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Anyone else saddened by the decline of Britney Spears


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QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 01:39 PM)
After viewing her 'revealing' pictures, I'm upset this didn't happen 2-3 years ago. Back then these pictures would have been great. I looked at them last night and thought... 'eh'


Anyone else?


She reminds me of Courtney Love without the drugs.

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There is no "decline." This is the real Britney Spears.


The groomed, style-setting image from a few years ago was the facade – carefully crafted and maintained by her publicist and handlers. She has decided she doesn't need them anymore but we'll let the public make the call.


What you see before you is the real deal. A person so lacking in talent or self-respect that she believes flashing her cooter and cellulite arse for the cameras four times in the span of a week is a good career move.

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QUOTE(Finkelstein @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 03:19 PM)
The first time that I saw her video on TV, I said that she would be doing porn in 5 years. My timetable was just a bit off.


BTW, after seeing those pictures I don't know who would want to see her in porn anymore.


Bingo. That's where I was going with this. A few years back I would have camped out at a store for the video/magazine of her. Seeing her now it didn't phase me at all.


I missed the Lohan pics. If it's anything like her grammar, I'll pass.

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These quotes from one of the websites that have some of these pics are pretty funny.



  thesuperficial.com said:
A bunch more of Britney Spears showing off her shaved vagina after the jump. And when I say showing off I mean showing off. Like the way a hooker shows off. Or a porn star. Or that creepy guy in the trenchcoat who's always hanging around the park.


UPDATE: I didn't even notice but in that first picture Paris is closing Britney's legs. You know you're this close to becoming a human condom when Paris Hilton is showing more sense than you. Usually you'd be better off taking advice from that guy who likes to take dumps in the subway.



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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 2, 2006 -> 03:23 AM)
The pictures are blurred out.

I still predict Britany will make a comeback complete with a new CD and tour. You will all be spankin' it to her videos once again. Book it.

Click on them and they're not blurred.

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QUOTE(knightni @ Dec 1, 2006 -> 11:58 PM)


She has a C-Section scar I think.


Yep, thats most definitely a C-section scar. What kind of outfit was she even wearing anyways? Did she take off her pants/skirt while they were in the car? Or was she thinking "Im with Paris, the less the better"? Either way, she should (by now) be hyper-aware of the press and how they take every available angle and picture of her.


These pictures should have "Ooops I did it again" playing along with them. This just about ruined Britney Spears completely for me. Wait, Im completely ruined now.


And to answer the title question, no I am not saddened. This girl had her time in the limelight and decided she was gonna be a Mommy with a guy who was having kids with other people(at that time). You reap what you sow.

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On a side note. I am 35 years old and married and I went to a club the other day for the first time in a long time. I used to party hard at the clubs about 4-5 days a week. After going to a club, all I have to say to you young SoxTalk members: It's good to be a guy in his early 20s now a days. Wow, girls don't even make you try anymore. It's all there for the taking.

Have fun!

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