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Ted Haggard


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Ted Haggard, the arch-conservative evangelical gay-bashing right wing nut, has been alleged to have had a three year affair with a gay prostitute and seems to have picked up a meth habit.


After initially denying it all as untrue, church officials say he has admitted to some guilt. Today he said he bought the meth from the gay prostitute but never used it + he contacted the gay prostitute for a 'massage'. Yeah, and Clinton didn't inhale.




The rats are jumping off this sinking ship. I could really care less about the man's sex life. It is just hilarious to see his hypocricy get flaunted on the front page of every newspaper and TV station -- when he condemns all these behaviors as evil, liberal and terrible -- yet participates in every last one of them.


Oh man, this is such poetic justice.

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When I read this at lunch, I almost spit my taquitoes all over my computer. I was actually disappointed that there wasn't a thread full of :lol:s in the buster. Not that he represents one political party or the other, but the "i bought meth, but threw it out" and "it was only a massage" (once a month for 3 years) excuses make John Kerry's "it was a botched joke" look plausible.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Nov 3, 2006 -> 08:24 PM)
When I read this at lunch, I almost spit my taquitoes all over my computer. I was actually disappointed that there wasn't a thread full of :lol:s in the buster. Not that he represents one political party or the other, but the "i bought meth, but threw it out" and "it was only a massage" (once a month for 3 years) excuses make John Kerry's "it was a botched joke" look plausible.

Most definitely.


I've been laughing so hard all day at work yesterday and today too. This is comedy gold.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 4, 2006 -> 10:22 AM)
I hope he gets the help he needs.

True, the true hilariousness comes, however, from his consistent backpeddling and getting his comeuppance for saying one thing for years and then doing the exact opposite. I could care less if he likes gay sex, prostitutes or has a meth habit. Whatever he'd like to do responsibly. The true fun comes from his public persona being so opposite to his true nature and he really set himself up with that.

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I'm a God-loving, God-fearing person. I have never cared for these evangelical types, whether it be Jim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, Jack Van Impe, etc., spreading the Word of God and then offering Bibles for a $50 "donation" while screwing around with their secretaries and engaging in possible tax evasion.

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This is the edited version of what I wanted to really say.



Dear LCR and GCH,


You are two of the saddest people i've ever not known. Good luck with laughing at other people's mistakes and failings. The view must be beautiful from up there.




The human race.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 02:28 PM)
This is the edited version of what I wanted to really say.

Dear LCR and GCH,


You are two of the saddest people i've ever not known. Good luck with laughing at other people's mistakes and failings. The view must be beautiful from up there.




The human race.


I appreciate your sentiments. And I appreciate theirs.


Life is brutally hard, yes, and deriving pleasure from the suffering of others is generally not a passtime that should be regularly engaged in.


But as a dominionist Evangelical leader with a huge following, Ted Haggard's ministry made the lives of countless gay people more difficult and added to that misery. We can only speculate as to whether or not it was self-loathing that made him lash out at what he hated most about himself. But if Haggard's public fall from grace prompt people to question the rabidly anti-gay agendas of the churches they may belong to, that is a good thing.

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Ted Haggard's ministry made the lives of countless gay people more difficult and added to that misery.

which explains their last laugh.....





I understand what you're saying, and I agree. Trust me, I am glad this guy is out of leadership as much as the next guy. It is prideful individuals like that who go unchecked and ultimately find ruin. If this guy had any accountability, this wouldn't have been headlines. Mega church = mega egos = Mega downfall




That's not what THEY were saying, however.

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At the same time you have to admit it's hard to try to look past E-ticket hypocrisy like this.


And the conversation could very quickly be derailed with this tangent, but I'd very much like to see an increase in the numbers and in the voices of the branches of Christianity that better reflect a 'radical inclusiveness' of the sort the J-Man used to espouse back in the day.


Now, that's the sort of Christianity an atheist can almost regret not being a part of. :)

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 02:26 PM)
At the same time you have to admit it's hard to try to look past E-ticket hypocrisy like this.


And the conversation could very quickly be derailed with this tangent, but I'd very much like to see an increase in the numbers and in the voices of the branches of Christianity that better reflect a 'radical inclusiveness' of the sort the J-Man used to espouse back in the day.


