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Garcia to Philly for Gavin Floyd and Gio Gonzalez


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Not even getting into the roids issue....


Barry Bonds is the biggest ****** in baseball. I can not stand his and he is 10 times worse than Belle.


-Team Cancer


-As Hawk would say "Where Would He Play?" Left Field - You have to be kidding me. For how many games? - DH? Mr. Bonds meet Mr. Thome.

-Talk about clogging up the bases.

-Where is Grinder Baseball?

-Where did all the speed go?



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QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 12:04 AM)
I'd just like to say that if the Sox do sign him (probably a 1 pct chance of this), I'll glady buy someone's season tickets from them if they want to stop rooting for the White Sox.

Ha, you know I'd never be that type of fan. Anyways, I said I wouldn't comment but what the hell, here is what I just told R&W when he asked if I was opposed to Bonds: No, I never said I was opposed to Barry. Just a lot running through my mind with that. I dont think you could find a better offensive upgrade than Bonds but there definitely is a part of me that would have a hard time seeing Barry on the Sox. Thatt being said, I honestly would love it if it happened, it'd be tough for me to swallow if that makes sense but I want the Sox to succeed more than anything and he'd help.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 12:05 AM)
Funny, for the past 6 months all I've read on this board is that Freddie sux. So, why would it surprise you guys that we didn't get sh*t for him?

Sucks with a world series standard on the line...but doesn't suck compared to the rest of the league's starters.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 6, 2006 -> 10:06 PM)
I could live with it. He'll put up a .500 OBP (yes, around that) and is a better defensive LF than Pods (I can't decide if I'm kidding or not).

That OBP entirely depends on people continuing to be afraid of him. His OBP did gradually decline last year as people started to realize he wasn't hurting htem as much. (Oh, and he put up only a .450 last year).

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QUOTE(greg775 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 12:07 AM)
If the Sox sign Bonds I may take a pass on them until he retires.

Bonds is everything wrong with sports ... everything!

How can anybody deny that?

The guy is a complete and utter ass and Mr. Steroids.

1.) there are plenty of mr. steroids in baseball....even players you have rooted for on teh sox in the past and im sure still now....

2.) he is an utter ass.....i cant deny taht........but that .454 obp and 26 homers in pac bell translates pretty damn well in our ballpark....add in teh fact that pitcher will pitch to him alot more often with konerko thome dye in teh lineup behind him, and yeah id take it for a year or two

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QUOTE(greg775 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 12:07 AM)
If the Sox sign Bonds I may take a pass on them until he retires.

Bonds is everything wrong with sports ... everything!

How can anybody deny that?

The guy is a complete and utter ass and Mr. Steroids.


I heard a comment today that said any team that even talks to Bonds had better be VERY serious about signing him, because if it leaks that they simply met with him, the backlash from the fan base will not be pretty.

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This trade is asinine. I am in utter disbelief. My father calls me up at 11:30. I'm thinking, what could he possibly want at this hour. He asks, "Who the hell are these two nothings the Sox traded Garcia for??"


This trade is ridiculous no matter how you spin it. EVEN IF we somehow spin one or both of these guys off for Baldelli or whoever or sign Bonds (:shudder:), that still doesn't justify the trade! If you can get more, then you damned well go and get more! Castro, Madson, another top prospect, anything! Sheffield lands NY that sweetass package, and this is all we could muster?? I can't believe we just made Pat Gillick look smart.

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Ok, so truthfully, how many of you dreaded the fact that you had to go see Freddy pitch last season knowing it would take over 3 1/2 hours to finish the game. Not to mention that fact that when Freddy would look over to check back the runner on 1st he would already be standing on second or third. I can tell you from conversations in my section that Freddy games were the most dreaded last season. Now, bare in mind how many bases were stolen off of Freddy last season. Out of 29 other teams how many of them want a #2-#3 pitcher that makes walks look like doubles?

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QUOTE(daa84 @ Dec 6, 2006 -> 10:09 PM)
2.) he is an utter ass.....i cant deny taht........but that .454 obp and 26 homers in pac bell translates pretty damn well in our ballpark....add in teh fact that pitcher will pitch to him alot more often with konerko thome dye in teh lineup behind him, and yeah id take it for a year or two

That OBP goes down quite a bit if they actually do pitch to him. And I bet the production does quite a bit too.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 06:09 AM)
That OBP entirely depends on people continuing to be afraid of him. His OBP did gradually decline last year as people started to realize he wasn't hurting htem as much. (Oh, and he put up only a .450 last year).


Or not.


Pitchers did the exact opposite. They pitched to him more in the second half -- 33 less walks in the second half -- and Barry made 'em pay, slugging right around .600 while keeping his OBP well above .400.

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QUOTE(ChiSox9 @ Dec 6, 2006 -> 10:11 PM)
Ok, so truthfully, how many of you dreaded the fact that you had to go see Freddy pitch last season knowing it would take over 3 1/2 hours to finish the game. Not to mention that fact that when Freddy would look over to check back the runner on 1st he would already be standing on second or third. I can tell you from conversations in my section that Freddy games were the most dreaded last season. Now, bare in mind how many bases were stolen off of Freddy last season. Out of 29 other teams how many of them want a #2-#3 pitcher that makes walks look like doubles?

Good point...how many fewer stolen bases are we about to give up :D

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This trade is asinine. I am in utter disbelief. My father calls me up at 11:30. I'm thinking, what could he possibly want at this hour. He asks, "Who the hell are these two nothings the Sox traded Garcia for??"


That made me smile even though your dad I'm sure was mad.

It's funny the way he worded it about the "two nothings."


p.s. Is there really speculation we may want Bonds? My god, please say NO.

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QUOTE(ChiSox9 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 12:11 AM)
Ok, so truthfully, how many of you dreaded the fact that you had to go see Freddy pitch last season knowing it would take over 3 1/2 hours to finish the game. Not to mention that fact that when Freddy would look over to check back the runner on 1st he would already be standing on second or third. I can tell you from conversations in my section that Freddy games were the most dreaded last season. Now, bare in mind how many bases were stolen off of Freddy last season. Out of 29 other teams how many of them want a #2-#3 pitcher that makes walks look like doubles?



Driving from Rockford to see 25 games a year is hard enough. When Mark would pitch it would be a blessing because I knew that I would get home sometime that night. When Freddy was on the mound I would realize that I was in for a very long night.

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Expanding on Bonds...


Pitchers thought that Bonds was DONE last year. First half, they feared him, intentionally walking him 31 times. And as a result his OBP was right around .475.


Well, in the second half, they only IBB'd him seven times. And hey, his OBP went down to .420... too bad he slugged .600, though.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 06:13 AM)
He is still 42 going on 43 next July. The Steroids simply won't fix that.


Yes, but the Cell is such a launching pad compared to San Fran. I try to watch as many Bonds at-bats as possible, and it's amazing the warning track power that he had last year. If he hits those same balls at the Cell, a good handful of them are in the seats.

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