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First To Announce After the MidTerms


After the Midterms  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be the first to announce a Presidential Run?

    • John McCain
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • Barack Obama
    • Bill Frist
    • John Edwards
    • Condi Rice
    • Michael Gresham
    • Other

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Nice poll :) Unfortunately I regret to announce that due to the discriminatory constitution of the United States of America, I cannot run for President in 2008 because of the age-ist laws prohibiting anyone under 35 from being the leader our fine nation. But look out in 2012 ;)




OH yeah, I did want to throw out there that the first to announce will be a relative nobody. The big names want the spotlight to themselves and also want a little begging to go on before they announce.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 7, 2006 -> 09:23 AM)
Nice poll :) Unfortunately I regret to announce that due to the discriminatory constitution of the United States of America, I cannot run for President in 2008 because of the age-ist laws prohibiting anyone under 35 from being the leader our fine nation. But look out in 2012 ;)




OH yeah, I did want to throw out there that the first to announce will be a relative nobody. The big names want the spotlight to themselves and also want a little begging to go on before they announce.


I am thinking in McCain's case, he could block some candidates from running if they know he's in the race. Often times a candidate has one shot and I think his decision will trigger a couple others. Bottom line, McCain announces to block.

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After the beatings at the polls, I am really doubting McCain will be the first to announce. I don't think you will get a big named repub to be first in line, because they don't want to spend the whole time explaining and taking ownership of what has happened under Bush. I truely believe the R canditate in 08 will be someone we are not thinking about at all right now.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 06:41 AM)
After the beatings at the polls, I am really doubting McCain will be the first to announce. I don't think you will get a big named repub to be first in line, because they don't want to spend the whole time explaining and taking ownership of what has happened under Bush. I truely believe the R canditate in 08 will be someone we are not thinking about at all right now.

I think you are right. It will be a smaller-name Dem or two to go first - salivating at the idea of taking a shot with the Dems in control, plus riding their wave (or their coattails). Someone not named Clinton, Edwards or Kerry.

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Obama should annonce soon. He will never be as untainted as he is right now. He never had to cast a vote on the Iraq war and he has a small voting record to criticize. But if he thinks that the primaries will be a cake walk like the one he had against Alan Keyes, he will be sorely mistaken. The Clintons will pound him on every issue and lack of experience.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 11:51 AM)
Obama should annonce soon. He will never be as untainted as he is right now. He never had to cast a vote on the Iraq war and he has a small voting record to criticize. But if he thinks that the primaries will be a cake walk like the one he had against Alan Keyes, he will be sorely mistaken. The Clintons will pound him on every issue and lack of experience.


Barak Obama will be one of the last, if not the last, to announce his canditacy if he indeed does go. He wants to make sure that there is a near groundswell BEGGING him to run, vs him begging other people to pay attention to him.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 12:06 PM)
Barak Obama will be one of the last, if not the last, to announce his canditacy if he indeed does go. He wants to make sure that there is a near groundswell BEGGING him to run, vs him begging other people to pay attention to him.


Spot on. I'll go one step further, he's going to have to sit this one out and resist any attempts at making him a Veep candidate if he wants a clean shot at the White House.

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As a repub I'd love for Newt Gingrich to run. I think he's an absolutely brilliant man and politician but I also know he'd stand absolutely no chance at winning, even though I think he'd make an oustanding president.


I prefer him over McCain and Rudy.

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From what I have been hearing in AZ from the door to door campaining that a lot of people would vote Democratic if the candidate is more moderate. And yesterday it looks as if several moderate democrats won elections over a Republican incumbent. So I guess what I am trying to say is that in 2008 we should be looking more mainstream with our candidate for President.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 10:06 AM)
Barak Obama will be one of the last, if not the last, to announce his canditacy if he indeed does go. He wants to make sure that there is a near groundswell BEGGING him to run, vs him begging other people to pay attention to him.

I still think if Hillary runs against Obama she will be unwilling to be anything but the president and the Clintons are real pro's at taking out candidates (they are very politically savvy) and my guess is you could see some serious canabalism amongst the party.


Now if Hillary bites her tongue than maybe it would work.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 01:10 PM)
As a repub I'd love for Newt Gingrich to run. I think he's an absolutely brilliant man and politician but I also know he'd stand absolutely no chance at winning, even though I think he'd make an oustanding president.


I prefer him over McCain and Rudy.


Why is Newt a better option that McCain or Rudy ?

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 11:51 AM)
Obama should annonce soon. He will never be as untainted as he is right now. He never had to cast a vote on the Iraq war and he has a small voting record to criticize. But if he thinks that the primaries will be a cake walk like the one he had against Alan Keyes, he will be sorely mistaken. The Clintons will pound him on every issue and lack of experience.


The Clintons have no leg to stand on. Bill Clinton had NO foreign policy experience coming into the '92 election...heck, I don't think he had any National political experience, although I could be wrong. Hillary has, what, four years on Obama in the Senate? I can't imagine she learned THAT much in four years that would make her an overwhelming candidate. Nor do I think the American people will buy the fact that she was the First Lady for 8 years as experience.




And if Newt Gingrich ran...he would be crushed. Absolutely crushed.

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QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 11:50 AM)
Don't sleep on Mitt Romney. I think he has as good a shot as any Republican to win the 2008 Nomination.

If I recall correctly, he's still the only major potential Repub nominee who has only been married once. I only point this out because he's also a Mormon, and I just find that hilarious.

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QUOTE(spiderman @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 11:29 AM)
Why is Newt a better option that McCain or Rudy ?

Because in my mind he is the sharpest politician I've ever heard (Clinton was the smoothest). I really love the idea's he has and I think he'd be an absolutely fantastic president.


Like I said, it will never happen. Just like McClintock didn't beat Arnold in the CA race (even though McClintock would have been a far better governor) but McClintock didn't stand a chance at winning either.


However, its good to see McClintock and a few other repubs joining Arnold in Sacremento. Our new insurance comissioner is freaking awesome.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 12:18 PM)
However, its good to see McClintock and a few other repubs joining Arnold in Sacremento. Our new insurance comissioner is freaking awesome.

Lieutenant Governor - California 24453 of 25231 Precincts Reporting

Name Party Votes Pct

Garamendi , John Dem 3,218,459 49.41

McClintock , Tom GOP 2,921,172 44.84



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Thats what I get by falling asleep and not reading the paper this morning. When I last saw he was winning (of course it wasn't projected) and I made the wrong assumption he won.


What a crock...I guess Arnold will still have to do with a mainly democratic sacremento, although he did get a little more help.


I can't think of a better candidate for Lt governor than Mcclintock either. Way to reign on my parade Balta, LOL.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 8, 2006 -> 02:14 PM)
Mitt Romney not being able to lift his candidate up this year for MA-Gov puts a serious hurt on his 08 hopes.

McCain is the front-runner right now. But with Allen seemingly out of the way, Romney is probably the only true conservative left.

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