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NASA to annouce water found on Mars


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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 6, 2006 -> 12:35 PM)
One step closer to live on mars....yessss, my land purchase on ebay is looking more and more valuable :lol:

I bought one of those deeds at a star trek convention like 10 years ago.


Anyway, still call me skeptical at this point. Pictures are one thing, especially when coming from the MOC, which is a pretty low resolution. There are probably a bunch of ways that one could make sediment appear to change color during a 5 year period without actually having water flowing at the surface, and it would certainly be an interesting process to get it to flow downhill without rapidly freezing and then sublimating.


Anyway, this'll be a great place to see what the camera on the MRO can do.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 08:45 AM)
When I posted this, I was thinking it had Flaxx written all over it :crying


Flaxx has been busy with job interviews and putting out work-related fires, but is nonetheless excitited by this improbable and extraordinary discovery. :headbang

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 02:28 PM)
Bling aside...:D


does gold corrode slower or something?

Actually, I believe that there are several benefits to gold. First, it is an excellent reflector of incident radiation, in both the visible and IR bands, which would help to protect the equipment from being bombarded by light/heat while in space. It is also a good conductor, which i can imagine would be useful to prevent charges from building up on the surface of the ship, and it was quite easily applied (the thickness of the gold layer on the outside of the mylar is reputedly something like 500 angstroms)

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 02:49 PM)
solar winds

That's a fundamentally different phenomenon than this. Those are high energy particles which are ejected from the Sun. Mars, amongst several planets, actually has enough gravity to sustain an atmosphere, which does allow for wind, and some fairly gigantic dust storms to boot.

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