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"Kramer" loses it!!


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QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 09:39 AM)
Jesse Jackson calls for boycott of Seinfeld dvds.



Maybe Seinfield should boycott Jesse.


Jackson has been criticized for some of the remarks he has made about Jews and Jewish issues: that Nixon was less attentive to poverty in the U.S. because "four out of five [of Nixon's top advisors] are German Jews and their priorities are on Europe and Asia"; that he was "sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust"; that "very few Jewish reporters that have the capacity to be objective about Arab affairs"; [7] In addition the Rev. Jesse Jackson had referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman
Edited by southsideirish71
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Does anybody in this world like Jesse Jackson at all? I've never heard anybody say anything good about that piece of s**t.


I would also like to go on record as to being somebody who detests the word c**t. It's actually the only word in the English language I refuse to ever use in any way. ***gasp*** Think about what that means!!!

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:31 PM)
I would also like to go on record as to being somebody who detests the word c**t. It's actually the only word in the English language I refuse to ever use in any way. ***gasp*** Think about what that means!!!


Do you know what word I'm not comfortable with? Nuance. It's not a real word. Like gesture. Gesture's a real word. With gesture you know where you stand. Nuance? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 02:06 PM)
Do you know what word I'm not comfortable with? Nuance. It's not a real word. Like gesture. Gesture's a real word. With gesture you know where you stand. Nuance? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong.


so the middle finger with the thumb sticking out wouldn't be a nuanced gesture? :D



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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Nov 25, 2006 -> 03:58 PM)
Way to show some class there Mr. Foxx, I would say what I think of you, but it's probably not Soxtalk appropriate. What an idiot.


I sense a bit of facetiousness, but maybe that is just me. Because, as PA alluded to...who puts up their dukes anymore?

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 12:34 PM)
So where is all the indignation about this racism, along the lines of that which Richards inspired?

I'd guess it goes without saying, when it is that blatant. Do we need to register said indignation with every example of idiocy we can find? Its really only worth debating when it falls in the grey area.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 12:34 PM)
So where is all the indignation about this racism, along the lines of that which Richards inspired?


Is it truly possible for a society our size to pay attention to and react to each and every episode to have any single instance be examined? Richards should get a pass because the other 1,000s of episodes that happen everyday in this country does not elicit the same outrage? And let's not pretend there is simply a moral lesson here, the entertainment value drives this story. We care, and create a thread with over 150 posts, because he's a celebrity that people actually know and care about. The reaction is as much about entertainment as it is values and morality.

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More Stanhope:

Somebody said "n*****!"


No, I'm serious!


I wrote about it briefly - since there isn't that much to say - on my Myspace blog. I watched the video and commented on what I saw. I wasn't aware of the extent of the media blitz until I saw Kramer on CNN surrounded by Jesse Jackson, Paul Mooney (the most racist comic I have ever witnessed) and a few other black "leaders" talking about his shame and the "personal work" he would be undertaking to find what inside of his soul made him say such things.


It was one of the most embarrassing spectacles I have witnessed in the recent past.


This is no longer about anything that he said onstage. This is about the uncut cowardice of people unable or unwilling to simply say " f*** you. I was pissed off and I said some s***. Go f*** yourself if you don't like it."


Michael Vick of the Atlanta Falcons. Same s***. He flipped off the fans who were giving him s*** - at the Falcons own stadium no less - and then he's giving a heart-felt (if the publicist who wrote it actually has a heart) apology for his sins on ESPN.


Send your camera crews out to the homes or workplaces of these empty cocksuckers who actually heckle people to the point of snapping and make them apologize.


"Mr. Vick, I'd like to say that I am truly sorry - not only to Mr. Vick who has tried his best to fulfill my empty life by throwing a ball around - but also to my friends and family who I embarrassed by drinking too many overpriced beers and then shouting into the face of an athlete so savagely that he actually responded by extending his middle finger - making my life seem complete by finally being acknowledged. For this I realize that I am a worthless asshole."


Jesse Jackson - and if you are black and don't consider him or any other human being to be your leader or spokesman, please be vocal about it - is on CNN to discuss Michael Richards outburst as though it were as significant as MLK's assassination on the same day that a 92 year-old black woman was murdered by police in a drug raid and an unarmed black man was killed by police on his wedding day.


