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QUOTE(Soxy @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 12:48 PM)
And I don't disagree with your earlier point, it is sad that diseases need a famous name to get some cash thrown their way.

Which is of course the whole reason for writing, and for posting, that Onion piece.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 02:33 PM)
You did see that the Ted Danson article was from The Onion, right?


:lolhitting Best satire anywhere. They fool more people into thinking it's real than any other humor site.

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Katie Couric interviewed Fox today. Here is her report.




October 26, 2006 Next Post | Previous Post


My Interview With Michael J. Fox


I’ve interviewed Michael J. Fox several times before – but never quite like this.


After all the controversy and publicity and debate about his political ad, and the criticism he got from people like Rush Limbaugh, he really is in the eye of a political storm right now. But when he came to our studio for our exclusive interview, he was remarkably calm. He was also obviously symptomatic. He trembled uncontrollably, and his legs shook, but he explained it was actually a side effect of not taking enough medication. He told me he reduced his dosage because he didn’t want to have dyskinesia, which is the side effect of too much medication, and which causes the swaying back and forth that was so evident in the controversial ad for Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill. Fox said that he can never tell from one day to the next how serious his symptoms will be. It’s a crapshoot.


Our interview lasted about 30 minutes, and we covered a wide range of topics. He explained why he favors embryonic stem cell research, why he has taken up this cause now, and why he believes he needs to do everything he can to help find a cure for debilitating diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. He talked about politics and how he supports both Democrats and Republicans -- he’s a big backer of Arlen Specter, among others – and he spoke with great feeling about how he’s living with this disease.


And he emphasized that, despite what his critics have charged, in his words, “I’m not a victim.” He said he spent years having teenage girls put his poster on the wall, but that he threw his vanity out the window years ago. What matters now, he said, is finding a cure for Parkinson’s.


No matter how you feel about the issue of embryonic stem cell research, you can’t help but be moved by Michael J. Fox’s courage.


You can see it for yourself on tonight’s CBS Evening News, and here on The Web.

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I just wish he wouldn't have done the ads and just stuck to what he does best... and that is speaking out on behalf of finding a cure for his disease. By doing the ads, he threw himself into a spectacle that should have never been. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that it was planned by the Dems to use MJF, for the very reasons it's doing right now... attention. And that's the part I disagree with.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 05:34 PM)
I just wish he wouldn't have done the ads and just stuck to what he does best... and that is speaking out on behalf of finding a cure for his disease. By doing the ads, he threw himself into a spectacle that should have never been. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that it was planned by the Dems to use MJF, for the very reasons it's doing right now... attention. And that's the part I disagree with.


Isn't attention what every cause needs?


I think Steff said it best

It's pretty effing sad that a movie/tv/or singing sensation has to have an illness or disease before it get's any attention. Not shame on those trying to cure the problem.. shame on everyone else for needing a Ted, Chris, or MJF to give a s***.
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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 05:34 PM)
I just wish he wouldn't have done the ads and just stuck to what he does best... and that is speaking out on behalf of finding a cure for his disease. By doing the ads, he threw himself into a spectacle that should have never been. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that it was planned by the Dems to use MJF, for the very reasons it's doing right now... attention. And that's the part I disagree with.

I don't believe that for a second. Not that the political partieS are capable of that. But if you look at what Fox has been doing for years, he clearly has been doing everything he can for his cause. And I've seen him show support for those in both parties. I think he could care less which party it is, if the candidate supports the cause.


With all the quibbling we do in here about party loyalty gone extreme, in this case, the issue splits both parties and I think its actually NOT one of those issues.

Edited by NorthSideSox72
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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 05:34 PM)
I just wish he wouldn't have done the ads and just stuck to what he does best... and that is speaking out on behalf of finding a cure for his disease. By doing the ads, he threw himself into a spectacle that should have never been. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that it was planned by the Dems to use MJF, for the very reasons it's doing right now... attention. And that's the part I disagree with.



You can't be serious...


He's been all over the place on SCR since he was diagnosed. He's been in congress, screaming at the senate, even begging Bush personally. Ever hear about that...? Nope. Not until Rush makes some stupid ass comment does it turn into something dirty.






QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Oct 26, 2006 -> 05:09 PM)
He trembled uncontrollably, and his legs shook, but he explained it was actually a side effect of not taking enough medication. He told me he reduced his dosage because he didn’t want to have dyskinesia, which is the side effect of too much medication, and which causes the swaying back and forth that was so evident in the controversial ad for Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill. Fox said that he can never tell from one day to the next how serious his symptoms will be. It’s a crapshoot.


He talked about politics and how he supports both Democrats and Republicans -- he’s a big backer of Arlen Specter, among others – and he spoke with great feeling about how he’s living with this disease.



Too much medicine screws him up, not enough screws him up... wow. Some deck he ended up getting.


Clearly a master manipulator as well. :rolleyes

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 27, 2006 -> 09:29 AM)
My problem with this is when he says "Republicans even want to criminalize... blah blah blah". That's horses***.


Do what he does, fine. Stay out of the political ads.



Because the republican that is facing the dem in that area DOES want to criminalize...bla, bla, bla..?


Maybe that one incident was horses***, but you did say "I'm pretty sure that it was planned by the Dems to use MJF," and that part is horses***. MJF marches to the beat of his own drummer. No one uses him for anything.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 27, 2006 -> 02:40 PM)
Because the republican that is facing the dem in that area DOES want to criminalize...bla, bla, bla..?


Maybe that one incident was horses***, but you did say "I'm pretty sure that it was planned by the Dems to use MJF," and that part is horses***. MJF marches to the beat of his own drummer. No one uses him for anything.

Who contacted who to do the ad?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 27, 2006 -> 12:59 PM)
Who contacted who to do the ad?



Both Dem's and Republican's have contacted him to do ad's for the cause as well as him offering as well as him taking matters into his own hands and going to speak before congress unaccounced or pre-planned.

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Im late to this thread but oh well.


First on showing pictures of fetuses.


Why about 4-5 times a year do I have to see pictures of dead fetuses outside of Union Station, or down Lake Shore Drive?


Its because people want to make a point, and they do it with shock. That is their perrogative, it wont make a hell of a lot of difference to some one who knows the truth, or already has their opinion set. But for those few, a picture may change their entire mindset.


Second to MJF.


Good for him.


Missouri has an amendment to be voted on for stem cell resarch.


This amendment could drastically change MJF life. It could lead to a cure that would make it so that he would not have to do a commercial where he shakes, or where he has to take medicine. It could save his life.


As some one who has had a family members die of parkinsons and alzheimers, you realize that these diseases are worse then death sentences. Im sorry but MJF has a right to speak out, to say what he wants, and to support whoever he choses.


If the Republicans in Mo were the ones trying for stem cell, and the Dems were against, he would be supporting the Republicans. He is not playing party sides, he is playing his own agenda.


But Mo Republicans would rather twist the argument to "if this amendment is passed it will legalize cloning" which is already illegal under federal law, and which almost no one supports.


MJF just wants his best chance, and that is this amendment passing. If that means he has to support the Dems, then he is going to do it. If the Republicans dont like it, they can support stem cell research and I gaurantee MJF will be on the tv supporting your favorite candidate.


The problem is, many people seem to want MJF to support people who are basically trying to make sure he has no chance of survival.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Oct 27, 2006 -> 07:14 PM)
The problem is, many people seem to want MJF to support people who are basically trying to make sure he has no chance of survival.


First, it's not just MO that these ads ran in (or were planned in). That's part of the issue I have with it... because now the agenda has changed.


Second, the line I quoted of yours is the rhetoric I'm talking about and that's crap. Yea, Republicans are stealing your grandma's social security checks, kicking the s*** out of your dog, screwing over the old people's medication, they're racist, and now they're trying to kill MJF.


This is why I wish he could do his "agenda" another way.

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First, it's not just MO that these ads ran in (or were planned in). That's part of the issue I have with it... because now the agenda has changed.


