with the radical feminist agenda I must be one of the mullah's huh?


What the f*** ever. Go to the store and buy yourself a f***ing clue.

Nuke believes women should have equal rights (under the law) as men. So, Nuke, how does that NOT make you a feminist again?


You may deny the label, but you fit the description.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:41 AM)
Nuke believes women should have equal rights (under the law) as men. So, Nuke, how does that NOT make you a feminist again?


You may deny the label, but you fit the description.



Wanting women to have equal treatment under the law is common sense. The radical feminist agenda is nothing even remotely related to that.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 10:44 AM)
Wanting women to have equal treatment under the law is common sense. The radical feminist agenda is nothing even remotely related to that.

Well then, I've not met any radical feminists.

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If you believe that men are oppressors.........



If you believe in abortion on demand.............



If you believe in preferential treatment for women similar to affirmative action.........



If you openly hostile to the concept of marriage between a man and a woman..............



Oh hell, it's all right here.




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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 09:56 AM)
If you believe that men are oppressors.........

If you believe in abortion on demand.............

If you believe in preferential treatment for women similar to affirmative action.........

If you openly hostile to the concept of marriage between a man and a woman..............

Oh hell, it's all right here.


Nuke, 1969 called. It wants its political angst back.


I really cannot think of a human being I've seen on TV or met in person that fits the above. This "radical feminist agenda" thing is a figment of someone's imagination at this point in time.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 03:07 PM)
Nuke, 1969 called. It wants its political angst back.


I really cannot think of a human being I've seen on TV or met in person that fits the above. This "radical feminist agenda" thing is a figment of someone's imagination at this point in time.

How about Andrea Dworkin and Catharine A. MacKinnon? I understand that you probably have never met them, but they fit that radical part quite nicely. We should send these two over to the mid east to kick some Muslim butt!

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 11:54 AM)
How about Andrea Dworkin and Catharine A. MacKinnon? I understand that you probably have never met them, but they fit that radical part quite nicely. We should send these two over to the mid east to kick some Muslim butt!

Well, one of them is dead, so. . .


And Catharine MacKinnon is considered a real outlier in the feminist movement mostly because of her VERY strong anti-pornography stance. Other than that I'm not aware that she is so radical. . .ETA: I believe that b**** has also represented some of women victims from some of the Eastern European genocides.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 10:54 AM)
How about Andrea Dworkin and Catharine A. MacKinnon? I understand that you probably have never met them, but they fit that radical part quite nicely. We should send these two over to the mid east to kick some Muslim butt!

You know, what you hit on there is an interesting political point. I'd think it might be a smart move for the GOP to center their marketing regarding the war/defense/terror around the treatment of women under extremist regimes in the Middle East. That may be very effective in appealing to women voters. Early on in the Afghanistan conflict, that was a big issue, but it seems to have subsided. The reality is still there though, in some countries and some cultures.

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One thing we hear on here alot is that these radical thoughts come from the fringes of Muslims, a minorityof them think thatway, etc. Iwonderhow 'fringe' THE nation's most senior Muslim cleric is, since these views were from him?


An article on Musims and rape in Sweden.




Selected lines:

An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are "asking for rape.


“It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words.


The number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Western nations are so extremely high that it is difficult to view them only as random acts of individuals.


Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects

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OK, Rainbow coalition, now it's your turn. Some Muslims in England are after you, too.



Muslim cleric 'backs execution of gays'

Don Frame

A ROW has blown up over a claim a prominent Manchester Muslim has defended the execution of sexually-active gay people as "justified".


Arshad Misbahi, a junior Imam at the city's Central Mosque is alleged to have confirmed that it is an acceptable punishment in Iraq and Iran.


His comments are said to have been made to psychotherapist Dr John Casson who is researching the persecution of gays in Islamic states. But they have been condemned as "encouraging conflict between the area's large gay and Muslim communities.




Dr Casson said: "He told me that in a true Islamic state, such punishments were part of Islam if the person had had a trial, at which four witnesses testified that they had seen the actual homosexual acts."


He went on: "I asked him what would be the British Muslim view and he repeated that in an Islamic state these punishments were justified.


"They might result in the deaths of thousands, but if this deterred millions from having sex and spreading disease, then it was worthwhile to protect the wider community."


It is understood Imam Misbahi believes his comments were taken out of context and misrepresented. He says will be issuing a statement to clarify his views

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Oct 28, 2006 -> 07:13 PM)
What do you want us to do about it monkey? Are we just supposed to start disliking muslims or what?

Toquoteoneofour liberal posters,

Balta1701 Oct 26, 2006 -> 03:40 PM Post #7


First they came for _____, and I did nothing, because I was not a ____.


First they came for women, then gays, who is next? Next it will be ok to kill Canadians because they gave the world Celine Dion. Then the Amish because compared to Muslim women, those Amish babes are real whores. Where will it end?

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 28, 2006 -> 02:26 PM)
Toquoteoneofour liberal posters,

First they came for women, then gays, who is next? Next it will be ok to kill Canadians because they gave the world Celine Dion. Then the Amish because compared to Muslim women, those Amish babes are real whores. Where will it end?



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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 28, 2006 -> 01:26 PM)
Toquoteoneofour liberal posters,

First they came for women, then gays, who is next? Next it will be ok to kill Canadians because they gave the world Celine Dion. Then the Amish because compared to Muslim women, those Amish babes are real whores. Where will it end?

What are you talking about? Who has ever said any of these things you point out are OK? Who has defended idiocy? The only argument people have is with making this into a crusade.


For the umpteenth time... IF YOU MAKE THIS ABOUT RELIGION, THERE WILL BE NO WINNING. You'll just further polarize the situation and give the extremists EXACTLY what they want - a religious crusade. Get it? Its what the extremists on all sides want. A nice, hateful war.

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