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2008 Presidential Announcement Thread.

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 07:41 AM)


My secret guess is someone told him that he would be their VP if he dropped out, and since Obama is from the next door state, I know who my guess would be.

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Former Wisconsin Governor and Secretary of Housing and Human Services Tommy Thompson is going to join the Republican field.


QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 12:23 PM)
My secret guess is someone told him that he would be their VP if he dropped out, and since Obama is from the next door state, I know who my guess would be.

Bayh might make an ideal VP pick for Obama, Bayh's much more of an insider-type, coming from a political family, involved in politics for years, in with the DLC, big with a lot of the insiders, just the sort of thing Obama in many ways isn't.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 08:00 PM)
Obama never really says anything worth while


he's just been pumped up by the media.


That's pretty much the way I see it at this point. That may change between now and the primaries.

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October 2005: Long Branch, NJ. 2000 people turn out to see him speak at a rally for the Governor race. It was one of three rallies featuring Obama that day within an hour of each other. Each of them had 2000+ people, on an off cycle election year.


Obama isn't a flash in the pan. He has the touch of a Bill Clinton.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Dec 17, 2006 -> 06:14 AM)
October 2005: Long Branch, NJ. 2000 people turn out to see him speak at a rally for the Governor race. It was one of three rallies featuring Obama that day within an hour of each other. Each of them had 2000+ people, on an off cycle election year.


Obama isn't a flash in the pan. He has the touch of a Bill Clinton.

He speaks well - very eloquent. That's it. What is his record? Flimsy. Now I'm not saying that he isn't "right", only that his record shouldn't support him as presidential material, yet.

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John Edwards will do his official announcement of his candidacy from the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, sometime in the normal media vacuum between Christmas and New Years. (I hope it's a media vacuum that is, considering what happened in that spot 2 years ago).


I'll give him credit...it's purely symbolic, but that's exactly the place politicians should be focusing their attention (aside from that little disaster in the middle east of course)

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 17, 2006 -> 03:13 PM)
John Edwards will do his official announcement of his candidacy from the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, sometime in the normal media vacuum between Christmas and New Years. (I hope it's a media vacuum that is, considering what happened in that spot 2 years ago).


I'll give him credit...it's purely symbolic, but that's exactly the place politicians should be focusing their attention (aside from that little disaster in the middle east of course)


Edwards time has come, and gone.


He's spinning his wheels.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 16, 2006 -> 02:23 PM)
My secret guess is someone told him that he would be their VP if he dropped out, and since Obama is from the next door state, I know who my guess would be.


Could be, yet I wonder if that would have enough balance for the ticket. If he runs, and if he gets to the point of selecting a VP running mate, it will have to be someone with loads of experiece and credibility. So that would fit, I just wonder if geographic balance is an issue any more. Doesn't he need a Texan?


Honestly I am not that excited about him running. I would feel better if this was 2012 and he had more experience and we had more of a chance to see him as an elected official. I believe the GOP is pumping up Hillary and Obama much more than the Dems. Either of those two would either have a huge groundswell sweeping them in, or zero traction. I don't see a close election night nail biter like the previous two.

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So, its way early for this, but just for fun...


If people here had to guess what the Dem and GOP tickets will look like for the 2008 election, what is your current best guess? I'll go with...


GOP: McCain/Romney or Giuliani/McCain

Dem: Edwards or Obama for Prez, Obama or Richardson for VP (some combination thereof)


Regarding names not shown above... For the Dems, Kerry will bow out early, Clinton with be Obama's biggest competitor but lose (she'll start hot and then flame out quickly), Vilsack/Clark/Biden/Kucinich will be also-rans. Edwards starts 3rd but passes Clinton at some point as does Obama, Richardson just barely above the also-rans before dropping out mid-way and hoping for a VP bid.


On the GOP side, Giuliani won't accept a VP bid, so he is all or none. Romney is the perfect political offset to McCain. Brownback won't get anywhere. And I don't see any other names being discussed for a GOP nod that has a chance.


Anyone else care to add their questionable speculation?

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Question: Do you think Cheney will run for President as lame duck VP even with his health and questionable Halliburton/Quail hunting background?


Seems to me he'd be an anchor around the neck of the Republicans.

Edited by knightni
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just like in '92 when a dark horse came out of nowhere, Richardson will emerge with the nomination. He will then choose former VA Govenor Mark Warner as his VP after Hillary turns down the offer.


on the republican side, Mitt Romney will win the nomination and select John McCain as his VP to off-set Richardson's southwestern draw and to keep AZ in the republican column.


a tight presidential race follows but Richardson pulls it off with a 290-248 electoral college vote win. Changes from the 2004 race include...


* New Mexico from Republican to Democrat

* Nevada from Republican to Democrat

* Colorado from Republican to Democrat

* Wisconsin from Democrat to Republican

* Ohio from Republican to Democrat

* Virginia from Republican to Democrat

* New Hampshire from Democrat to Republican


Romney/McCain also win close races in held-states Iowa, Arizona and Florida

Richardson/Warner win close races in held-states Minnesota, Washington and Maine.


now that 2008 is done, should we start working on '12??? :bang

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QUOTE(knightni @ Dec 18, 2006 -> 10:35 AM)
Question: Do you think Cheney will run for President as lame duck VP even with his health and questionable Halliburton/Quail hunting background?


Seems to me he'd be an anchor around the neck of the Republicans.

Cheney has said repeatedly and adamantly that he has zero desire to run for Prez. And in his case, with the way he has stated it, I'd guess he is telling the truth. Plus he is not seen by the GOP as a good draw for anyone outside the party hardline. I see zero chance of him running.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 17, 2006 -> 02:58 PM)
oh man, i hope the bar hasn't been lowered to "well, he'll probably have a better foreign policy that GW Bush."

Yes, it has been.

In the end, when it comes to the question of his relative inexperience, Obama himself offers the best retort: "Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have an awful lot of experience." 'Nuff said.



Anyway, on other Obamamania news, I'm going to steal this from the Economist.


IF YOU do nothing else all day, set aside five minutes and do this:


(i) read this story


and then


(ii) listen to this audio


Now. Do your still have any serious doubts who will be the next president of the United States?

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 18, 2006 -> 12:49 PM)
Chitrib, scroll down a little for the Obama blurb.

Well, at least Obama might be a President willing to admit when he went horribly awry.


I still want to know where he will stand on the issues, and what sort of leader he will turn out to be in the executive sense. There is just not enough data I can find as of yet.

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I'm not a big fan of Edwards, but he's done a lot for the Dems in the last four years, and would be more than acceptable to the base that the Dems would need to turn out. He probably could get North Carolina AND Virginia to flip red to blue, which might be enough. Especially if Warner gets a VP nod.


IMO, I think of the current candidates, I'd like to see an Obama nomination - if nothing else to see someone other than a white male at the head of a ticket. But I'd want Schweitzer, Richardson or Warner to be the VP nod.


If Al Gore wanted this nomination though.... if we get real Al Gore, and not consulted algore, I'd be all for it.

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