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"PA's Ask a Candidate" Thread


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If you don't know me well and would like to know more about where I stand on some issues to help you make a better decision on Soxtalk Election Day, please type your questions here. I will try to respond as thoroughly as possible and as quickly as possible. There will be room for give and take, however, for times sake please keep discussions brief and on topic. Likewise, if you do know me, but perhaps you need a little more info, leave your questions here. Thank again for stopping by PA's "Ask a Candidate" thread. Vote for me on Soxtalk Election Day!

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Most of your platform consists of "It's a state's rights issue". If there is a checkerboard of different laws on abortion, guns, welfare, and etc. wouldn't that create an interstate problem? If we are the United States of America, shouldn't we be united on the big issues?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 12:38 PM)
Mine is not as a much of a question as a comment...


I would like to go on record as saying "F you PA"


Thank you.


Thank you Mr Southsider, your comments have been noted. Hopefully that is just the motivation I need to win MY election :ph34r: :P

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 09:00 AM)
Most of your platform consists of "It's a state's rights issue". If there is a checkerboard of different laws on abortion, guns, welfare, and etc. wouldn't that create an interstate problem? If we are the United States of America, shouldn't we be united on the big issues?


Thank you Mr Texsox for your comments.


I often compare the United States to the corporate model. I agree with you that the overall vision of our nation should be handled by the supreme leaders of our nation, and moreover that we should be united in those issues. This is a recipe for success. However, when we take a deeper look, we realize the ineffectiveness of our central government.


Like a major corporation, you have divisions and leaders of those divisions. They are asked to maintain the overall vision of the company, however, are often granted leeway with managing their division. Section leaders must stay mobile and evolve as their division evolves, for it would be ineffective leadership and poor service to those they represented if they did not. Furthermore, when corporate leaders eliminate those traits and transfer all decision making and authority to the highest levels of the corporation, the decisions made and enforced are often out of touch as your climb down the corporate ladder.


So, as we seek to apply this idea in a real world setting, we must recognize the clear differences between divisions, or states. Energy laws, Gay Marriage laws, Tax laws, Gambling laws, Voting laws, Abortion laws, Capital punishment laws, and even the way many state governments are run all vary state to state. It is misleading to overlook the clear differences between one state and another. There are distinct social differences between individuals in the south and individuals in the northwest. So, I do believe that the state governments of any given state should be federally backed to properly service their constituents. State leaders have direct access to those for whom they were elected to represent and therefore are most adept at making decisions that positively effect the citizens of the United States the most.


Finally, I would disagree with the notion that "most of my platform consists of 'state's rights'" issues. While many issues can be solved on the state level, I understand the need for concise direction from the highest levels of government. States must offer public services that protect its population such as state and local police, but it is foolish to ignore the broader scope of security that the federal government can offer in organizations such as the U.S. Army.


So we must balance state's rights to decide what is best for its people and the necessity for the federal government to broaden the governing scope.


thank you again for your question.




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BTW, PA, to keep this fair and all I am reminded of the words of a great American President Ron Reagan, so . . .


"I want you to know that I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 07:37 PM)
BTW, PA, to keep this fair and all I am reminded of the words of a great American President Ron Reagan, so . . .


"I want you to know that I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience."



It's duly noted that this is the second attempt at discrediting my campaign :D

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 06:45 PM)
It's duly noted that this is the second attempt at discrediting my campaign :D


Actually after reading your platform, and knowing your character and views, I think you would make a great VP. After I win the primary, we'll talk. :D

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OK PA, I have a few questions...


QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 11:27 PM)
My name is PA, and I am an Independent Republican.


Isn't that an oxymoron?


QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 11:27 PM)
I speak for myself and I act according to what I have learned through personal experience and through everyday relationships.


So, as a leader of the constituency, you don't speak for them?


QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 11:27 PM)
Environmental issues, protections: A balance needs to occur between regulation and public health; Public health coming first and foremost before over-regulation.


Since the purpose of environmental regulation IS the protection of public health... how does that need balance?


QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 11:27 PM)
North Korea: Will continue to be a threat until other nations take a real stake in its future.


Iran: Will continue to be a threat until other nations take a real stake in its future.


Palestine/Israel: Will continue to be a threat until other nations take a real stake in its future.


Is the U.S. one of those "other nations"?


QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 11:27 PM)
Social Security: I would pass law to include “retirement education” as a part of the CRA (customer reinvestment act) which requires financial institutions to prove their “giving back” to the community which they serve. People young and old must know that Social Security is a supplement to retirement and not to be considered their entire retirement portfolio.


