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"Kramer" loses it!!


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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 10:10 PM)
And for reference, I am one of Carlos Mencia's biggest fans. People who don't like his comedy are the real racists. Listen to what he says, but before you do, knock down that wall you have that completely disregards and racial issues that are talked about, and really, REALLY listen to what he says. I dare anyone to tell me he's wrong.


Mencia's act is okay but I've heard the same stuff done better by other people (Pryor, Carlin, Bruce, Cross, Rock, Chappelle, etc.) I laugh at times at Mencia's jokes, I just don't like being able to see where the joke is going to go very easily in advance. There's no real twist that takes a comical observation to something outright gutbusting laughable -- which the other comics who have hit the material have been able to do.


/runs off to listen to his Unbookables CD "Morbid Obscenity" again:



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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 10:10 PM)
I'm with Jenks and LCR on this one. America will always try to find something to complain about. I do not think Michael Richards is a racist. I do think he was intoxicated and frustrated, and all the hate came out. Like LCR said, those aholes who decided to heckle him that night just chose the wrong night and he snapped. If it was a Asian, Latino, or Caucasion that was heckling him, they would have got it just as bad too. It happened to be african american and he snapped.


And for reference, I am one of Carlos Mencia's biggest fans. People who don't like his comedy are the real racists. Listen to what he says, but before you do, knock down that wall you have that completely disregards and racial issues that are talked about, and really, REALLY listen to what he says. I dare anyone to tell me he's wrong.

We don't know if Richards harbors the same hatred towards Asians, Latinos, or other Caucasians that he showed towards blacks, so it's impossible to say that other ethnicities would have gotten it just as bad.

If it wasn't race-based, he could have tried to shut them up some other way, but he didn't. He went straight to the "good old days" of lynching, and then multiple N-bombs, and then "that's what happens when you interrupt the white man".

Sorry, but that's racist. All of it. I don't know if you can say racist things without being a racist, but what he said was completely racist. And since it wasn't in the context of......well, ANYTHING.....then it has to stand on its own for what it is. A hateful, racist attack on someone.

Whether or not the person doing the heckling was an obnoxious, bothersome ass, the racist slurs were wrong and indefensible.

Richards didn't use intoxication as a defense, so I certainly won't, and even if he tried to, being drunk is not a defense for this.


And I guess I'm also a racist, since I don't find Ned funny either. It's lowest common denominator "beaner" jokes, with nothing insightful, new or original about it. It's all been done before, and better.

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 10:10 PM)
I'm with Jenks and LCR on this one. America will always try to find something to complain about. I do not think Michael Richards is a racist. I do think he was intoxicated and frustrated, and all the hate came out. Like LCR said, those aholes who decided to heckle him that night just chose the wrong night and he snapped. If it was a Asian, Latino, or Caucasion that was heckling him, they would have got it just as bad too. It happened to be african american and he snapped.


And for reference, I am one of Carlos Mencia's biggest fans. People who don't like his comedy are the real racists. Listen to what he says, but before you do, knock down that wall you have that completely disregards and racial issues that are talked about, and really, REALLY listen to what he says. I dare anyone to tell me he's wrong.


:huh: Ummmm, what is your definition of a "racist"?

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Perhaps he and OJ could get together and try and save their careers.


He was frustrated, mad, enraged, and his brain wasn't working. He grabbed the most hateful words he could find and launched them. Anyone who has been through a bitter divorce will understand trying to murder someone with words.

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 07:51 AM)
But a divorce is quite different than being heckled. My sister is going through utter hell, and I guessing that Richards situation at that moment was not the same.


I'm thinking he will find a spot on Blue Collar TV within a week.


I was making a parallel to someone that wants to destroy the other person with words, not just shout down, etc. he wanted murder.

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What if the hecklers were Japanese and Kramer said..."Didn't we drop a bomb on you like 30 years ago?? Shut up and get out of here. Get the little jap men that can't see out of here. Get the f*** out of here"


Well first off the audience would have laughed, cause it's ok to rip on japanese people and secondly, if that happened, we wouldn't have even heard about it.


All Richards had to combat these people was that they were Black. So he drew on history to find something to rip on them. It doesn't mean he is a racist and wants to lynch anyone. It doesn't mean he supports lynching. He was just in a fit of rage and thats all he had as a comeback. It was a very poor choice, but I think he was trying to be funny in the beginning. He just failed miserably.

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 03:07 PM)
What if the hecklers were Japanese and Kramer said..."Didn't we drop a bomb on you like 30 years ago?? Shut up and get out of here. Get the little jap men that can't see out of here. Get the f*** out of here"


because there would be a hint of comedic cleverness there. instead of just shouting "HE"S A N-word"

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 04:36 PM)
If a guy can throw the N word directly at someone and still not be considered a racist, then what does he need to do?

Suggest lynching them? No, wait - he did that.....

....Tell them to shut up while the white man is talking? No, wait - he did that too....

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 04:36 PM)
If a guy can throw the N word directly at someone and still not be considered a racist, then what does he need to do?


