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Fantasy Football Tiebreaker?

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Near riot going on in my fantasy football league right now, so looking for some advice.


Our semi-finals was held during Week 15 and of course, we had a tie game, thanks to Peyton Manning last night. Of course, we have no system in place to settle ties.


Our first year in this league was 2001 and during that year we did have this happen and we went to bench points. At that time, everyone was required to have the same # of players at each position on the bench.


This year, that is not the case, benches are flexible and the feeling by most in the league is that is really not a fair tiebreaker. Naturally, the guy who had the most bench points this week is going absolutely postal and flaming our league boards and accusing the Commish of the league (me) of having no F--ing balls etc.. This guy happens to be my brother as well. Yes. I know, how wonderful.


The solution which we came to as proposed by another owner and implemented in his other league is to have a rematch during Week 16 of the two teams that tied. Once the winner of that game is determined, their score would be compared to the score of the other semi-final winner to determine the league champ. By the way, the other team in the finals is also me. Thus my reluctance to affect the outcome of the time game.


Is this a fair way to decide the outcome? We really do not want to use total points or touchdowns or anything else as we did not declare it up front. Going forward, we will have a system in place in advance. Of course, the guy who wants to use the bench points is outraged and going nuts over this decision. It is his belief that a precedent has been set and it should not matter that we changed the the composure of the benches, even if he does have 4 QB's on it and has an unfair advantage etc...



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My brother and a friend tied last week too on Yahoo, and it (apparently) had a tiebreaker, giving the win to my friend, despite the fact my brother scored more points during the season. I think it had to do with touchdowns scored that week or something..



Yahoo's system:

In the event that a playoff game ends in a tie, the deadlock will be broken using the following system:


1. Most touchdowns scored by entire starting roster.

2. Most fantasy points by starting quarterback(s).

3. Most fantasy points by starting defensive team(s).

4. Most fantasy points by starting defensive player(s).

5. Most fantasy points by starting defensive back(s).

6. Most fantasy points by starting defensive linemen.

7. Most fantasy points by starting wide receiver(s).

8. Most fantasy points by starting running back(s).

9. Most fantasy points by starting tight end(s).

10. Most fantasy points by starting kicker(s).

11. Random "coin flip".

Edited by Felix
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I don't love replaying the semifinal in week 16 because week 17 can become a DOG week, that's why most leagues have their Super Bowl in week 16.


Take my team, our league went all 17 weeks, and I have LT. So if Chargers win and Baltimore doesn't this week, odds are LT will sit 3 quarters in 17. However, I had a rash of injuries at QB, so I picked up Vince Young, now even though they may be eliminated from the playoffs, they'll likely play him the whole game with a full game plan.

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Since my league started using fractional points 2 or 3 years ago, there have been no ties. I know this doesn't help this year, but you may consider it in the future.


I disagree that you should just give the win to the higher seed.


Here are some suggestions to decide the winner:


a foot race between the 2 owners

a chess game

a game of ping pong

E-bay type auction

go to Best Buy and have them both play War Pigs on Guitar Hero, whoever rocks harder wins

rock, paper, scissors


Actually I think coin toss is the fairest way to decide this. Next year, have at least 3 tie breakers!

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Some good points to consider.


We use the official NFL tiebreakers to set the playoff seedings and draft order for next year. For playoff ties, we will have a written system spelled out in advance next time.


For this year, we also would not play any games under week 17 under our proposal. Essentially, Team A would play team B in week 16. Whoever wins that game would compare their week 16 score against the score of team C from week 16 as well. In a way, it is sort of a 3 team championship game.


Of course, I have already been told to Go F--- myself by one of the guys involved in the tie already, when I told him about this plan.


Fun times.

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QUOTE(JoeBatterz @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 09:23 PM)
Of course, I have already been told to Go F--- myself by one of the guys involved in the tie already, when I told him about this plan.


Automatic disqualification in my eyes as a commish.


Disrespectfulness is one of my pet peeves.

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Just as a follow-up. I actually found our original league constitution from 2001. At that time, we declared that total points would be the tiebreaker.


Needless to say, we now will have one majorly pissed off guy, but I guess that is why they pay me the big bucks to be commish ;-)


Although, I have taken knightni's advice and we are going to give the offender a chance to resign from the league as in the absence of an apology, we will have an open spot for next season.

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QUOTE(JoeBatterz @ Dec 20, 2006 -> 09:46 AM)
Just as a follow-up. I actually found our original league constitution from 2001. At that time, we declared that total points would be the tiebreaker.


Needless to say, we now will have one majorly pissed off guy, but I guess that is why they pay me the big bucks to be commish ;-)


Although, I have taken knightni's advice and we are going to give the offender a chance to resign from the league as in the absence of an apology, we will have an open spot for next season.


There's always going to be one pissed off person, but as Dubya says, "Fool me once.........you can't get fooled again."


*Insert Pete Townsend guitar riff here*

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We use yahoo's rules, minus the def players cause we just have team defense. It sucks for you...I've been involed with my share of GM disputes and you swaer some people act like you get paid to put up with their bulls***. I now have my ass covered for everything. Not sure how much money is involved in your league, but that always heightens things. I personally think your team a,b,c thing for week 16 is your best bet. At least you give both those tied teams a chance. Lets face it, they both could have easily lost and now they both get second chance. Hopefully it works out.



Fun thing we're doing this year is a week 17 Probowl. Everybody pitched in $5 for it, so $60 goes to the winner.