Love this idea, I have to say.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 08:08 PM)
Actually after reading your platform, and knowing your character and views, I think you would make a great VP. After I win the primary, we'll talk. :D


Certainly we shouldn't put the cart before the horse, but I would be one hell of a bulldog VP :)

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 15, 2006 -> 09:33 PM)
"Independent Republican" Isn't that an oxymoron?


Certainly not. I believe that much of my platform is based on Republican ideals. I am, however, independent from the political machine and rhetoric. I mean what I say and say what I mean.


So, as a leader of the constituency, you don't speak for them?

This refers back to my independent nature. If you read later in my platform I wrote:

I would honestly and earnestly seek to hear what my constituents most firmly believe in and balance them with what I personally believe to be the right course of action with any given issue.
I think you must always seek to understand the perspective of others, especially those you are elected to lead, but any elected official retains the right to make decisions based ultimately on balanced judgment between what they know and perceive. I hope that clears up any confusion.


Since the purpose of environmental regulation IS the protection of public health... how does that need balance?

If we cripple businesses with over-regulation, we will ultimately hurt the consumer. My point is that we must first seek to protect the consumer from harmful environmental contaminants and then find the best balance so that businesses stay fiscally viable.


Is the U.S. one of those "other nations"?

I think it is assumed that the U.S. will be involved in mutli-lateral talks. I believe nations like Russia and China, who are in the midst of economic booms because of their international business, should be required to be more involved financially and militarily to supplement nation's already involved in resolution talks.


Love this idea, I have to say.

Thank You. My experience in the financial industry has allowed me to see people of all backgrounds struggle to plan for their retirements. The Banking industry is already the most heavily regulated industry in the U.S., however, I think for the benefit of the financial institution as well as the people of the United States, we can seek to promote the education of financial services planning.


I can give you an example that already exists and would help satisfy this requirement. At the last financial institution I worked, they had an account for individuals age 50 or better that gave the customer a free consultation with a certified financial planner. This is a free benefit for an age group the Federal government recognizes under the CRA. I believe it would benefit financial institutions to be required to report this activity both because it promotes business but also because it is one more area they can report under the current CRA laws.



Thank you for your questions. I hope you found them helpful.

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I am interested in my candidates as human beings, and I think that one's answer to the following can be quite telling:


What is the worst thing you've ever done, in your opinion, to another human being, that you regret? How about: what's the worst thing you've ever done that you don't regret?


What's, in your opinion, the best thing to happen to you? (And please note: "White Sox winning the World Series doesn't count. :P)


If you choose to say, "these are unpolitical questions," I understand fully, let me say, but I do hope that you answer them and feel comfortable answering.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 12:18 AM)
I am interested in my candidates as human beings, and I think that one's answer to the following can be quite telling:


What is the worst thing you've ever done, in your opinion, to another human being, that you regret? How about: what's the worst thing you've ever done that you don't regret?


What's, in your opinion, the best thing to happen to you? (And please note: "White Sox winning the World Series doesn't count. :P)


If you choose to say, "these are unpolitical questions," I understand fully, let me say, but I do hope that you answer them and feel comfortable answering.


Thanks Gregory for your great question. I don't feel uncomfortable at all answering them.


The first thing I would say is that to each person at different times in their lives "the worst thing I've ever done" may change, and not necessarily because you've done something to change that; sometimes it's simply paradigm shifts.


The worst thing that I have ever done was probably in high school through some of college. I did not respect women like I should have. In relationships i was always nice and tried to make the girl feel happy, but ultimately it was about seeking self-satisfaction. While I can say that I am still a virgin in the purest sense, I have experienced quite a bit. What I most regret about those times are the damaged relationships and hurt feelings that I may have caused these now women to cope with. Perhaps I'm being melodramatic, but in the light of my upcoming wedding, my frame of reference is heavily focused on treated Miss PA with love and respect. I cannot say I did that successfully earlier in my life. I deeply regret that.


However, what I have experienced in the past has helped me grow, apply what I've learned, and overcome those obstacles. The best thing to ever have happened to me is my fiancee. Through our four year relationship, I have learned to let go of anger that I once harbored, think of others before myself, and ultimately, I have learned to put in practice what I could not early in my life. There is nothing like finding someone who truly makes you exponentially a better person than you were with them, especially when they can do it so patiently, elegantly, and beautifully. She is a godsend, and I thank Him everyday for that.


Well, I hope that allows you to get to know me better. I too, think that the person behind the campaign is really the most important part of the campaign. Thanks again for the question.



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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 07:06 AM)
Thanks Gregory for your great question. I don't feel uncomfortable at all answering them.


The first thing I would say is that to each person at different times in their lives "the worst thing I've ever done" may change, and not necessarily because you've done something to change that; sometimes it's simply paradigm shifts.


