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Tex's Concession


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Once upon a SL&M poll, it was decided that the best way to know someone is to know who they hang around with. If elected, here is a partial list of my nominations for cabinet positions.


Secretary of State -- LowerCaseRepublican

Secretary of Treasury -- Southsider2k5

Secretary of Defense -- NukeCleveland

Secretary of Interior -- FlaSoxxJim

Secretary of Commerce -- Kapkomet

Secretary of Housing -- RexKickAss

Secretary of Education -- Soxy

Attorney General -- Evil Monkey

Secretary of Agriculture - Heads (he's in Iowa, what else is there)

Secretary of Energy -- QueenPrawn

Homeland Security -- Steff


Chief of Staff - YASNY

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I couldn't help but notice that many of your opponents are your potential nominees for your cabinet... At this stage of the campaign, one could almost view this as a conflict of interest, or worse yet, effectively a bribe to try to weaken the field by attracting them to your side with the promise of an office. How do you feel about that?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 10:29 AM)
I couldn't help but notice that many of your opponents are your potential nominees for your cabinet... At this stage of the campaign, one could almost view this as a conflict of interest, or worse yet, effectively a bribe to try to weaken the field by attracting them to your side with the promise of an office. How do you feel about that?


I did not intend it to be considered a bribe, just a reflection on the types of individuals I would nominate. Each of these individuals have expressed views that closely reflect my values in those specific areas. Not direct matches, but close. (Well maybe not Heads, but we don't have any farmers here). I believe in getting the best person for the job, regardless of politics.


I also expect, by selecting people of high moral, ethics, and purpose, that these positions are not the pinnacles of their ambition. The fact that they choose to aim even higher tells me I have chosen wisely.


I have a great deal of respect for the other candidates in this race. I have respectfully agreed and disagreed with each candidate on a wide range of issues. However, I have a greater respect for our system and know that our great nation is best served when we have quality choices. That healthy debate advances us forward quicker than political deals.



QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 10:37 AM)
I see there's a VP spot open ;)


I also need a "Drug Czar".

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There are very few positions that I have determined my cabinet will hold. However, I do propose adding two positions in my cabinet, should the nominees accept.


The first offer would be to Soxy to be Soxtalk's very first Secretary of Couture and Chomsky.


The second offer would be to Bea Arthur. To be my Secretary of Awesome.

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QUOTE(evilmisquoter @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 12:26 PM)



With all of the political discussion, I'd like to know if you will continue making soxtalk.com a more exciting and engaging place?


thanks in advance.


fixed and answered.

A couple of honors from the great posters here.

Soxtalk 2005 Hall of Fame

Soxtalk 2004 Thread Starter of the Year

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With recent standardized test scores showing that students in urban areas are out performed by their peers and the opinion that US students are falling behind in science, what do you think the role of federal government should be in support of strengthening our country's (obvious) floundering in teaching science? Do you support increasing funding to national organizations (Like the National Science Foundation and the National Instutute of Health) or do you believe this is a state's issue? If it is a state's issue, how would you recommend they address this issue?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 01:33 PM)
fixed and answered.

A couple of honors from the great posters here.

Soxtalk 2005 Hall of Fame

Soxtalk 2004 Thread Starter of the Year


First of all, I would like to recognize your acheivements here at soxtalk, but we must look to the future, Tex. I believe experience is a good thing, but at some point you lose touch with your constituents. So I ask again, what are your plans for soxtalk in the future?


Secondly, this is your second personal attack on me. Is this something we can expect from you during your campaign or if you were elected?

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 12:39 PM)
With recent standardized test scores showing that students in urban areas are out performed by their peers and the opinion that US students are falling behind in science, what do you think the role of federal government should be in support of strengthening our country's (obvious) floundering in teaching science? Do you support increasing funding to national organizations (Like the National Science Foundation and the National Instutute of Health) or do you believe this is a state's issue? If it is a state's issue, how would you recommend they address this issue?


I would prefer to discuss this issue with my nominee for Secretary of Education, but since that is you, I am on my own. :D


I followed the link and there is little in the way of empirical data to comment on. What is noteworthy is the school districts in the study volunteered to be tested, and compared to national averages. I would need to see much more of the methodology before commenting. We don't know how far below the national average, .5%? 20%? that needs to be known before any actions should be discussed. We also need to learn more about those school districts; what are the student-teacher ratios? How do their wages and overall expenses compare to the national average? How do their facilities compare? Were the test culturally and language neutral?


Commenting on state versus federal issues in education, we should realize that with consolidations in the text book industry and two big states, Texas and California, enacting content laws for text books, we are rapidly developing national standards with those states pushing their agenda.


I believe the gross inequities in funding schools must be addressed. Property taxes insure that the poorest residents, those that a quality education would benefit the most, will receive the lowest funding. The states need to develop more equitable funding plans.


I support more public-private projects to augment science and technology education. A shining example for this is McAllen High School in Texas offers over 60 certificate programs to their students. Many of these are in the technology areas and have been co-developed with Cisco, Microsoft, and other tech leaders. These programs need to be expanded.


I can think of no subject that is more vital to our economic health than science and technology education.

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 01:05 PM)
First of all, I would like to recognize your acheivements here at soxtalk, but we must look to the future, Tex. I believe experience is a good thing, but at some point you lose touch with your constituents. So I ask again, what are your plans for soxtalk in the future?


Secondly, this is your second personal attack on me. Is this something we can expect from you during your campaign or if you were elected?


I believe that on-line forums are an excellent vehicle for keeping in touch with my constituents. I would continue to explore these threads as I have consistently and continuously for the past several years.


That wasn't a personal attack, that was the evilmisquoter :D

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 07:55 PM)
I believe that on-line forums are an excellent vehicle for keeping in touch with my constituents. I would continue to explore these threads as I have consistently and continuously for the past several years.


That wasn't a personal attack, that was the evilmisquoter :D

As long as it wasn't the evilAttorney General! I'll try not to jail too many people. :P

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QUOTE(bmags @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 04:38 PM)
i'd like to think i'd be your secretary of partying down.


And their will be plenty of that. I would also decriminalize marijuana and use the money saved in the enforcement of marijuana laws and use it to increase drug awareness and treatment programs. I would place the same restrictions as we do on liquor. I have never smoked, but from all the information I've seen, taking marijuana away from the dealers is a good idea.

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