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2008 Presidential Announcement Thread.

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 12:52 PM)
Go two posts up. He isn't in, he formed a committee. Probably in, though.


And that's why I wanted to tell you first that I'll be filing papers today to create a presidential exploratory committee. For the next several weeks, I am going to talk with people from around the country, listening and learning more about the challenges we face as a nation, the opportunities that lie before us, and the role that a presidential campaign might play in bringing our country together. And on February 10th, at the end of these decisions and in my home state of Illinois, I'll share my plans with my friends, neighbors and fellow Americans.


It's splitting hairs but at this point, IMHO, he's in. He may jump out on 2/10, but for now he took the first step.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 05:33 PM)
I should probably make a separate thread for this, but I want CONCRETE reasons why this guy is presidential material. Not the fluffy bulls***. REAL reasons.


Who was the last President who had concrete reasons for running? We haven't elected someone with Federal experience in God knows when. We like Governors not Congressmen and Senators.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 03:33 PM)
I should probably make a separate thread for this, but I want CONCRETE reasons why this guy is presidential material. Not the fluffy bulls***. REAL reasons.

That is an interesting thought actually. I'm not going to answer your question, but I'm going to answer your question with a question; what exactly is it that makes a person "presidential material" and how can you evaluate that beforehand? You can't just point at political experience, you can't just point at political positions, you can't just point at debate performances, what exactly is there that one can point to?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 05:33 PM)
I should probably make a separate thread for this, but I want CONCRETE reasons why this guy is presidential material. Not the fluffy bulls***. REAL reasons.

That is an excellent point. And no, I don't have an answer just yet. I have a general idea what Obama is like as a figure, but I know little on his issues, and I don't see a theme (or themes) yet from him.


Of course, having read some things about Bush's early decision on the Presidency, he didn't really have a "reason" either. At least, not what I'd consider a good one.

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One factor that I believe is essential is integrity. Another is the cheerleader factor. Reagan was outstanding because he made America feel good about themselves after Watergate and Carter. It was the second coming of the Beatles. They arrived as the nation wanted to move past Kennedy. Reagan walked tall and talked tough, and was damn handsome to boot. You know, he should have been a Texan, not a Californian. Clinton started off like that, rockin' to Fleetwood Mac after a couple of old people was great for America. His personal character flaws killed that by his second term.


Is Obama of sound morals and citizenship? We'll find out soon. Is he a powerful speaker that can galvanize the nation? We'll see.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 06:10 PM)
That is an excellent point. And no, I don't have an answer just yet. I have a general idea what Obama is like as a figure, but I know little on his issues, and I don't see a theme (or themes) yet from him.


Of course, having read some things about Bush's early decision on the Presidency, he didn't really have a "reason" either. At least, not what I'd consider a good one.


Thius is what a lot of people say. And when you think about it, no one really knows where he stands on anything except the War in Iraq. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

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QUOTE(ptatc @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 06:49 PM)
Thius is what a lot of people say. And when you think about it, no one really knows where he stands on anything except the War in Iraq. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

In truth, we don't even really know what his stand on Iraq is. He disagrees with the escalation, but, what would HE do?


He has charisma, and he is an excellent speaker. He does have that cheerleader, feel-good effect about him. Personality wise, he's got what he needs. And the political atmosphere right now gives him a good shot. We need to know now what kind of a decision-maker he is going to be, and where he stands on the important issues.

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Eventually we have to discuss the race issue and if America has reached a point where we "live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!


I pray he is judged against the same criteria as every other candidate. We will advance our society forward if he wins or loses based on his vision for America and not only our vision of him.


This race will be historic. There are some heavy weight contenders that can light up a room. Some seasoned savvy politicos who can maneuver the back alleys. Is America ready to break the mold of old white guys?


I do not believe it is hyperbole to say this will be the most exiting and historic race in our lifetimes. With the backdrop of war and social issues, with candidates getting serious consideration who would have been rejected based on sex and religion, this is going to be a turning point in American history. /grabs another beer.

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opposed iraq war before it started, claiming to be a hawk on terrorism and that going into iraq was not the route to take (i was in the audience for that speech in 2004 at benedictine)


secured greater benefits from VA for illinois veterans who were ranked near the bottom in receiving benefits


staunch supporter of successful earmark reform (ie coburn/obama amendment), while not toeing any party line, voting from last week indicates tough ethics reform too (also breaking from many dems, ie did not vote to table the demint amdt.)


highly productive meeting in russia to clean up loose nukes in former soviet states w/ sen. lugar via his foreign relations committee assignment


i'm not his biographer or anything, i just recalled that from reading the paper and i saw him and keyes speak in consecutive days at a benedictine forum hosted by failed gov. candidate jim ryan. i'm not advocating that you vote for him, but for being a jr. sen in the minority party for his first two years, i believe those are concrete reasons to be elected president.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 11:55 PM)
Who was the last President who had concrete reasons for running? We haven't elected someone with Federal experience in God knows when. We like Governors not Congressmen and Senators.

Give it a rest. You, nor anyone else, can say anything that gives him a track record to be president. So instead, we get this fluffy bulls*** about what a great speaker he is.


Clinton governed a state (executive experience) and had a record. To this point, Obama's record is razor thin, at best. I seriously want someone to point out to me why Obama's so great, besides he can speak clearly and articulately, which is something our current president surely can't do.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 07:01 AM)
Give it a rest. You, nor anyone else, can say anything that gives him a track record to be president. So instead, we get this fluffy bulls*** about what a great speaker he is.