Second, the line I quoted of yours is the rhetoric I'm talking about and that's crap. Yea, Republicans are stealing your grandma's social security checks, kicking the s*** out of your dog, screwing over the old people's medication, they're racist, and now they're trying to kill MJF.


Um its not rhetorical


The best chance MJF has for survival is stem cell research.


If stem cell research is made illegal, the chances of MJF's survival are drastically reduced.


This should not change some ones opinion of stem cell research because my understanding of the reasons against stem cell are not about its perceived scientific uses.


It is all about the potential for misuse, and the protections of the unborn.


Not to mention how is my statement about "republicans".


It clearly is about those against stem cell research, which could be both dems and repubs.


Just in Mo they are republicans. And its clear that MJF has no problem supporting both sides of the fence, as people have already pointed out that he has supported Republicans.


So my question is, why do you think this is an attack against republicans, when it clearly is an attack against those who do not support stem cell, regardless of whether you are dem or republican.


That is my problem with this, that people want to make it about party affiliation, when it is about saving peoples lives.


If Republicans want stem cell research and were not advocating against it, I doubt MJF would be on tv. But they are, and not only are they advocating against it, they are using celebs (Jeff Suppan, Kurt Warner) just to use them. Not to mention the ads are purposefully misleading, saying that it would make cloning legal.


Yet why are no Republicans outraged by this ad?


You cant have it both ways, you cant use celebs and deceit, and then get upset when the other side uses celebs and questionable deceit tactics.

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This should not change some ones opinion of stem cell research because my understanding of the reasons against stem cell are not about its perceived scientific uses.


But you are not everyone and as has been proven somewhere in this thread, peoples opinions about this issue have changed because of this ad, not because of the factors involved, but because of emotions that are brought up.


So my question is, why do you think this is an attack against republicans, when it clearly is an attack against those who do not support stem cell, regardless of whether you are dem or republican.


As I've stated before, just like you probably hate Bush for lumping everyone into 'with us or against us,' Fox does the same thing here. His, without pointing to scientific advancements or opportunities, basically says vote for X because the other person wants me to continue to live like this. Obviously this is a tactic used by both sides, and at least for me, it's sh*tty politics all around.


If Republicans want stem cell research and were not advocating against it, I doubt MJF would be on tv. But they are, and not only are they advocating against it, they are using celebs (Jeff Suppan, Kurt Warner) just to use them. Not to mention the ads are purposefully misleading, saying that it would make cloning legal.


Except that the one major difference is that the 2nd ad talks about facts (the procedure of getting fetus' and the number of women affected by it) and they don't pander to emotions. I dunno, I have to rewatch that ad, but i dont think it says it "will" make cloning legal, but will lead to making cloning legal. I could be wrong though...


Yet why are no Republicans outraged by this ad?


You cant have it both ways, you cant use celebs and deceit, and then get upset when the other side uses celebs and questionable deceit tactics.


Can to! :)

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Katie Couric interviews Michael J. Fox. She pushes him repeatedly on the whole Limbaugh issue. He sits there shuddering the whole time. Amongst many noteworthy lines..."At this point, if I didn't take my medication, I wouldn't be able to speak".

Edited by Balta1701
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Interestingly, it seems MJF has not read the entire bill, and was merely relying on what someone told him it would or would not do. Inhis interview withGeorgeStephanopolous, he said this:


Stephanopoulos: In the ad now running in Missouri, Jim Caviezel speaks in Aramaic. It means, “You betray me with a kiss.” And his position, his point, is that actually even though down in Missouri they say the initiative is against cloning, it’s actually going to allow human cloning.


Fox: Well, I don’t think that’s true. You know, I campaigned for Claire McCaskill. And so I have to qualify it by saying I’m not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative. Although, I am quite sure that I’ll agree with it in spirit, I don’t know, I— On full disclosure, I haven’t read it, and that’s why I didn’t put myself up for it distinctly.



Plus, he also did an ad for Ben Cardin, who actually voted against a stem cell research bill, while Steele admits that he is for the research.

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STEPHANOPOULOS: We stopped for a moment because Michael was getting warm.


FOX: I’m just about to hit a pocket. This is good.