Now, that's the sort of Christianity an atheist can almost regret not being a part of. :)

Ding ding ding!


Haggard set himself up with this (his now "lifelong sexual problem" after supposedly never having met the prostitute) by committing himself to such a hardline stance. People in glass houses don't throw stones.


I could really care less what he wanted to do -- just as long as his personality and opinions matched those actions which he was undertaking.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 07:44 PM)
There are short comings and failing, then there is something like this. He doesn't sell my brand of Christianity.

I'm guessing that when it comes to Christianity, you and I are singing from the same hymnal in believing Jesus' words of "Love one another as I have loved you".

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 01:28 PM)
This is the edited version of what I wanted to really say.

The view must be beautiful from up there.




The human race.

Please, Haggard preached hatred in the name of the Lord to thousands of people. Hell yeah, I'm laughing when his hypocritical ass fell from grace.


Around here, I preach pacifism and acceptance to tens of avatars. You can be the first one to laugh at my fall from grace when I start war mongering with an army of queers as my frontline. Deal?

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 12:42 AM)
Please, Haggard preached hatred in the name of the Lord to thousands of people. Hell yeah, I'm laughing when his hypocritical ass fell from grace.


Around here, I preach pacifism and acceptance to tens of avatars. You can be the first one to laugh at my fall from grace when I start war mongering with an army of queers as my frontline. Deal?


no, I'm not in the profession of laughing at people when they end up doing what people do best.... pride, fall, and then restoration.


I'm not trying to be holier than thou, trust me. I've done this in the past, and it made me realize it was worthless.


Perhaps the guy is a hypocritical douche, but like i said, think about the ramifications for the family and families involved. It's tragic.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 06:27 AM)
no, I'm not in the profession of laughing at people when they end up doing what people do best.... pride, fall, and then restoration.


I'm not trying to be holier than thou, trust me. I've done this in the past, and it made me realize it was worthless.


Perhaps the guy is a hypocritical douche, but like i said, think about the ramifications for the family and families involved. It's tragic.


It's absolutely tragic. But, unlike someone who has bad luck thrust upon them...Ted Haggard did it to himself. Sorry, but I have a lot less respect for someone like him than I would someone who owns up to it.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 12:33 PM)



One statement does not make up for his years of being hypocritical. He needs help, yes, and I hope for his sake and his family's sake he can get it, but i still have no respect for him. This statement is years too late.


“We all love him because he’s a part of our family. You don’t just throw away a sister or a brother,” said Erwin, who’s been coming to the church for 15 years. “Desperately, we love him, and we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.”


Shouldn't this relate to all PEOPLE, not just evangelical ministers?

Edited by CanOfCorn
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 10:33 AM)

He only owned up to it after being exposed.


"Heavenly Father give us grace and mercy, help us this next week and a half as we go into national elections and Lord we pray for our country. Father we pray lies would be exposed and deception exposed. Father we pray that wisdom would come upon our electorate ..."
(Haggard's sermon a week ago).
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Coming Soon!

Haggard Rises Again - The Forgiven Tour!


The saddest part of this, is he will become a poster boy for mega-Churches and people will become jaded, and many will not enter a place of worship or will leave because of one man's hypocrisy. Meanwhile, thousands of good, decent, dedicated men and women of God are toiling in every community in the world. Their silent witness will go unnoticed.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 10:48 AM)
The saddest part of this, is he will become a poster boy for mega-Churches and people will become jaded, and many will not enter a place of worship or will leave because of one man's hypocrisy. Meanwhile, thousands of good, decent, dedicated men and women of God are toiling in every community in the world. Their silent witness will go unnoticed.

At least to my eyes...not entering a place of worship and not entering one of those mega-churches can be 2 different things.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 12:53 PM)
At least to my eyes...not entering a place of worship and not entering one of those mega-churches can be 2 different things.


Same here. But some people will use this as a blanket condemnation of all organized religion, hell even disorganized religion.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 6, 2006 -> 01:53 PM)
At least to my eyes...not entering a place of worship and not entering one of those mega-churches can be 2 different things.


Agreed. Dominionist Jesus Camp mega-churches with indoctrination tactics that are every bit as psychologically damaging as those used by the Church of Scientology will do more harm than good in the long-run as far as organized Christianity winning and retaining hearts and minds.

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