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Hippies Still Trying to Ruin Country

Gregory Pratt

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I agree with all of what was written. However she should have added two things:


- admit that Bush (whom I voted for twice...) and his admn really messed up and although his policy might be the best thing for the country, its implementation was a complete and utter embarassment.


-that ubber-religious conservatives could destroy the country just as easily as wacko hippies.

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 05:51 PM)
I agree with all of what was written. However she should have added two things:


- admit that Bush (whom I voted for twice...) and his admn really messed up and although his policy might be the best thing for the country, its implementation was a complete and utter embarassment.


-that ubber-religious conservatives could destroy the country just as easily as wacko hippies.


I don't see how anyone can take this serious:


For example, consider their continued belief that America's armed forces are neo-Nazi stormtroopers who delight in burning babies to further the aims of imperialistic corporations.


Such nonsense, now treated as legitimate by the left-leaning media,


I don't know of any news agency that runs stories about how right on these people are who say that our troops are stormtroopers who love to burn babies. I'd never heard anything remotely like that before.


It's crazy.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 06:27 PM)
I don't see how anyone can take this serious:

I don't know of any news agency that runs stories about how right on these people are who say that our troops are stormtroopers who love to burn babies. I'd never heard anything remotely like that before.


It's crazy.



Are you serious? Have you been on a college campus in the last 4-5 years? There are student groups who honestly believe military personnel are evil, regardless of whether they're defending the evil regime that is the US or actually being imperialistic.


Hell, my alma mater Illinois Wesleyan had a student group that PROTESTED on VETERANS DAY. They disrupted the entire ceremony just to prove a point that US actions do more harm than good. The same morons believe that we are to blame for the terrorists trying to attack us. These are the people that she's talking about. And you'll find an unfortunately large number of college kids who really believe this. It's pretty sad.

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 01:09 AM)
Are you serious? Have you been on a college campus in the last 4-5 years? There are student groups who honestly believe military personnel are evil, regardless of whether they're defending the evil regime that is the US or actually being imperialistic.


Hell, my alma mater Illinois Wesleyan had a student group that PROTESTED on VETERANS DAY. They disrupted the entire ceremony just to prove a point that US actions do more harm than good. The same morons believe that we are to blame for the terrorists trying to attack us. These are the people that she's talking about. And you'll find an unfortunately large number of college kids who really believe this. It's pretty sad.


student protest groups are the media, y'know

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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 07:09 PM)
you'll find an unfortunately large number of college kids who really believe this. It's pretty sad.



i think it's an extremely vocal minority. many of these protester kids are just blindly following what some loony political science professor tells them.


a lot of college kids are pretty smart. you don't see, for example, large masses of engineering students throwing fake blood, pies filled with urine, ect. on people and making a big scene over some nonsensical issue.

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE(bmags @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 07:12 PM)
student protest groups are the media, y'know



Do you consider a school newspaper media? I can dig through the paper and try to find the ridiculous articles they wrote that blamed US citizens for 9/11.


But more to the point I don't think she said anything about the media writing it, just that they view it as legitimate. Proof of this is that they never really discount the 'crazy hippies' views about military. They continue to feed that crap by writing nothing but the negatives, which I admit they have a duty to cover, without ever pointing out the positives (when there were positives...)

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Do you consider a school newspaper media?


No. Not credible, anyway, not anymore than it would be a credible source if some homeless man were passing out flyers outside of Walgreens on State Street.


Nobody reads school newspapers. Besides that, however, I think you're grasping at straws if the worst you can do as far as citing these extremists is point to, oh, some stupid College kid with a stupid pamphlet or a vocal and tiny minority of College kids. It's certainly misleading to portray a school paper as "media" since it hardly reaches anyone. Technically it is, to be sure, but, misleading. Yes.

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There is of course a small and vocal minority, as Mr. Genius points out, that is loony enough to almost fit the absurd caricature that this author paints of "hippies". Similarly, there is a small minority on the right that is so driven by hatred that they truly do see everyone else as the enemy. Thing is, neither of those groups are significant in percentage in the population. What makes this author and article so laughably stupid is that they try to paint anyone who voted Democrat in the elections as part of that slim minority. That is just as assinine as people who try to say that anyone who votes GOP must want to take over the world and subjegate all the non-Christians.


I'm tired of this bizarre straw man/hyperbole method of debate that people have gotten into - if you don't like the other side, just make them out to be cartoonishly off the scale in the other direction, thus marginalizing them and relegating their arguments to nonsense.


Stop it. Please.

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