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Study hard, or you will be dumb,


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1. There are many highly intelligent people that choose the military. In fact, last I know, the Air Force and Naval academies had the two lowest rates of acceptance of any major colleges in the entire U.S. (this was true years back, not sure if true now). The USAFA had an acceptance rate of something like 7%. Its very, very competitive.


2. It is also true that for many non-officer enlistees, the military is a way out of something, or their only way into a better life down the road. So yes, a bulk of them will be non-college educated folks. And that, I think, is what Kerry was getting at (I don't believe for a second he was referring to Bush). No one wants to HAVE to go into the military and go to war. Some people WANT to go. There are people in both categories.

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Its different. Its always different.


QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 05:40 AM)


I'm with Cheat's opinion...


And to answer Cheat's question: 7% of the entire Army have college degrees.


I couldn't help but notice that you picked the one branch of the military that on average as the lowest educational numbers historically... interesting.

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Indeed. It is always different.


Instead of talking about how to create a strategy to win in Iraq, instead of talking about improving the conditions of those in the field fighting in our name, instead of talking about improving the lives of veterans who suffered serious injuries in this fight and need our country's help, we're concerned with what the Junior Senator from Massachussets who isn't up for reelection said and whether he inadvertently insulted soldiers in a general way. Maybe if he takes it back, the violence in Iraq will suddenly stop.


John Kerry's latest comment on the situation:

I'm sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans who will not debate real policy, who won't take responsibility for their own mistakes, standing up and trying to make other people the butt of those mistakes. It disgusts me that a bunch of these Republican hacks who've never worn the uniform of our country are willing to lie about those who did.


And you know what, whatever he said a couple days ago - he's pretty spot on. We're six days before an election. We should be concerning ourselves about issues that matter and who is better equipped to lead them. Instead we're concerned with whether Michael J Fox faked his shakes, whether John Kerry said soldiers are stupid and what Jim Webb wrote about in a novel.


It, frankly, makes me sick.

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Indeed. It is always different.


Instead of talking about how to create a strategy to win in Iraq, instead of talking about improving the conditions of those in the field fighting in our name, instead of talking about improving the lives of veterans who suffered serious injuries in this fight and need our country's help, we're concerned with what the Junior Senator from Massachussets who isn't up for reelection said and whether he inadvertently insulted soldiers in a general way. Maybe if he takes it back, the violence in Iraq will suddenly stop.


It makes me sick that the Dems, over four years later, are still harping on the fact that Iraq was a bad decision. Talk about getting over it and moving on to bigger and better things...


I'm a proud Republican, voted for Bush twice, and can sit here and say I wish the management of the war would have been better. I blame Bush and his admn for thinking we could waltz in there, be welcomed with open arms, and then leave a year later. I hold them responsible for the mess we're in. But i'm not going to vote for a liberal douche-bag who does nothing but point the finger. TELL ME WHAT YOU'D DO DIFFERENTLY, then maybe I'd vote for you. But you know why they don’t? Because they don’t want the electorate to think. They want to react. As I said in the Fox thread, these f*ckheads know the majority of people that vote are completely uneducated about the issues surrounding us. So they pander to emotions. And i’m talking about both sides here.


As for the stats of the college-educated military personnel, someone should find out the age of most of the soldiers. Aren't the vast majority under/around 20? Don’t the majority of our armed forces serve in a branch in order to get a degree? It's pretty stupid to criticize people for choosing an avenue that will most likely help their future. Yeah it's sad that a large portion of the military is made up of 'disenfranchised' people. But instead of living a worthless life on the streets, they're trying to better their lives.


F*ck Kerry for calling them stupid, as if the serving the country is the 'dumb' way to go. There is NO other way to read his statements. He told some LA kids you better do good in school or you'll be sitting in the military being shot at in a useless war. Funny that a guy who bragged about his service is now warning the youth about it, basically telling them to stay away at all costs.


He makes me sick, as do the majority of liberal douches (politicians).



And you know what, whatever he said a couple days ago - he's pretty spot on. We're six days before an election. We should be concerning ourselves about issues that matter and who is better equipped to lead them. Instead we're concerned with whether Michael J Fox faked his shakes, whether John Kerry said soldiers are stupid and what Jim Webb wrote about in a novel.


