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Jury Duty


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Monday, October 30.


Sat in a theater and waited, and waited. I had with me a couple sailing magazines and settled in comfortably. As is my luck, a hefty woman sat down next to me and squeezed my space. It was suppose to start at 9:00 am. but that is a lie designed to get everyone there by the real starting time of 9:30 am.


Anyhow, after three different people, at three different times, read the exclusions and exemptions, the Judge finally arrives. She reads the same list, although with a certain panache that was much appreciated. She also explains that every court needs a jury this week and excuses will be tough to receive. Still, dozens of people elected to try and skip their civic duty. Many returned to their seats. I am sitting wondering:

A. If they would be good for the defense or prosecution if unhappily serving.

B. When I can have a bathroom break.

C. Does that person in front of me know her tag is flipped up on her blouse and what should I do. :angry:


The bathroom break arrives and 120 people all descend on the same bathrooms. I pity the women whose line is stretching down the hall and around the corner. Settle back in the read some more.


New Judge arrives, once again reviews the exemptions and exclusions and begins to read the names and assignments. Simple instructions, say "here" when your name is called and move to the wall to your right. First five people can't seem to grasp the concept. I can't believe they are allowed out in public without a chaperon. First group, come back at 2:00 pm. Second group, come back next week (Lots of unhappy looks). Third group, meet outside by the Annex at 1:30. Lucky for them it's 90 degrees and sunny. Finally I am called and heading back today. I hope this time I actually am empaneled.


One last google check to see which Judge has this Court. This could be fun, she's the hot one. :D

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The last time I got called for jury duty service was two years ago. It happened to be at the exact same time as the White Sox were playing interleague games against the Marlins at Pro Player Stadium. I live 3.5 hours north of Miami and my plan before being called to jury duty was to drive down and catch two games and spend one night at a hotel. Jury duty was going to screw all of thast up apparently


First day reporting for duty was the day I planned to head down, so I was hoping for dismissal, but it didn't happen. I ididn't get ampanelled either though. Instead, I was held as a reserve jurist and didmissed for the afternoon but told I had to report back at 8:30 am the next day. Crap.


So I drove down to Miami that afternoon, caught a depressing White Sox loser, got lost for a half hour coming out of the stadium taht night and then drove back home to finally get there around 2 am.


Got up that morning and went back to the courthouse where I sat around for another full day to finally be dismissed. Couldn't get up teh energy for another 7-8 hour round trip back to Miami, and blew off the second game.


Big fun.

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A word of note: In Illinois, most judges will excuse a juror if they have served on jury duty in that courthouse within the past year.


I'm 26... and never been called for jury duty. Not that I'll ever be chosen anyway... though I kinda wish that I would be on a jury.

Edited by AbeFroman
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I got called in for a federal case downtown dealing with gang members drugs and guns. I was surprised to see the defendants sitting in the courtroom across from the jury box during the selection. i dont think I can name names but a certain member of the 1985 bears was sitting with me on the jury. The selection process took forever as the judge asked us all questions with folllow ups in the back room. I was only able to get dismissed after telling them how against guns I am and how drug dealers should have longer penalties.

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QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 11:46 AM)
Neither have I. I'm also not a registered voter.


I don't know if that makes a difference or not but I've heard it does.



voter registration is the #1 way to get jury duty...#2 is living in the same place for an extended period of time.


i was called once when I was 18, and I've moved 4 times in the last 8 years and haven't been called since.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 11:54 AM)
voter registration is the #1 way to get jury duty...#2 is living in the same place for an extended period of time.


i was called once when I was 18, and I've moved 4 times in the last 8 years and haven't been called since.


Guess it's really luck of the draw. My wife has been called in twice and doesn't even have a driver's license.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 10:47 AM)
I am a registered voter, and have been since the 1992 election.


And you live in a smaller county than me. I've been called three times. Never been on a jury and have never been called into the box to be questioned.


The first time I was called JD was 4 straight Mondays, the first being the Monday after I got married- good thing we were already putting the honeymoon off. One of the days I never got called into a court room and was out of there before 10:00. Sweet! Another the judge asked all his questions to everyone and said, "Do you have any "yes" answers to those questions?" while another judge asked all 15+ questions to each individual potential juror. Ugh! I never got called up and was still in the courtroom for 3 hours.

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After sitting a full ten minutes the judge came in, told us we just earned an easy $40 and were dismissed. The case was settled before getting this far. This is the 7th or 8th time I've been called and I've never made it to a court room. Never been interviewed, just either dismissed because they had more show up that they needed to that court didn't need anyone because the cases were settled.

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About 8 years ago, I was on jury duty for the only time. I was empaneled on a Federal Bankruptcy fraud case. As you might imagine, it was kind of a snoozer. After about a week and a half (with a couple of off days), we voted to acquit. Some lawyer friends of mine are amazed that there was an acquittal in a Federal courtroom; IIRC, it was the prosecutor's first loss.


About four years later, I ran into the defense attorney and his chief investigator in a high-end bar I sometimes frequent. We chatted about the case -- it was pretty fond memories for them. I don't exactly remember paying for anything that night, either.

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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 01:26 PM)
About 8 years ago, I was on jury duty for the only time. I was empaneled on a Federal Bankruptcy fraud case. As you might imagine, it was kind of a snoozer. After about a week and a half (with a couple of off days), we voted to acquit. Some lawyer friends of mine are amazed that there was an acquittal in a Federal courtroom; IIRC, it was the prosecutor's first loss.


About four years later, I ran into the defense attorney and his chief investigator in a high-end bar I sometimes frequent. We chatted about the case -- it was pretty fond memories for them. I don't exactly remember paying for anything that night, either.


Did they happen to mention if he was guilty or not?



I didn't think so :D

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 01:27 PM)
Did they happen to mention if he was guilty or not?

I didn't think so :D


I doubt if a case ever goes to trial without some the defendant bearing some degree of guilt.


In the jury room, most of us were convinced that the defendant wasn't exactly a saint. But the circumstances of how the bankruptcy came about, how the case was presented, and the fact that the State's top two witnesses were not exactly likable (one of them was borderline lying, actually), led us to acquit.


Hey, the system worked!

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