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2008 Presidential Announcement Thread.

Rex Kickass

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I wonder how this will look when John Edwards starts talking about the haves and the havenots, and how he is trying to look out for the working man?


Edwards Home County's Largest

By Don Carrington



RALEIGH - Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county.


The Edwards residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,- Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.


The rambling structure sits in the middle of a 102-acre estate on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill. The heavily wooded site and winding driveway ensure that the home is not visible from the road. "No Trespassing" signs discourage passersby from venturing past the gate.


Don Knight, Orange County building plans examiner, told CJ that, including the recreational building, the Edwardses' home would be one of the largest in Orange County.


Knight approved the building plans that showed the Edwards home totaling 28,200 square feet of connected space. The main house is 10,400 square feet and has two garages. The recreation building, a red, barn-like building containing 15,600 square feet, is connected to the house by a closed-in and roofed structure of varying widths and elevations that totals 2,200 square feet.


The main house is all on one level except for a 600-square-foot bedroom and bath area above the guest garage.


The recreation building contains a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pool, a four-story tower, and a room designated "John's Lounge."


Edwards was the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004 and a former N.C. senator.


Thursday afternoon, the Edwards for President press office was unable to provide information on any additional buildings planned for the estate.


I am sure the environmentalists will eb thrilled as well, with all the forest being chopped down to make room for his massive new house, and all the energy it will take to heat that monstrosity. But hey, he's just looking out for the little guy.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 09:57 AM)
I wonder how this will look when John Edwards starts talking about the haves and the havenots, and how he is trying to look out for the working man?


I am sure the environmentalists will eb thrilled as well, with all the forest being chopped down to make room for his massive new house, and all the energy it will take to heat that monstrosity. But hey, he's just looking out for the little guy.

Since we were building a home in Orange County, we decided to take advantage of some of the technology that President Carter had encouraged.


All the water (all of which comes from wells) in our home and some of the flooring is heated with solar energy.


We built a highly energy efficient house. In fact, our home is Energy-Star rated. Energy Star is an EPA regulated designation for homes that are at least 30 percent more efficient than the national Model Energy Code. In building we made sure we had effective insulation in floors, walls, and attics. We chose efficient heating and cooling equipment and high-performance windows. Our builder paid close attention to making sure the construction was tight to seal out drafts and moisture. The day the independent inspector came to evaluate the house, we were on pins and needles while he tested our home's energy performance. As he packed his equipment, he gave us the good news: we are an Energy-Star home!


We recycle, of course, although just yesterday we got our Orange County recycle bin. Until then we used the recycle facility just down the road. (The trash compactor I debated putting in is really useful for compacting cans and plastic, it turns out.)


And as the incandescent light bulbs the electrician installed in our fixtures burn out, we are replacing them with fluorescent bulbs. If you are thinking that we are living now in harsh light, with buzzing sounds and constant flickers, you are thinking of your grandmother's fluorescent bulbs. There are a wide range of shapes and fittings available now; there are even dimmable fluorescents, and honestly I cannot tell without checking which of our bulbs are still incandescent and which are now - and will continue to be -- fluorescent. Switching is a little bit of a bite, because the bulbs are more expensive (although Costco and eBay have some good prices), but replacing a single 60 watt incandescent with a 15 watt fluorescent you use just six hours a day could see an energy savings of more than $40 over the 4 year (4 year!) life of the bulb. And it is not just energy. A single fluorescent bulb "can prevent more than 450 pounds of emissions from a power plant over its lifetime" according to the Energy-Star website. That same site has these incredible statistics: "If every American home replaced just one light bulb with an ENERGY STAR, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars." One bulb.

Elizabeth Edwards's blog
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Somehow living in a 150 million dollar house while preaching to others about energy effecient lightbulbs rings a little hollow with me. If you really want to preach about conservation and preserving the earth, here is a crazy idea, living a in piddly little million dollar house. Think of how many lightbulbs you will never use, and how much energy THAT would save.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 12:23 PM)

Regardless of whatever energy saving ideas he uses, he will still use more energy that several homes in the area due to size alone. And just think of all the poor critters that were displaced from their natural habitat all to give the Edwards' a 12th room! Oh the horrors! Spending 150 MILLION on a house for 1 family is overkill when you try to preach to the have-nots about how the haves get everything. Hypocracy, thy name is John Edwards.

FYI, I love this line...

Our builder paid close attention to making sure the construction was tight to seal out drafts and moisture
For $150 million they had better done AT LEAST that. I guess $150 million doesn't go as far as it used to. :bang
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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 12:34 PM)
For $150 million they had better done AT LEAST that. I guess $150 million doesn't go as far as it used to. :bang

You do realize the actual price tag was something like $6 million, correct? The $150 million house that was in the news last week was a gigantic resort home in the middle of Montana (presumably not purchased by any of the Democratic candidates. Maybe Kerry).

Edited by Balta1701
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Welcome to the race, Senator Biden!


“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Welcome back to the Senate, Senator Biden!

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 01:39 PM)
Stupid me, I don't think that hurts him.