If you are looking for the worst possible insult to make, do you have to be a racist to use it? Everyone here knows the worst thing to call someone, in a fit of anger, they use it. I'm not ready to indict anyone over an angry outburst.

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People in this country are so damn sensitive. Now I know it looks like Richards said the "N" word before anyone called him a "cracker" or a "white boy", but you see SO MANY comedians(mostly blacks and latinos) take shots at white people in the stands. And what do they do, they laugh and they dont take it as an insult. But everyone has become so sensitive over everything now a days. Now im Mexican, there is a lot of jokes thrown at us now a days about the border and immigration. Im not going to get mad, I would laugh if I heard a good joke being made about us. But some people take more offense than others. People that can make fun of another races and be congratulated and the others make fun of the other race and are viewed as Racists. Chappelle, Rock, Mencia, Lopez, they all kill the whites in they're shows and the whites are just supposed to sit there and take it. Im sorry but that is not right. And some african american people I know say "Well he talked about us hanging from trees!(refering to the lynchings). Well guess what Thousands of my people are STILL dying to this day trying to cross the border and we still get jokes about it, do I mind NOT REALLY. Im sorry if this offends anybody, but this is what I think.



Do not get me wrong what Richards said was wrong, but if he cant say it then nobody else should either.

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QUOTE(whitesox07champs @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 05:14 AM)
People in this country are so damn sensitive. Now I know it looks like Richards said the "N" word before anyone called him a "cracker" or a "white boy", but you see SO MANY comedians(mostly blacks and latinos) take shots at white people in the stands. And what do they do, they laugh and they dont take it as an insult. But everyone has become so sensitive over everything now a days.


I see black and hispanic comedians taking shots at white people all the time, but it sure as hell ain't malicious. Can you see the difference?


QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 04:41 AM)


Serenity now




Insanity later


That about sums it up.

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 11:49 AM)
Start a career as a rapper









:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


QUOTE(whitesox07champs @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 11:14 PM)
People in this country are so damn sensitive. Now I know it looks like Richards said the "N" word before anyone called him a "cracker" or a "white boy", but you see SO MANY comedians(mostly blacks and latinos) take shots at white people in the stands. And what do they do, they laugh and they dont take it as an insult. But everyone has become so sensitive over everything now a days. Now im Mexican, there is a lot of jokes thrown at us now a days about the border and immigration. Im not going to get mad, I would laugh if I heard a good joke being made about us. But some people take more offense than others. People that can make fun of another races and be congratulated and the others make fun of the other race and are viewed as Racists. Chappelle, Rock, Mencia, Lopez, they all kill the whites in they're shows and the whites are just supposed to sit there and take it. Im sorry but that is not right. And some african american people I know say "Well he talked about us hanging from trees!(refering to the lynchings). Well guess what Thousands of my people are STILL dying to this day trying to cross the border and we still get jokes about it, do I mind NOT REALLY. Im sorry if this offends anybody, but this is what I think.

Do not get me wrong what Richards said was wrong, but if he cant say it then nobody else should either.



This about sums it up for me. How hypocritical is it for certain people to hurl racial epithets about others and it be considered funny or cool then have those same people start screaming "RACIST!!!" like a stuck pig when someone says something about them.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Nov 20, 2006 -> 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you related to him or something? It seems that you have everything completely backwards...


Your first assumption is that they heckled him because he wasn't being kramer. Maybe he just a horrible comic?? That's basically been the consensus opinion...


Your other assumption is that the "jackasses/douchebags" were "getting it thrown back at them" when it seems from the video that he was getting it thrown back at him. They didn't call him a cracker (tame, in my opinion) until his whole "pitchforking n*****s" comment along with throwing around the n word about 20 times. The ignorant tirade was uncalled for. Saying he's a washed-up has-been after the ignorance he spewed was called for, in my opinion.


He's the jackass and the douchebag for not being a professional and handling the situation in the worst way possible.

I was going to say the same things.


So comics should get a free pass even if their material sucks? Please.


Listen closer to the audio at the end. Doesn't that big "Kramer" fan say "all you had was Seinfield?"

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QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Nov 23, 2006 -> 05:01 PM)
I was going to say the same things.


So comics should get a free pass even if their material sucks? Please.


Listen closer to the audio at the end. Doesn't that big "Kramer" fan say "all you had was Seinfield?"

Nobody bought tickets to see the hecklers.


You don't show up to a concert, pull out your guitar and say "Hey, [insert your favorite artist whose concert you'd attend] watch this!" and start playing your guitar.


If the hecklers didn't want to get blasted then they keep their f***ing mouths shut. If you don't like what was said how about leaving? Or getting a drink, taking a piss and coming back when there is another comic on stage? Gee, that would be a logical idea. But no, let's give hecklers a free pass. None of you would like hecklers at your job yet you seem to think it is okay to have them for this man's job.


And he was ignorant for saying n***** but the "oppressed" hecklers were not ignorant for calling him a "cracker"? I'm just trying to get my PC thought process correct here.

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