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"Everyone says we need more power, more speed, in the outfield, but no one has any names," White Sox general manager Ken Williams said Monday. "Give me someone who's not asking for a billion dollars."


While Bonds will not ask for a billion, he may come relatively cheap to some team wanting him to surpass Hank Aaron's all-time home run record in its uniform.


It will not be the black pinstripes of the Sox.


"I grew up with Barry [in the Bay Area]," Williams said. "I played against him in high school and we maintain a friendly relationship. He is very nice to my kids.


"And I would just as soon keep it that way."


The Sox did re-sign first baseman/outfielder Ross Gload to a $625,000, one-year contract Monday. As for Crede, the slugging third baseman who could be lost through free agency if he isn't signed long-term, his days on the South Side seem numbered.


"Everybody knows how I feel about Joe Crede," Williams said. "I wish I could have him on the club the next five years. But I do not anticipate any long-term deal there. I don't see that happening under the current landscape."


The "landscape" would include the Cubs' re-signing of third baseman Aramis Ramirez for $75 million over five years and the fact that Sox nemesis Scott Boras is Crede's agent.


That could make Crede one of the Sox players available for trade, along with young center fielder Brian Anderson and veteran pitchers Mark Buehrle and Freddy Garcia, who are on the final years of contracts.


One rumored deal of Crede for Angels outfielder/infielder Chone Figgins was scoffed at by Williams. The Angels would obviously have to add more players to the deal, perhaps starter Ervin Santana. Figgins became expendable after the Angels signed Gary Matthews Jr.


"We don't have to make deals for economic or any other reasons," Williams said. "If we can better ourselves long or short term, we will do it. Otherwise, we will sit tight.


"There have been a lot of trade talks and proposals bantered about, but nothing has been attractive to us, other than Aardsma."




Sounds like KW is going to sit awhile.

Edited by Soxfest
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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 11:13 AM)
With KW this may mean a deal will be announced today!! Flying under the radar baby!!!!


I posted this in the thread about the actual deal, but what Sox fans have been dreaming about Bonds being on the team?!?!


I will be disgusted if Bonds ends up with us. I don't want any part of that piece of s***.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 11:30 AM)
I will cancel my DirecTV MLB package, and pass on purchasing any tickets next season. I will not go to ST, or any games, nor will I watch any games if that SOB winds up on the White Sox.


Happily, we already do have a DH, so at least that's something.


He said he would like to keep his relationship with Bonds what it is currently, not that he was interested in signing him, folks. I think he dismissed the idea quickly and graciously.

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Looks like Crede is available in a trade. I'd rather see him play at least one more season with the Sox to let Fields become more comfortable in the field and at the plate. I'm anticipating another strong offensive season in AAA while working on improving his defense at the hot corner. I'm hoping this is the end of trying to move him to the outfield because it sounded obvious in this article that Crede won't be signed long term.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:46 PM)
If bonds played lf for the Sox I wouldnt mind.


Second half of last year he started to bounce back, and you know he is going to work his ass off to come back strong next season.


Yeah, but he's an asshole, and a steroid freak. We don't need his BS on our team. f*** how well he is playing.

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QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:52 PM)
Yeah, but he's an asshole, and a steroid freak. We don't need his BS on our team. f*** how well he is playing.


SoxBadger doesn't believe that there is any credible evidence linking Bonds to steroids (at least, he's always defended him against the allegations).


f*** Barry Bonds. I agree.

Edited by Gregory Pratt
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Honestly...do you really think KW would add Bonds to the Clubhouse? Wouldn't that be fun. There's primmadonna Barry sitting in the corner...Paulie not ever talking to him...Thome trying to be the Ambassador of Goodwill and AJ bouncing spitwads off Bonds dome and turning his back real quick. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:58 PM)
SoxBadger doesn't believe that there is any credible evidence linking Bonds to steroids (at least, he's always defended him against the allegations).


f*** Barry Bonds. I agree.


Well, he may be a little dillusional.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:58 PM)
SoxBadger doesn't believe that there is any credible evidence linking Bonds to steroids (at least, he's always defended him against the allegations).


f*** Barry Bonds. I agree.


There is no real need to call people out like that. If you want to link a post go ahead, but that serves no real purpose but to stir the pot.

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Well, I apologize if SoxBadger was offended but I wasn't trying to call him out. He's said in the past that he believes Bonds is clean and I was simply pointing out why he wouldn't mind Bonds to the other person who replied to him.


SoxBadger: if you were offended, I'm sorry, though I don't believe there's any animus between us or anything.

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 01:12 PM)
Even if you take the steroid use out of the equation, Bonds is a clubhouse cancer, is in the twilight of his career, and will cost and arm and a leg. No thanks.

Exactly, there are a million reasons why we do not want or need this guy. Go to the A's Barry.

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Actually i never have said Barry Bonds is clean.


I have said that Barry Bonds was never caught cheating, and therefore I am not going to start a witch hunt.


I have said that players like Albert "Joey" Belle, Sammy Sosa, etc have been caught cheating while playing, and so if you have a problem with Barry, you have to have a problem with every single player who has ever "cheated".


