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Limbaugh needs some duct tape.


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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 30, 2006 -> 05:50 AM)
Funny you should mention that, he's also supported both Menendez and Kean in New Jersey this year because they have both said they support stem cell research (although Kean has voted against stem cell research 6 out of 6 times.) It's actually part of the reason why MJF hasn't been seen in NJ - his organization supports both candidates. He's only gone out to support candidates and campaign for them when they run against other candidates who oppose stem cell research.


By the way, you are right, Ben Cardin did vote against one stem cell research bill. Because two different versions of a bill were presented to the House of Representatives. The one that Cardin voted against was not a true embryonic stem cell research but rather exclusively allowed funding for creating stem cell lines without actually using embryonic stem cells. The next day, Ben Cardin voted for a different Stem Cell research bill which was not as restrictive to the science community about how the stem cells can be retrieved.


Source: http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category....x=8&go.y=10


Maybe he just thought that scientists did science better than Congress could.

Way to skip over the part about you being wrong and go off on a different topic. Yes, politicians are always in a position where they have to vote against a bill that at least in the title, they should be for. One of the things that sucks about politics, and it happens to everyone. That's why it is so hard for a long term Senator to get elected President, too many votes that on the surface can be seen to be conflicting. But the main point is that MJF did the ad based on an issue and ammendment that he did not read. He did NOT do the ad because he just likes Claire and her positions on the Missouri highway bill. He is free to campaign for anyone he chooses to. And right or wrong, if you enter in to the political arena, you are fair game for criticism for doing so by whatever the opposite side is. For MJF to have not expected criticism of some sort is just plain stupid on his part. And before you get your panties in a wad, I am not saying that any/all of the things said are a good thing.

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Please in the transcript for this commerical point out where the ballot initiative was mentioned.


Transcript from the commercial:

As you know I care deeply about stem cell research. In Missouri, you can elect Clare McCaskill, who shares my hope for cures. Unfortunately Senator Jim Talent opposes extending Stem Cell Research. Senator Talent even wanted to criminalize the science that gives us a chance for hope. They say all politics is local but its not always the case. What you do in Missouri matters to millions of Americans, Americans like me.
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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 30, 2006 -> 03:28 PM)
Please in the transcript for this commerical point out where the ballot initiative was mentioned.


Transcript from the commercial:

Please in the transcript for this commercial point out where he talked about anything else concerning Claire except for stem cell research. He may not have mentioned the initive by name, but surely you are not stupid enough to think that wasn't what he was talking about. Or are you?

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 30, 2006 -> 10:44 AM)
Please in the transcript for this commercial point out where he talked about anything else concerning Claire except for stem cell research. He may not have mentioned the initive by name, but surely you are not stupid enough to think that wasn't what he was talking about. Or are you?

Cool it. There is absolutely no need to get personal here.

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You know, this whole damn thread, myself included, is TRASH.


It's EXACTLY what's wrong with our entire political system.


It's called using emotionalism and not actually dealing with the real issues of our time.


It's called sucking all the money you can out of the political coffers without really ever confronting things head on just to get re-elected as an incumbent, or throwing money like a drunken sailor to unseat the "big bad incumbent".


It's called making people drones so they don't have to think for themselves and just sit and listen to the MSM and "entertainers" such as Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.


It's called disgusting.

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British scientists have grown the world's first artificial liver from stem cells in a breakthrough that will one day provide entire organs for transplant.


The technique that created the 'mini-liver', currently the size of a one pence piece, will be developed to create a full-size functioning liver.


Described as a 'Eureka moment' by the Newcastle University researchers, the tissue was created from blood taken from babies' umbilical cords just a few minutes after birth.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 09:33 AM)


That sounds like great work, and it's encouraging that it could be done with a cell line derived from cord blood. Even stem cell lines from cord blood do not exhibit the totipotence of embryonic lines though.


That said, having access to novel lines that are not derived from the handful of existing legal cell lines might make up for a little less totipotence.


None of this speaks to the absurdity of not allowing new embryonic lines to be derived from fertility clinic freezers full of cast-off embryos that are destined to be destroyed, of course, but it sounds like progress in the field.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 02:58 PM)
Limbaugh can apologize the same day apparently, unlike Kerry.

Limbaugh didn't apologize until like 3 days later. The day after, he said he'd apologize if he was wrong, and the media reported that as an apology. 3 days later when he did apologize for saying Fox was off his medication, he also alleged that Fox had taken too much medication in order to make himself look worse for the ad.

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