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Entertainers and Their Personal Lives


Entertainers and Their Personal Lives  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you consider an entertainer's personal life before deciding to watch, listen, or read?

    • Always
    • Sometimes
    • Never
    • Just exercising my right to vote.

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Usually I try not to. Movies and TV are visions of the directors/writers, not the snotty actors that simply speak the words.


That said, when douche bags like Tom Cruise continue to spout verbal no-sense, I use it as a reason to boycott anything and everything related to them.

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I went with the "sometimes" option. Usually it doesn't enter my mind, but when a person is so over the top, IMO Cruise is a good example of this, it becomes hard to separate the character from the person. But as I said this is rare, and Cruise is really the only one that pops out to me now

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As sort of an offshoot from this...


Am I the only person who will occasionally, intentionally AVOID a certain company's product specifically because I find their commercials so horribly irritating?


I know the supposed method behind that madness - advertising's main goal is placement in people's minds, even if its annoying. But for me, if its bad enough, that backfires and assures that I DON'T give them my business, when I otherwise might have.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 04:17 PM)
As sort of an offshoot from this...


Am I the only person who will occasionally, intentionally AVOID a certain company's product specifically because I find their commercials so horribly irritating?


I know the supposed method behind that madness - advertising's main goal is placement in people's minds, even if its annoying. But for me, if its bad enough, that backfires and assures that I DON'T give them my business, when I otherwise might have.

no, I'm with you. It seems good ads don't have much sway on my purchases, but horrible ads stop me from buying peoples products

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 04:17 PM)
As sort of an offshoot from this...


Am I the only person who will occasionally, intentionally AVOID a certain company's product specifically because I find their commercials so horribly irritating?


I know the supposed method behind that madness - advertising's main goal is placement in people's minds, even if its annoying. But for me, if its bad enough, that backfires and assures that I DON'T give them my business, when I otherwise might have.


You are definitely not the only person. I even go to the point of changing the station or muting the TV when I hear some commercials start up because I just find them too annoying. Of course, TIVO helps out with that sometimes :)

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 02:17 PM)
As sort of an offshoot from this...


Am I the only person who will occasionally, intentionally AVOID a certain company's product specifically because I find their commercials so horribly irritating?


I know the supposed method behind that madness - advertising's main goal is placement in people's minds, even if its annoying. But for me, if its bad enough, that backfires and assures that I DON'T give them my business, when I otherwise might have.

Oh Hell, I do that all the f***ing time. I can't remember the last time I ate at Burger King, and I will never eat @ Jack in the Box for exactly those reasons.


QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Oct 31, 2006 -> 02:00 PM)
I went with the "sometimes" option. Usually it doesn't enter my mind, but when a person is so over the top, IMO Cruise is a good example of this, it becomes hard to separate the character from the person. But as I said this is rare, and Cruise is really the only one that pops out to me now

I can think of a few other specific behaviors. For example, if the White Sox were to sign Barry Bonds, I would cancel my MLB Extra Innings package next year and avoid buying tickets around July 4th when I'll be in town.


I have been known to make the occasional purchase or avoid purchases based on the political donations of specific companies as well.

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I chose "sometimes." I boycott Streisand movies because she's such an extreme lefty. Well, that and she sucks. :D


But, seriously, it comes into play once in a while, but if it's something I've totally got to see I'll go see it anyway.


And yes, I agree with the lot of you guys. I avoid products because of crappy commercials. I didn't eat at Taco Bell until they got rid of that damned dog!


I also will never buy an RCA product since they stole the Hoosier Dome from me. I won't even say they name. I mean, come on, they could have called it the RCA Hoosier Dome for crying out loud!

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I boycott Wal-Mart. Mostly because I've lived in small towns where not long after Wal-Mart opened, there wasn't any other place left to shop.... At the time, I was actually driving 15 miles to get my groceries at something that wasn't a big box store. They also unionbust to an extreme degree.