Although I think it would be hard to argue Barry cheated, considering the rules that he broke would have been ex post facto, as at the time of the occurrences it was not against the MLB policy to take what Barry was taking.


But why let facts ruin an otherwise good argument:


"barry is an asshole, lets ruin his life."

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 01:47 PM)
Actually i never have said Barry Bonds is clean.


I have said that Barry Bonds was never caught cheating, and therefore I am not going to start a witch hunt.


I have said that players like Albert "Joey" Belle, Sammy Sosa, etc have been caught cheating while playing, and so if you have a problem with Barry, you have to have a problem with every single player who has ever "cheated".


Although I think it would be hard to argue Barry cheated, considering the rules that he broke would have been ex post facto, as at the time of the occurrences it was not against the MLB policy to take what Barry was taking.


But why let facts ruin an otherwise good argument:


"barry is an asshole, lets ruin his life."


Ruin his life? how dramatic.

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Dramatic is how people act like Barry Bonds is the worst thing to hit baseball.


The baseball hall of fame is filled with admitted cheaters. Go read up on Gaylord Perry.


And the ruining his life part is more towards the United States govt, who is pissed that he did not follow through on testifying, and is now going to convene grand juries for the rest of his life.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 01:54 PM)
Dramatic is how people act like Barry Bonds is the worst thing to hit baseball.


The baseball hall of fame is filled with admitted cheaters. Go read up on Gaylord Perry.


And the ruining his life part is more towards the United States govt, who is pissed that he did not follow through on testifying, and is now going to convene grand juries for the rest of his life.


Well, he shouldn't have lied to them about using roids, instead what he thought was for arthritis. He asked for the s*** that is coming after him.


All these assholes were bad for baseball. his problem is that he is the poster child right now. Mr. McGwire isn't around to get his due. He is an asshole too.

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Well, he shouldn't have lied to them about using roids, instead what he thought was for arthritis. He asked for the s*** that is coming after him.


Why should Bonds not have lied to the govt?


They often dont keep their deals, see his good friend Anderson who they made promises to, and then illegally tapped.


The fact is the US govt is wasting my tax dollars every second they continue to prosecute Bonds. They are wasting in excess of $1000 an hour, and it is just petty. They are not trying to convict Bonds for using the drugs, they are trying to convict on perjury. It is almost impossible to convict on that charge, as you have to prove:


Bonds "KNOWINGLY" lied.


Do you know how hard it is to prove knowledge in court?


Especially when Anderson wont testify?


Its almost impossible, because the govt has to prove beyond reasonable doubt. So therefore they will never convict, and are just wasting time and money to save face.


And on the whole cheating thing, I think it is shades of grey. Baseball is a game, and in games people cheat. Baseball has always been full of cheating, and in a sense its become part of the game. It does not change my enjoyment of the game in the least, if anything it gives people something to talk about and argue about.


Except when you are cheating to lose, that just is a cardinal sin.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 01:54 PM)
Dramatic is how people act like Barry Bonds is the worst thing to hit baseball.

I don't think its a stretch to say that Barry, along with the other losers like Sosa, McGwire and Palmeiro, are in fact the worst thing to hit baseball in some time. For lots of reasons.

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I don't think its a stretch to say that Barry, along with the other losers like Sosa, McGwire and Palmeiro, are in fact the worst thing to hit baseball in some time. For lots of reasons.


Yet many will say that Sosa and Big Mac arguably saved baseball from disaster after the strike.


I dont like either of them, but you have to give credit where credit is due. The home run chase between Big Mac and Sosa brought people back at a time when baseball was in trouble. Now baseball is fine again, but you cant just forget the people who got you to this point.


They never hurt anyone, so i really just cant paint them as villians. Regardless of the fact im not a personal fan.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 02:18 PM)
Yet many will say that Sosa and Big Mac arguably saved baseball from disaster after the strike.


I dont like either of them, but you have to give credit where credit is due. The home run chase between Big Mac and Sosa brought people back at a time when baseball was in trouble. Now baseball is fine again, but you cant just forget the people who got you to this point.


They never hurt anyone, so i really just cant paint them as villians. Regardless of the fact im not a personal fan.

There is a whole list of people they hurt, if you ask me. Kids idolize ballplayers, and bay a lot of money to see them play - the least they can do is obey criminal laws. Then there is the contribution to inflated salaries, that make baseball more and more about money. And how about the game itself? Some of us see a lot more than an X-Box screen and stats when we go to the ballpark. I don't expect angels out there, but if I am going to pay your a** a lot of money so I can see you play a game, the least you can do is respect me enough to show some dignity.


I've said it before. If Bonds is on the opening day roster, I won't be there in 2007.

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Barry's getting the "villain" label beause, frankly, he's a poor example of a human being. He a pampered little brat who treats everyone around him like crap - his teammates, his fans, the press, etc. Few people liked him before the BALCO scandal, so it shouldn't be surprising that just about everybody REALLY dislikes him now.


Agreed that McGwire, Sosa, and Palmiero should also take a ton of heat for their steroid use. But they didn't go through life making enemies with everybody that crossed their paths. Right or wrong, that's the way our society works: If you make a mistake (even a big one), you can be forgiven. If you act like a complete ass for 20 years and then make a big mistake, few will forgive you.

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