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jauron has to make miller call it quits

Cy Young Porzio

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ok guys i still believe miller is a great quarterback and by far the best on the team, but when he is injured and they have a 2-7 record just let him get better because wins are not going to do us any good. I figure Jauron is only looking out for himself and trying to get wins and save his job, but a guys health and career is much more important. Jauron has got to get his priorities straight and maybe then angelo would think a little better of him. For some reason i have a hunch jauron will be back next season dont ask me why.

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Gary, don't even think of mentioning Jauron being back next year, cause I think we all know he will never fire his assistants and they are whats killing him.


As far as Miller goes, at least you finally are seeing the light. Miller shouldn't be out their risking his career(He's a good guy and I'll always root for him) but he doesn't have near the arm strenght to do it and we aren't playing for anything.


Lets see what this new guy Sauer can do or let Burris the joke play and get our #1 pick. :D

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