On the same token, I also boycott Whole Foods. They unionbust too and frankly I find it hypocritical for a company to claim to be sooo progressive but still actively unionbust.


Entertainmentwise, I tend to never listen to artists again after I meet them. They either aren't the person I expect - or are just so rude that I never want to give a dime to their work again.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 08:02 AM)
And yes, I agree with the lot of you guys. I avoid products because of crappy commercials. I didn't eat at Taco Bell until they got rid of that damned dog!


Ironic, since once the dog disappeared I stopped eating Taco Bell. I mean, that dog had to end up, somewhere, and I wasn't going to chance it.

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I said sometimes as well. If they are hurting themselves, like with drug or alcohol abuse, then that won't sway my opinion, but when that abuse starts affecting their mouth (paging Mr. Gibson...) then, yes, I'll boycott. Also, Tom Cruise just annoys me, but I don't know if I've gotten to the point of boycotting.


Anyone boycott Polanski here?


As for advertising, since it's sorta what I do for a living (I like to say I work FOR and advertising agency, not IN advertising...I know, I know, it's nitpicking, but it keeps me sane), I would say that advertising isn't going to appeal to everyone, all the time, but even not-so-good advertising can do the trick. I judge based on the product, if it's a bad ad, but it has something that I might try, I'll try it. But if the product doesn't do what it claims to do, or if a store or restaurant isn't what it claims to be, I'll never go back. The best advertising is word-of-mouth.


And Rex, I think the Whole Foods thing kinda comes from being born in Texas, where it's a right-to-work state. Unions, as a whole, don't really mean too much down here.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 08:51 AM)
I boycott Wal-Mart. Mostly because I've lived in small towns where not long after Wal-Mart opened, there wasn't any other place left to shop.... At the time, I was actually driving 15 miles to get my groceries at something that wasn't a big box store. They also unionbust to an extreme degree.


On the same token, I also boycott Whole Foods. They unionbust too and frankly I find it hypocritical for a company to claim to be sooo progressive but still actively unionbust.


Entertainmentwise, I tend to never listen to artists again after I meet them. They either aren't the person I expect - or are just so rude that I never want to give a dime to their work again.


Unions are so 1910s. They prop up the poor worker and hurt the better. OSHA insures worker safety as well as a union. I know they kick me out of the DEM party and shun me, but I believe the days of the Union are behind us. We owe them a lot in many areas of employment law. Worker conditions and by extension, the products we buy, have all been made safer by their actions. But, like a winning Army, they aren't needed now.

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QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Nov 1, 2006 -> 10:03 AM)
Anyone boycott Polanski here?

Oddly I don't. This issue actually has popped up in a lot of conversations with my friends lately. They take the stance that what he did wasn't that bad since the girl was, what, 13 and it wasn't "rape" since they only equate that with using force. I think it's totally sick what he did and mentally that girl couldn't consent.


But, I still don't boycott him, maybe I should....

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Nov 2, 2006 -> 08:55 AM)
Oddly I don't. This issue actually has popped up in a lot of conversations with my friends lately. They take the stance that what he did wasn't that bad since the girl was, what, 13 and it wasn't "rape" since they only equate that with using force. I think it's totally sick what he did and mentally that girl couldn't consent.


But, I still don't boycott him, maybe I should....



Your friends are morons.


I wonder if they would change their stance if something was shoved up their ass regardless of repeatedly crying no.


Or maybe it would take their sisters or daughters being "forced" - forced meaning that she had both vaginal and anal trauma - to get it through their thick skulls.


And according to court transcripts and Polanksi's own ADMISSION, she was mentally stable enough to say "no", which she did, and he ignored.

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I went with "never." The best possible answer for me would be "rarely" which is less than "sometimes" but more than "never." And "rarely" is closer to "never," which is more along the lines of "not on your blinkin' life" or "it'll be a cold day in hell."

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