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Concertgoer pelts Babs with beverage


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While I love a good demonstration, this falls flat with me for a couple reasons


A. Don't throw stuff at people

B. Don't ruin other people's enjoyment of the show who paid $$$$.

C. You know what you are getting, and it just isn't Evergreen.


Stay outside and picket, yell, sing chants, etc. It's a great venue and stage to get out your message.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 01:52 PM)


While I love a good demonstration, this falls flat with me for a couple reasons


A. Don't throw stuff at people

B. Don't ruin other people's enjoyment of the show who paid $$$$.

C. You know what you are getting, and it just isn't Evergreen.


Stay outside and picket, yell, sing chants, etc. It's a great venue and stage to get out your message.

Tex, not saying you said these, but I remember lots of people on here raving when conservatives get hit with pies, or have hecklers try to talk them down from a speech or something. babs should just stay out of politics, at least in her shows. She is supposed to be an entertainer, and by taking political positions, she is potentially alienating half her audience, like the Dixie Chicks did. Shut up and sing like the trained monkey you are, and spout your politcs after the show. That being said, they should be charged, just like the pie throwers should have been, etc.

Edited by EvilMonkey
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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 08:18 AM)
Tex, not saying you said these, but I remember lots of people on here raving when conservatives get hit with pies, or have hecklers try to talk them down from a speech or something. babs should just stay out of politics, at least in her shows. She is supposed to be an entertainer, and by taking political positions, she is potentially alienating half her audience, like the Dixie Chicks did. Shut up and sing like the trained mokey you are, and spout your politcs after the show. That being said, they should be charged, just like the pie throwers should have been, etc.




Game over.

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You know what's funny? I remember talking to a few country PDs after the whole Dixie Chicks thing - and going after the President isn't what turned off a lot of country fans on the Dixie Chicks - it had a lot more to do with their feud with Toby Keith at the time actually. The "Boycott Dixie Chicks" movement didn't get the head of steam til they started fighting with TK.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 09:25 AM)
Have you seen what it costs to go to one of her shows? you'd have to be a complete idiot to spend that kind of money to get thrown out and arrested.



It's a prerequisite.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 09:26 AM)
It's a prerequisite.


All musical tastes aside, I can't imagine dropping $500 for a ticket, only to PLAN to get arrested, and run into how much more in fines, lawyers, etc. There are much better ways to make your points... like I don't know... DON'T BUY ANY BARBARA STREISAND CRAP?!?!? Meh, what do I know anyway.

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..but at what point to Babs get her head out of her ass and realize that her 'skit' is more for her than her fans???? If she didn't do it..i don't think her fans will walk away thinking "Damn...i was really hoping for some political satire and all i got was a second rendition of The Way We Were!"


I sure during her last tour people weren't backstage clamoring for her to rip the President next time around. Let's face it...for the most part her audience isn't getting any younger (granted...neither is she) and pretty soon there won't be anyone else around to hear her skit.


Besides...as it's been said on this board before....if someone had been waiting forever to get tickets, had to shell out $500 to sit in the back....they want to hear singing, not commentary.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 08:18 AM)
Tex, not saying you said these, but I remember lots of people on here raving when conservatives get hit with pies, or have hecklers try to talk them down from a speech or something. babs should just stay out of politics, at least in her shows. She is supposed to be an entertainer, and by taking political positions, she is potentially alienating half her audience, like the Dixie Chicks did. Shut up and sing like the trained monkey you are, and spout your politcs after the show. That being said, they should be charged, just like the pie throwers should have been, etc.


I would say the same thing if it was a conservative. I applaud anyone who stands up and proclaims their views on issues and tries to make a difference, even more when they may get kicked hard in the wallet. I alluded to the fact that anyone going to her shows now knows that they will receive some political satire, insults, and monologues.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 07:43 PM)
"I'm sure that spending a night in jail will help them learn to love the liberal position on gay marriage".

Would that be 'bent over'?


QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 06:59 PM)
I would say the same thing if it was a conservative. I applaud anyone who stands up and proclaims their views on issues and tries to make a difference, even more when they may get kicked hard in the wallet. I alluded to the fact that anyone going to her shows now knows that they will receive some political satire, insults, and monologues.

Tex, alot of therse people had their tickets many months before all the news of her Bush routine came out. Should they now just not go? WHile they may or may not have know ahead of time her political views, they probably didn't know (at least some of them, I should say) she was going to spout them during a concert.

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QUOTE(juddling @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 12:04 PM)
Tex, alot of therse people had their tickets many months before all the news of her Bush routine came out. Should they now just not go? WHile they may or may not have know ahead of time her political views, they probably didn't know (at least some of them, I should say) she was going to spout them during a concert.

Come on, seriously, how in the world can you actually be enough of a fan to go to a show by someone like Streisand and not expect to hear their political views? Does anyone actually go to a Toby Keith show and not expect a lil' bit o' politics? If I go to a Pearl Jam show, I'm expecting some amount of anti-Bush stuff.

Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 02:13 PM)
Come on, seriously, how in the world can you actually be enough of a fan to go to a show by someone like Streisand and not expect to hear their political views? Does anyone actually go to a Toby Keith show and not expect a lil' bit o' politics? If I go to a Pearl Jam show, I'm expecting some amount of anti-Bush stuff.



I agree, but she does seem to go over the top. I doubt folks expected the show a week or so ago where she told the crowd member to "shut the eff up". (sic)



But hey.. it's good to know that as long as the ass next to me paid his money he can ruin my night, and possibly my personal belongings.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 08:13 PM)
Come on, seriously, how in the world can you actually be enough of a fan to go to a show by someone like Streisand and not expect to hear their political views? Does anyone actually go to a Toby Keith show and not expect a lil' bit o' politics? If I go to a Pearl Jam show, I'm expecting some amount of anti-Bush stuff.

Well, since shehas beensinging since the Stone Age, she has some long time fans thatreally wantto hear her sing. Why, I have no idea, but theydo. Up until Bush becamePresident, did you ever hear her opening her yap about politics? probably not, since shewould saysomething stupid like "[Republican control of the House has resulted in] Poison in the water, salmonella in the food, carbon dioxide in the air and toxic waste in the ground." Again, her anti-Bush tirades, while well know, have not been reported on as happening during her shows until recently. Tickets for the shows have been sold out for months, well before the news of them came out, so no backing out now. I try to ignore the politics of performers, as long as they don't put it in my face. Hate GWB? Fine, just shut up and entertaine me. And cracking badjokes about Bush isn't gonna cut it. Sing, act, catch the ball, whatever it is, do what I paid money to see/hear you do. When you make the other stuff front and center, it changes things. Now with Pearl Jam, that has been going on for a while, and has been reported before, so yeah, you should expect it.


Sidenote: sorry about the lack of spacing sometimes. My keyboard at home seems to be dying, or at least the space bar.

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Barbara Streisand actively and openly campaigned for Bill Clinton in 1992 and was one of his biggest fundraisers. She has been actively campaigning for Democratic candidates throughout the 1980s and even campaigned for Bella Abzug in 1970. She hosted a benefit for liberal Democrat Senators and Congressmen in 1986 that was broadcast live on HBO with the specific stated purpose of helping to maintain a Democratic Congressional Majority and protect the pro-choice movement.


So much of what she's done professionally, she's tied into her politics. Since the early 1960s.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 11:16 PM)
Barbara Streisand actively and openly campaigned for Bill Clinton in 1992 and was one of his biggest fundraisers. She has been actively campaigning for Democratic candidates throughout the 1980s and even campaigned for Bella Abzug in 1970. She hosted a benefit for liberal Democrat Senators and Congressmen in 1986 that was broadcast live on HBO with the specific stated purpose of helping to maintain a Democratic Congressional Majority and protect the pro-choice movement.


So much of what she's done professionally, she's tied into her politics. Since the early 1960s.


That's kind of what I was thinking as well. I can't remember a time when she wasn't active in politics as a fund raiser and platform speaker. However, she's no Bea Arthur . . .


Entertainers have that issue with their audience. The audience expects a certain performance and when they do not get that, they are upset. It doesn't matter what the performer veers off to do. The stupidest I can remember was when Clapton embarked on a blue tour. I caught him on that tour and half the crowd walked out when he wasn't playing Layla, Cocaine, etc. What part of Blues Tour did they not understand?

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 08:59 AM)
You know what's funny? I remember talking to a few country PDs after the whole Dixie Chicks thing - and going after the President isn't what turned off a lot of country fans on the Dixie Chicks - it had a lot more to do with their feud with Toby Keith at the time actually. The "Boycott Dixie Chicks" movement didn't get the head of steam til they started fighting with TK.




I listen to a lot of country music, hell, 60% of the 2000+ songs on my Ipod are country and I have never heard about any feud between Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks being the reason. The "Boycott the Dixie Chicks" dealio was totally, 100% related to Natalie Manes' comments about Bush.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 07:15 AM)


Program Directors

Rex is getting all indie lingo on us. :D


IIRC, Toby jumped on that little parade and blew it much bigger. Perhaps it would have been that big all on it's own, but Toby pumped a lot of life into it. How do you like the new George Strait?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 07:28 AM)
Program Directors

Rex is getting all indie lingo on us. :D


IIRC, Toby jumped on that little parade and blew it much bigger. Perhaps it would have been that big all on it's own, but Toby pumped a lot of life into it. How do you like the new George Straite?


You mean George Strait? :P


George Strait can do no wrong.

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The problem with George is the hits are one after the other and who can keep up. Every writer wants him to do one of their songs and he has all the best material to choose from. Very similar to Elvis during his prime. Beaches of Old Mexico is one of my current favs of all time.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 07:45 AM)
The problem with George is the hits are one after the other and who can keep up. Every writer wants him to do one of their songs and he has all the best material to choose from. Very similar to Elvis during his prime. Beaches of Old Mexico is one of my current favs of all time.


Really cool video too. The guy that plays the young George Strait is spot on if you ask me.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 07:52 AM)
Really cool video too. The guy that plays the young George Strait is spot on if you ask me.


I love how the Mexican husband is brushed away in one line. :D

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