The way that it is playing out so far in the media will hurt him. They are making him seem like somekind of 1950's hick who is just now discovering that *gasp* black people can be smart AND clean, all at the sametime!

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And its all being done via Drudge.


What happens when you are a news organization that runs with a false story that says Obama was schooled in a fundamentalist madrassah as a child?


Obama stops talking to you.


hese are chilly days on Capitol Hill ... and on the campaign trail for Fox News journalists -- at least when they're anywhere near Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

Barack Obama

Will Fox have to watch Obama on C-Span like the rest of us? (Reuters photo)


Sources tell The Sleuth that the Obama camp has "frozen out" Fox News reporters and producers in the wake of the network's major screw-up in running with the erroneous Obama-the-jihadist story reported by Insight magazine.


"I'm still in the freezer," one Fox journalist said, noting that the people at Fox "suffering the most did nothing wrong." (It was "Fox and Friends" host Steve Doocy who aired the Insight magazine piece, which reported that operatives connected to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) found out that Obama, as a child, was educated at a Muslim madrassah in Indonesia.)


Another Fox journalist called the network's airing of the story "unfortunate" for the network's journalists who have to cover Obama and who are being adversely affected despite not being involved in the incident.


Since the madrassah incident, Obama has given interviews to ABC, CNN, CBS and NBC -- pretty much every other network except Fox. Sources close to Obama acknowledged that they're not thrilled to play ball with Fox journalists, but they stopped short of saying they are freezing the network out.


One source familiar with the dynamic between Fox and Obama, who asked not to be named, said Obama and his staff are in for a rude awakening if they think they can write off Fox News. If a candidate is serious about running for president, he or she is going to need a network like Fox to reach out to all those voters in the red and purple states, the source said.


The same source pointed out that Fox News political correspondent Carl Cameron interviewed Obama on Monday during the senator's trip to attend a field hearing on Hurricane Katrina.


But, as others pointed out, Cameron's interview wasn't prearranged; Cameron walked alongside Obama, who didn't even stop while answering the questions.


No one is suggesting the icy conditions are permanent. In fact, a thawing of sorts may already have begun thanks to two telephone conversations Fox News Channel CEO Roger Ailes had with Obama.


Aides to Obama said they weren't sure what exactly was said during the conversations. A Fox News spokesperson, who, though an official voice for the company asked not to be quoted by name, could neither confirm nor deny that conversations took place between Ailes and Obama. But of the "alleged freezing out" of Fox journalists by Obama's office, she said, "If true, perhaps Mr. [Robert] Gibbs should reconsider that ill-advised strategy given his candidate is trailing by 20 points in the polls."


Asked whether Ailes apologized to Obama, an Obama campaign aide said the senator "has not received any written apology."


In other words, aides weren't breaking their backs to go ask the senator whether Ailes had, indeed, apologized.


So maybe there was no written apology, but at least John Moody, vice president for news at Fox, issued this missive to staff in his daily editorial note on Jan. 23: "For the record: seeing an item on a website does not mean it is right. Nor does it mean it is ready for air on FNC. The urgent queue is our way of communicating information that is air-worthy. Please adhere to this."

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Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) "resolved to quit his cigarette habit over the winter holidays, just weeks before his expected presidential campaign would make photographers and reporters an even more regular part of his life," the Chicago Tribune reports. In an interview, he said that "although he has never been a heavy smoker, he has quit for periods over the last several years but then slipped back into the habit."


Said Obama: "I've got an ironclad demand from my wife that in the stresses of the campaign I don't succumb. I've been chewing Nicorette strenuously."

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Just gonna keep my mouth shut before I get in trouble...

Michael Savage, the nation's third-most listened to radio talk-show host, says he may leave his top rated show to make a bid for the GOP nomination for president.


"I know it sounds bizarre but when you consider the people running for the presidency, none . . . seems to be qualified," Savage told NewsMax in an exclusive interview.


Savage, based at the San Francisco Bay area's KNEW station, began his syndicated "Savage Nation" show in 2000. Today his network, Talk Radio Network, boasts that Savage is heard on over 370 stations across the country by 8 million listeners a week.


The controversial radio host packs a powerful punch in his three-hour daily show and can spark national news. Savage was credited with bringing the Dubai Ports World deal to national attention. The deal would have turned over U.S. port operations to the Middle Eastern company. A public outrage ensued, forcing Dubai Ports World to scuttle their plan.


Savage has also parlayed his loyal base into four consecutive New York Times best sellers, including his latest "The Political Zoo" — a satirical criticism of both Republicans and Democrats.


Savage, with his loyal listenership, says he can play an important role in the Republican primaries, gain critical support, and add to the planned debates.


"I would think that somebody who's not a politician might be a viable candidate," Savage stated, stressing that he would focus his campaign on his mantra: "Borders, language, Culture."

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Feb 7, 2007 -> 09:46 AM)
Al Franken is a way better candidate than Michael Savage. Al Franken at least was funny once.

Aw, c'mon. Savage is freaking hilarious! Although, not on purpose. I am all for strict border security, but listening to him rant about illegal aliens and our porous border is entertainment at its finest.

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