The worst thing that I have ever done was probably in high school through some of college. I did not respect women like I should have. In relationships i was always nice and tried to make the girl feel happy, but ultimately it was about seeking self-satisfaction. While I can say that I am still a virgin in the purest sense, I have experienced quite a bit. What I most regret about those times are the damaged relationships and hurt feelings that I may have caused these now women to cope with. Perhaps I'm being melodramatic, but in the light of my upcoming wedding, my frame of reference is heavily focused on treated Miss PA with love and respect. I cannot say I did that successfully earlier in my life. I deeply regret that.


However, what I have experienced in the past has helped me grow, apply what I've learned, and overcome those obstacles. The best thing to ever have happened to me is my fiancee. Through our four year relationship, I have learned to let go of anger that I once harbored, think of others before myself, and ultimately, I have learned to put in practice what I could not early in my life. There is nothing like finding someone who truly makes you exponentially a better person than you were with them, especially when they can do it so patiently, elegantly, and beautifully. She is a godsend, and I thank Him everyday for that.


Well, I hope that allows you to get to know me better. I too, think that the person behind the campaign is really the most important part of the campaign. Thanks again for the question.




Thank you for the answers, but I have a few follow-ups: what does virgin "in the purest sense" mean? What type of abuses are we talking about -- and let me say, you don't have to get too into detail, but are we talking about using women for sex, money? Not that it matters too much (as I have a good deal of respect for your answers) but I'm interested in what we're talking about here.


I'm happy for you and your fiancee. Truly. :)

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With recent standardized test scores showing that students in urban areas are out performed by their peers and the opinion that US students are falling behind in science,

what do you think the role of federal government should be in support of strengthening our country's (obvious) floundering in teaching science? Do you support increasing funding to national organizations (Like the National Science Foundation and the National Instutute of Health) or do you believe this is a state's issue? If it is a state's issue, how would you recommend they address this issue?

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 10:21 AM)
Thank you for the answers, but I have a few follow-ups: what does virgin "in the purest sense" mean? What type of abuses are we talking about -- and let me say, you don't have to get too into detail, but are we talking about using women for sex, money? Not that it matters too much (as I have a good deal of respect for your answers) but I'm interested in what we're talking about here.


I'm happy for you and your fiancee. Truly. :)


Thank you for your follow up questions, I'll try to be as forward and honest as possible.


What I meant by "virgin" is simply that I have not engaged in intercourse.


I don't know if I would consider anything I've done as "abuse" as you described. As I said, I treated my girlfriends well, but I know that I should have used more self-control to avoid sexual interactions, i.e. light or heavy petting. Some may not consider this to be as big of an issue as I feel it is, but I hope that is a testament to my character. I think all females should respect themselves by avoiding situations where they'll give in to guys, but what I'm getting at is that I think men, myself included, need to have more self-control and more respect to not put women in that place. I hope that's seen as a positive thing.


Let me know if you need more information.





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I'd like to also open this thread up for suggestions on how you would want me to govern, if I was elected President. As I stated before, I want to know what you, the people, think is important. I will do my best to hear you out and offer suggestions and ultimately find consensus, so that you feel fairly governed.


Again, I'll be happy to engage anyone with questions.



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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 10:26 AM)
Thank you for your follow up questions, I'll try to be as forward and honest as possible.


What I meant by "virgin" is simply that I have not engaged in intercourse.


I don't know if I would consider anything I've done as "abuse" as you described. As I said, I treated my girlfriends well, but I know that I should have used more self-control to avoid sexual interactions, i.e. light or heavy petting. Some may not consider this to be as big of an issue as I feel it is, but I hope that is a testament to my character. I think all females should respect themselves by avoiding situations where they'll give in to guys, but what I'm getting at is that I think men, myself included, need to have more self-control and more respect to not put women in that place. I hope that's seen as a positive thing.


Let me know if you need more information.






I do think that's a respectable thing, and I appreciate your answers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
QUOTE(FriendsofPAforPresident @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 11:14 PM)
Hooray for PA!


From the Urban Dictionary


1. sock puppet thumbsup.gif 34 up, 2 down thumbsdown.gif

An account made on an internet message board, by a person who already has an account, for the purpose of posting more-or-less anonymously.


by Ian Maxwell Mar 14, 2003 email it permalink:



Send to a friend

your email:


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send me the word of the day (it's free)





2. sock puppet thumbsup.gif 24 up, 1 down thumbsdown.gif

1: A fake personality, usually a 'friend' or 'sister,' created by a drama queen/king for the sake of defending him/herself against others in an online forum.


2: Someone who might be an actual person but behaves like the above, defending someone who really deserves no defense.


After mskyootie44 left the board in a snit, she made a sock puppet claiming to be her sister that told us we should all be ashamed of how mean we were because mskyootie was cutting herself in the bathroom.






You know, just sayin' :D

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