This I agree with completely. Both sides are full of douche-bags. It's too bad the people of this country are more concerned about Madonna adopting some kid than topics that will affect their everyday lives.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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And I am sick and f*cking tired of people using the argument that if you haven't worn the uniform, then you can't criticize or have an opinion about the war/military. f*** you, John Kerry. The fact that you 'served' doesn't give you immunity from still being a class A prick.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 10:58 AM)
John Kerry screwed up. "But it's just a little misquote". /rolly


John Kerry has a history of slamming our troops (for political gain, I might add) for over three decades. The guy is a class A jerk (to be nice).

Luckily you won't have to vote for him next week.

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 09:03 AM)
It makes me sick that the Dems, over four years later, are still harping on the fact that Iraq was a bad decision. Talk about getting over it and moving on to bigger and better things...


Since the war is still raging, I'd say that everyone, Dem or GOP, has the right and maybe even the responsibility to continue to question, analyze, and even criticize it if its going poorly.


QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 09:03 AM)
I'm a proud Republican, voted for Bush twice, and can sit here and say I wish the management of the war would have been better. I blame Bush and his admn for thinking we could waltz in there, be welcomed with open arms, and then leave a year later. I hold them responsible for the mess we're in. But i'm not going to vote for a liberal douche-bag who does nothing but point the finger. TELL ME WHAT YOU'D DO DIFFERENTLY, then maybe I'd vote for you. But you know why they don’t? Because they don’t want the electorate to think. They want to react. As I said in the Fox thread, these f*ckheads know the majority of people that vote are completely uneducated about the issues surrounding us. So they pander to emotions. And i’m talking about both sides here.


QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 09:03 AM)
As for the stats of the college-educated military personnel, someone should find out the age of most of the soldiers. Aren't the vast majority under/around 20? Don’t the majority of our armed forces serve in a branch in order to get a degree? It's pretty stupid to criticize people for choosing an avenue that will most likely help their future. Yeah it's sad that a large portion of the military is made up of 'disenfranchised' people. But instead of living a worthless life on the streets, they're trying to better their lives.




QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 09:03 AM)
F*ck Kerry for calling them stupid, as if the serving the country is the 'dumb' way to go. There is NO other way to read his statements. He told some LA kids you better do good in school or you'll be sitting in the military being shot at in a useless war. Funny that a guy who bragged about his service is now warning the youth about it, basically telling them to stay away at all costs.


He makes me sick, as do the majority of liberal douches (politicians).


Kerry is in fact a "douche", and he certainly was saying that being uneducated means you may have to choose the military (NOT that they are stupid, however). And he was right. He just shouldn't have said it. And worse, he shouldn't be now lying to cover up what he said.


But let's not throw everyone else under the bus with him. There are Dems, and Republicans, who seem to have a vested interest in making this better. And like it or not, many of the most liberal Democratic leaders in Congress (Pelosi for one) have in fact put forth some specific ideas. They may not be what you or I like, but at least they aren't just saying "stay the course".


QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 09:03 AM)
This I agree with completely. Both sides are full of douche-bags. It's too bad the people of this country are more concerned about Madonna adopting some kid than topics that will affect their everyday lives.

100% agree.

Edited by NorthSideSox72
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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 09:30 AM)
And I am sick and f*cking tired of people using the argument that if you haven't worn the uniform, then you can't criticize or have an opinion about the war/military. f*** you, John Kerry. The fact that you 'served' doesn't give you immunity from still being a class A prick.

Amazing how riled up people get over something like this. Anyone care about the actual issues anymore?

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 11:01 AM)
Amazing how riled up people get over something like this. Anyone care about the actual issues anymore?

Nope. We'd rather pin our criticisms on easy targets like the President, a former opponent of the President, or straw men.


Not that Bush and Kerry don't deserve criticism. But that seems to be all we are doing.

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 11:01 AM)
Amazing how riled up people get over something like this. Anyone care about the actual issues anymore?



Haven't you heard... Master manipulator MJF is now the most important thing in politics.




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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 05:01 PM)
Amazing how riled up people get over something like this. Anyone care about the actual issues anymore?



John Kerry has on more than one occasion said something along the lines of what EvilMonkey said. It all reminds me of a few years ago when Hub Arkash was hosting the Dick Jauron show and he railed against one guy slamming good ol' Dick by saying "Well...what's your football resume look like?? where did you do your coaching at?" For the next 3 weeks, EVERY caller Hub got started out with giving their football resume. (it was very funny when Hub would get pissed at it)


Kerry has been doing the same thing. You don't have to have served in the military to have a opinion on this war or an opinion on critics of this war. Kerry doesn't seem to get this point.