Here's our rules I sent out...


Here's the deal....Week 17 in the NFL can be a tricky one to predict. Who's resting for the playoffs, who's fighting for the playoffs, who can care less cause the season is over and their team sucks. Pick the players you think are going to do the best.


Everybody picks a QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, TE, K, DEF. ALL players are available to ALL teams. Teams will have some of the same players and that's all good, the only thing we can't have is 2 teams having the exact same lineup. If that occurs, which is highly unlikely, then it's first come first serve. The team that turned in their lineup first gets to keep it and the other team needs to change out one position. It can be kicker, tight end or whatever. If you choose players playing in the Saturday game(Giants@Skins), you must submit those players before the start of the game, Dec 30th 7:00pm and you will not be able to change out those positions. All other players on your team must be submitted by 11:45 Sunday. You can turn in a lineup by doing a reply to all in this email and listing your team. Everyone will be copied on all emails and it is your job to make sure you do not have the exact same team as someone else. The team that turned in their lineup first will win the money and you will win nothing. So be sure to check it out. Teams submitted after the deadline will not count and you lose your $5.00 Good Luck. The points have to be calculated manually so give me a day to let ya know the winner.


In the event of a tie, which seems pretty likely this fricken season..we will use Yahoo's tiebreakers for the playoffs.


1. Most touchdowns scored by entire starting roster.

2. Most fantasy points by starting quarterback(s).

3. Most fantasy points by starting defensive team(s).

4. Most fantasy points by starting wide receiver(s).

5. Most fantasy points by starting running back(s).

6. Most fantasy points by starting tight end(s).

7. Most fantasy points by starting kicker(s).

8. Random "coin flip".

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE(JoeBatterz @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Near riot going on in my fantasy football league right now, so looking for some advice.


Our semi-finals was held during Week 15 and of course, we had a tie game, thanks to Peyton Manning last night. Of course, we have no system in place to settle ties.


Our first year in this league was 2001 and during that year we did have this happen and we went to bench points. At that time, everyone was required to have the same # of players at each position on the bench.


This year, that is not the case, benches are flexible and the feeling by most in the league is that is really not a fair tiebreaker. Naturally, the guy who had the most bench points this week is going absolutely postal and flaming our league boards and accusing the Commish of the league (me) of having no F--ing balls etc.. This guy happens to be my brother as well. Yes. I know, how wonderful.


The solution which we came to as proposed by another owner and implemented in his other league is to have a rematch during Week 16 of the two teams that tied. Once the winner of that game is determined, their score would be compared to the score of the other semi-final winner to determine the league champ. By the way, the other team in the finals is also me. Thus my reluctance to affect the outcome of the time game.


Is this a fair way to decide the outcome? We really do not want to use total points or touchdowns or anything else as we did not declare it up front. Going forward, we will have a system in place in advance. Of course, the guy who wants to use the bench points is outraged and going nuts over this decision. It is his belief that a precedent has been set and it should not matter that we changed the the composure of the benches, even if he does have 4 QB's on it and has an unfair advantage etc...




Higher seed wins. That is the way things work. You play the regular season to get the highest seed possible. What is the advantage of getting the higher seed if you don't get the tie breaker in the playoffs?



QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Dec 19, 2006 -> 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Since my league started using fractional points 2 or 3 years ago, there have been no ties. I know this doesn't help this year, but you may consider it in the future.


I disagree that you should just give the win to the higher seed.


Here are some suggestions to decide the winner:


a foot race between the 2 owners

a chess game

a game of ping pong

E-bay type auction

go to Best Buy and have them both play War Pigs on Guitar Hero, whoever rocks harder wins

rock, paper, scissors


Actually I think coin toss is the fairest way to decide this. Next year, have at least 3 tie breakers!


Why do you disagree with the higher seed? I would like to know why this is unfair in your eyes. What is the point of playing the regular season and winning the higher seed?



QUOTE(knightni @ Dec 20, 2006 -> 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Automatic disqualification in my eyes as a commish.


Disrespectfulness is one of my pet peeves.


No doubt about it. Not only is he/she disqualified for this year, but he/she is banned from the league.

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I think the best tiebreaker involves the performance of each team that week, not a rematch.


The league I'm in has the following tiebreaker which has worked very well:


. If two team
h a wee
with the
ame total of fanta
y point
, the following tiebrea
er rule
hall be u
ed to brea
the tie, in order:

1) total point
from touchdown
, extra point
, and two-point conver
, plu
three (3) point
per field goal regardle
of di

2) total
core from the team
coring QB, RB, WR, plu
core from the team
TE and DEF, plu
twice the point
from the team
(exception - extra point
are not doubled)

3) total
core from yardage point

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We had a tie as well in week 15. No tie-breaker in place, though the old commish (who tied) was certain that bench points was the tie-breaker, but nobody could remember that being a rule.


The new commish was looking for suggestions, and we came up with decimal point scoring. It broke the tie, but the old commish lost as a result and went nuts.


The new commish relented and said that the only fair thing was a rematch and pushing the championship back to week 17. Now, the other semi-finalist is upset that he may have to play the championship in week 17. What I don't get, and never will, is that the rules are the same for everyone (even if they don't exist), yet there's always someone who thinks he's getting screwed.


I wouldn't want to be commish. I'd rather be the guy on the side fanning the flames - which I did throughout the process. :D

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