STEPHANOPOULOS: But after a short break his medication kicked in. (To Fox:) You’re just saying you were about to hit a pocked.


FOX: I just hit a nice pocked. I should be calm for a sec. It’s kind of like surfing. You wait for a wave and I just hit a nice wave.


STEPHANOPOULOS: I don’t want to rile you up but I want to bring up Rush Limbaugh one more time.


FOX: (Laughing) There he goes!


STEPHANOPOULOS: One of the thing he says when you’re talking about all these cures you’re giving people false hope.


LIMBAUGH (tape): When you start telling them there’s a cure around the corner if only somebody gets elected, you are misleading them. You are creating a false hope scenario and that is cruel.


FOX: What is crueler? To not have hope or to have hope? And it’s not false hope, it’s a very informed hope. I mean, it’s hope that’s informed by the opinion of our leading scientists, almost to the point of unanimity, that embryonic stem cells, because [inaudible], because they have the capacity to be anything are truly — you know, will it be a straight path to victory? Probably not, probably you’ll have stutter step along the way. In fact, they just did some work where they found it relieved the symptoms of Parkinson’s in one test, but there was residue, some tissue residue that built up, which is not ideal. But two steps forward, one step back, you know, it’s a process. It’s how this country was built. It’s what we do. I don’t want to get too corny about it, but isn’t that what the person in the harbor with the thing (referring to the Statue of Liberty) — it’s about hope and so to characterize hope as some kind of malady or some kind of flaw of character or national weakness is to me really counter to what this country is about.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 29, 2006 -> 06:23 PM)
Interestingly, it seems MJF has not read the entire bill, and was merely relying on what someone told him it would or would not do. Inhis interview withGeorgeStephanopolous, he said this:


Stephanopoulos: In the ad now running in Missouri, Jim Caviezel speaks in Aramaic. It means, “You betray me with a kiss.” And his position, his point, is that actually even though down in Missouri they say the initiative is against cloning, it’s actually going to allow human cloning.


Fox: Well, I don’t think that’s true. You know, I campaigned for Claire McCaskill. And so I have to qualify it by saying I’m not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative. Although, I am quite sure that I’ll agree with it in spirit, I don’t know, I— On full disclosure, I haven’t read it, and that’s why I didn’t put myself up for it distinctly.

Plus, he also did an ad for Ben Cardin, who actually voted against a stem cell research bill, while Steele admits that he is for the research.


You did read that, right? He didn't campaign for the initiative. He campaigned for Claire McCaskill. The "answer ad" is about an initiative. Two separate campaigns.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 30, 2006 -> 03:40 AM)
You did read that, right? He didn't campaign for the initiative. He campaigned for Claire McCaskill. The "answer ad" is about an initiative. Two separate campaigns.

You did hear the original ad, right? It starts off, "As you know, I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missourri, you can elect Claire McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures." The whole ad is about stem cell research, not Claire's position on welfare. You are wrong, that ad focused on stem cell research, even if it didn't mention it by name. "What you do in Missouri, matters to millions of Americans, like me." Yeah, her position on state highway bill really matters to those in Florida. With that in mind, and stem cell research soooo important to him, why did he campaign for the guy who voted AGAINST it (Cardin)?

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Funny you should mention that, he's also supported both Menendez and Kean in New Jersey this year because they have both said they support stem cell research (although Kean has voted against stem cell research 6 out of 6 times.) It's actually part of the reason why MJF hasn't been seen in NJ - his organization supports both candidates. He's only gone out to support candidates and campaign for them when they run against other candidates who oppose stem cell research.


By the way, you are right, Ben Cardin did vote against one stem cell research bill. Because two different versions of a bill were presented to the House of Representatives. The one that Cardin voted against was not a true embryonic stem cell research but rather exclusively allowed funding for creating stem cell lines without actually using embryonic stem cells. The next day, Ben Cardin voted for a different Stem Cell research bill which was not as restrictive to the science community about how the stem cells can be retrieved.


Source: http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category....x=8&go.y=10


Maybe he just thought that scientists did science better than Congress could.

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