It no longer matters what Michael Richards said. The fact that you care - or that the mass media force you to take an opinion in order to distract you from s*** that really matters - is the true problem.


Today, millions of people said the word "n*****". Some of them were racist. Some were black. Some were kidding. A couple of them were parrots. Others were reading Huckleberry Finn.


It ain't news.


Today, people in positions of power are trying to f*** you over. They use terms like "African-American", "spreading democracy", "fighting for freedom", etc. They call themselves leaders. They tell you that it's in "your own best interest" or "for both of our safety".


I'm tired of being logical. I have a shelf full of great books and documentaries I just bought from Amazon... If you can't figure this s*** out on your own, I'm not the guy who's gonna be able to help right now.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 29, 2006 -> 03:21 PM)
Is it truly possible for a society our size to pay attention to and react to each and every episode to have any single instance be examined? Richards should get a pass because the other 1,000s of episodes that happen everyday in this country does not elicit the same outrage? And let's not pretend there is simply a moral lesson here, the entertainment value drives this story. We care, and create a thread with over 150 posts, because he's a celebrity that people actually know and care about. The reaction is as much about entertainment as it is values and morality.


... and the perpetrator was white.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 04:11 AM)
... and the perpetrator was white.

Of course, we aways care more when it's a white person. It's the "Natalee Holloway phenomenon". Plus someone doing something wrong is always more newsworthy than when something goes right. Five million people getting to work safely in Chicago today isn't news, a ten car accident with casualties is. In a perfect reporting world a black person would say something racist at the same time and we could report both side by side and no one has to get upset because it's balanced.

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True about Natalee Hollaway getting way to much coverage.

As someone who has covered crime for a major newspaper, believe me, editors want controversy and if there is the slightest hint of racism involved, they will go overboard to publicize that.


However, if someone is murdered in downtown Aurora at 2am, it will not get the same coverage as if someone was shot at 2pm in downtown Barrington. There might be 1 murder a decade in Barrington vs. 1 month in Aurora.


Yes off on a rant here. I do however, think Michael Richards is racist. It is something perhaps very deep inside a dark place inside of him, but those statements just don't come out of nowhere. That being said, I truly believe everyone has at least some prejudicial biased in them. Just human nature. But people are extremely fearful to speak their minds for fear of being called a racist, therefore, thoughts stay bottled up inside and nothing gets accomplished.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 09:20 AM)
It is something perhaps very deep inside a dark place inside of him, but those statements just don't come out of nowhere.


Do you know that calling a person a n****r would be very hurtful, about the worse you could say? Would you know about the worse things to call a gay man? Where are those statements coming from?


He may well be a racist, but I don't think it's fair to judge him on this one instance.


How would you insult someone without being labeled?

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 09:59 AM)
Do you know that calling a person a n****r would be very hurtful, about the worse you could say? Would you know about the worse things to call a gay man? Where are those statements coming from?


He may well be a racist, but I don't think it's fair to judge him on this one instance.


How would you insult someone without being labeled?



Good point, but a comedian should have an arsenal of replies to hecklers. Commenting on their clothing or who knows what else. He should have come out the next day and said he was making a joke and it flopped. It is interesting how this happened on a Friday night, but there was nothing done until the video became public on Monday. Without the video, he probably would not have said anything yet. However, the two guys at the club should not be entitled to a dime from a lawsuit.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 12:19 PM)
Good point, but a comedian should have an arsenal of replies to hecklers. Commenting on their clothing or who knows what else. He should have come out the next day and said he was making a joke and it flopped. It is interesting how this happened on a Friday night, but there was nothing done until the video became public on Monday. Without the video, he probably would not have said anything yet. However, the two guys at the club should not be entitled to a dime from a lawsuit.


He is a poor comedian, and everything else, that has been said. I just can't take the final step and call him a racist based on one situation. That is about as bad as what he did.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 30, 2006 -> 02:59 PM)
He is a poor comedian, and everything else, that has been said. I just can't take the final step and call him a racist based on one situation. That is about as bad as what he did.



From the Classic "UHF" to the immortal "Seinfeld" Michael Richards has never been a good stand up comic. He has always been a funny character actor.

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