Clinton governed a state (executive experience) and had a record. To this point, Obama's record is razor thin, at best. I seriously want someone to point out to me why Obama's so great, besides he can speak clearly and articulately, which is something our current president surely can't do.


Then it becomes what kind of a track record could prepare you for President? The most favored as been Governor and because we are United States, who get together and pick someone to be President, that does make sense. So right off the bat, he's at a huge disadvantage.


As I have said before, I believe this is too early for him to run. 2012 would make more sense to me,


You dismiss the speaking and moral building as fluffy bulls***, I place a greater value in it. Perhaps you are just a tad too young to remember the lead up to Reagan and how he made us feel invincible again. Contrast two moments in Bush's Presidency. Standing on a pile of ruble in NYC with a bull horn and later in New Orleans. I am convinced that if was on top of his game in New Orleans with another defining moment of compassionate conservatism and feeding off his faith, we'd have a much greater feeling about how we did in New Orleans. He was brilliant in NY, Tired in NO.


But in the end, you will support whomever the GOP wheels out there, so why get yourself all worked up over who the Dems toss into the ring?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 07:01 AM)
Give it a rest. You, nor anyone else, can say anything that gives him a track record to be president. So instead, we get this fluffy bulls*** about what a great speaker he is.


Clinton governed a state (executive experience) and had a record. To this point, Obama's record is razor thin, at best. I seriously want someone to point out to me why Obama's so great, besides he can speak clearly and articulately, which is something our current president surely can't do.


I'll tell ya what Kap...it may be fluffy bulls***, but you'd be surprised how many people will vote for him just because he speaks well.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 02:15 PM)
Then it becomes what kind of a track record could prepare you for President? The most favored as been Governor and because we are United States, who get together and pick someone to be President, that does make sense. So right off the bat, he's at a huge disadvantage.


As I have said before, I believe this is too early for him to run. 2012 would make more sense to me,


You dismiss the speaking and moral building as fluffy bulls***, I place a greater value in it. Perhaps you are just a tad too young to remember the lead up to Reagan and how he made us feel invincible again. Contrast two moments in Bush's Presidency. Standing on a pile of ruble in NYC with a bull horn and later in New Orleans. I am convinced that if was on top of his game in New Orleans with another defining moment of compassionate conservatism and feeding off his faith, we'd have a much greater feeling about how we did in New Orleans. He was brilliant in NY, Tired in NO.


But in the end, you will support whomever the GOP wheels out there, so why get yourself all worked up over who the Dems toss into the ring?

I'm not talking about the assbags that the Republicans have carted out there, I'm talking about Obama. Quit deflecting the subject.


P.S. - Reagan had a record. He was governor, remember?

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 09:38 AM)
I'll tell ya what Kap...it may be fluffy bulls***, but you'd be surprised how many people will vote for him just because he speaks well.


There is a contingent of people who will vote for Hillary because they think that Bill will be president in the background. They obviously didnt pay a lot of attention to the dynamics of that relationship. Bill will be lucky if he gets an invite to the swearing in, if she won.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 09:38 AM)
I'll tell ya what Kap...it may be fluffy bulls***, but you'd be surprised how many people will vote for him just because he speaks well.

True, especially since our current Prez may be the worst public speaker in that job in the TV era. If he had been eloquent, that may not be as much of an issue.



QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 09:48 AM)
I'm not talking about the assbags that the Republicans have carted out there, I'm talking about Obama. Quit deflecting the subject.


P.S. - Reagan had a record. He was governor, remember?

You are hitting on a subject that has come to the forefront in recent elections - executive experience. Its why governors seem to be doing better and better as Prez candidates, and Senators/Congresspeople are struggling. Bush was a governor, Clinton was a governor, GHW Bush had run the CIA and some corporate interests, Reagan was a governor... there is a theme there. You need to have run something from the top.


I actually agree that those jobs are better in experience than legislative ones. But I personally don't think it is a requirement.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 10:03 AM)
Do you think Obama's exploratory committee is exploring whether or not he may get shot at during his campaign?


I would be worried if I was a minority, there are ALOT of crazies out ther today


If no one has shot at Bush, Barack should be fine.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 10:04 AM)
If no one has shot at Bush, Barack should be fine.

Apparently you haven't looked into the people who elected Bush. Most of the people who would pull out a sniper rifle live in one of his states.


It worries me, thats all.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 10:06 AM)
Apparently you haven't looked into the people who elected Bush. Most of the people who would pull out a sniper rifle live in one of his states.


It worries me, thats all.


With all of the hate that is spewed towards Bush on a daily basis from people, I don't see that being much different than any hate that Obama would get.

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If anyone wants a true moderate, best to be voting for Obama out of the current crop of candidates. Unlike McCain, Romney, or Guiliani, he's not a moderate when convenient. He's moderate enough to piss off a lot of base Democrats all the time. Whether or not he peters out is left to be seen, but Obama is no crazy liberal, that's for sure.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 10:07 AM)
With all of the hate that is spewed towards Bush on a daily basis from people, I don't see that being much different than any hate that Obama would get.

I just see racial hate on a different level I guess.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 10:09 AM)
If anyone wants a true moderate, best to be voting for Obama out of the current crop of candidates. Unlike McCain, Romney, or Guiliani, he's not a moderate when convenient. He's moderate enough to piss off a lot of base Democrats all the time. Whether or not he peters out is left to be seen, but Obama is no crazy liberal, that's for sure.

I need to see more on Obama's views, but, I'd characterize Richardson as a moderate.

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