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the best part about this is that neither Kerry nor Bush are up for election next Tues. As someone from Newsweek pointed out, this is just distracting the media and public from the current issues and discussions and focusing on two political rivals taking jabs at one another. the only difference is that Bush and the Republicans have nothing to gain by bringing up Iraq, its a losing issue for them. Kerry can just be pushed aside by the Democratic party since he has no leadership roles or positions.


so the bottom line, every day that goes by where this story is in the news, is a day lost for the Republicans to play catchup and try and keep one or both of the houses. thanks John. :cheers

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 05:01 PM)
Amazing how riled up people get over something like this. Anyone care about the actual issues anymore?



QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 05:05 PM)
Haven't you heard... Master manipulator MJF is now the most important thing in politics.




QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 05:07 PM)
You mean gay people? :bang :P



QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 05:21 PM)
At least according to Laura Bush....

As I said in the MJF thread, they are all a bunch of assbags, and Big Sqwert, I agree with you. At the same time, it amazes me to what ends people go to defend stupid quotes like this. The quote was stupid, and instead of lying about it, Kerry needed to say he misquoted and he made a mistake. God forbid that Lurch is human.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 10:09 AM)
The quote was stupid, and instead of lying about it, Kerry needed to say he misquoted and he made a mistake. God forbid that Lurch is human.

"I said it was a botched joke. Of course, I'm sorry about a botched joke," Kerry, who had refused to apologize on Tuesday, said on the "Imus in the Morning" radio show on MSNBC.
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 06:17 PM)

That's like saying 'I'm sorry if you were offended, but not sorry that I said it.' No apology there.


And since Kerry is still a possible candidate in 08, anything he says warrents a little attention. And when he digs himself deeper, it gets even funnier. I believe that he did intend to make a joke about Bush, but you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube once you squeezed it out. At least not easily.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 10:58 AM)
John Kerry screwed up. "But it's just a little misquote". /rolly


John Kerry has a history of slamming our troops (for political gain, I might add) for over three decades. The guy is a class A jerk (to be nice).

Which is worse,


Slamming the troops even for "political gain," as if that ever won anybody an election, while wanting to keep them out of harms way




Supporting the troops by pandering to crowds with quotes like "we have the best and brightest military in the world" while sending them to die in a useless war for "political gain."




Kerry's a f***ing idiot, but he's a f***ing idiot because of how he reacted to the backlash from his statement, not because he might have backhandedly insulted our military. This situation just illustrates how terrible he is at politics. Instead of continuing to stand up and spout the truth, perhaps "learning" that he can't backpedal from statements in the last election cycle, he does the democratic equivalent of waving the american flag and praising the troops, bashing Bush.


He looks like a grade A idiot, but only for his political hackery, not for speaking his mind. All the people attacking him for maybe, in a very roundabout way, calling the military dumb -- even though he served in the Nam while Bush was ducking his reserve duties in the south -- and using Kerry's statement for "political gain" are political hacks as well. They're all grade A douchebags.

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Kerry's next attempted apology (written statement version)


As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in uniform and to their loved ones: my poorly stated joke at a rally was not about, and never intended to refer to any troop.


I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended.


It is clear the Republican Party would rather talk about anything but their failed security policy. I don’t want my verbal slip to be a diversion from the real issues. I will continue to fight for a change of course to provide real security for our country, and a winning strategy for our troops.

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It is clear the Republican Party would rather talk about anything but their failed security policy.


Oh that's right cuz we've been attacked multiple times since 9/11. Douche. Failed war planning I'll give you. Not so much security.


I will continue to fight for a change of course to provide real security for our country, and a winning strategy for our troops.


Really? Continue? What the hell have you put forth in the last two years to 'change the course' or provide a 'winning strategy?' Oh, that's right. Nothing. Like the rest of the Dems.

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 04:09 PM)
Oh that's right cuz we've been attacked multiple times since 9/11. Douche. Failed war planning I'll give you. Not so much security.

Really? Continue? What the hell have you put forth in the last two years to 'change the course' or provide a 'winning strategy?' Oh, that's right. Nothing. Like the rest of the Dems.

Again, Kerry is one thing. But the Dems have put forth a number of different ideas, good, bad or otherwise, to adjust out war on terror to be more successful. This is in contrast the GOP, who on that topic are lock-step with BushCo.


So actually, its Kerry and the GOP you should be upset at, if you are looking for real plans.

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