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5 things you don't know about me


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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 28, 2006 -> 05:23 PM)
I'm legally blind in one eye.


I was a multiple time MVP and All Star in high school academic team.


I'm an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church.


I have and still at times wear my old Bret Hart sunglasses.


I met and got an autograph from Michael Moore.


what is Juan Baptiste's name is the Universal Life Church?

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5. I have never met anyone from soxtalk in real life.

4. My first sox game was the day the sox retired Carlton Fisk's #72.

3. After a kids day, at then comiskey, I was running around the bases when someone told me I had just overran Ray Durham who was also running the bases with a kid on his shoulders. (Fudge!)

2. I have an autographed ball by the one and only Mike Caruso.

1. I have gained 15 pounds since graduating high school.

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1. I traditionally get along better in real life with Conservative Republicans than Liberal Democrats. Not sure why, but I do, and I have more Conservative Political Penpals (people that write me emails about posts I've made on my blog and Life) than Liberal Penpals by far. The last time a Liberal wrote me was when a Feminist ex-girlfriend wanted to yell at me about a post I made criticizing Planned Parenthood. The funny thing, to me, is, that a Conservative Republican owns my website for me, pays the bill on it and hosting fees and all that stuff. Whenever I have a maintenance issue, or need someone to update something, he does it for me, too.


2. I'm no prude, but I've got a reputation as being conservative and reckless with my body. Meaning: I don't sleep around, drink or do any drugs, but I believe that any fall fifteen feet or less is perfectly fine because you're unlikely to really damage yourself unless you somehow land on your hand. Which leads us to,


3. I've met three people from SoxTalk. One guy who doesn't post here anymore, and SoxFan1 and SoxAce. It was with them that I fell about fifteen feet through a Batting Cage. No injury whatsoever there.


4. I believe in Duality, as I phrase it. I love analyzing things and finding that they're good and bad, pretty and ugly, etc. etc.


5. Throughout my years in school I've always aced standardized tests by being in the top one percentile ALWAYS in grade school, and in HS, I wound up with a 28 ACT with a 33 and 34 in English and Reading and lesser scores, though still above average, in Math + Science. I don't, however, work that hard in classes and have a 2.99 GPA because of it, though that is fine by me. When I was in fifth grade, I failed the year and engaged in a War of sorts with my teacher, the only time that I consistently and deliberately misbehaved. I'd bring a horn to school and honk it at random moments. Would raise my hand and ask snarky questions (though I still do that, with the difference being that today teachers think I'm snarky and cute as opposed to a pain in the ass) and things like that. When I wound up with Straight Ds as opposed to straight Fs, I was amused and said, "They can't fail a boy who was at the Top in the Iowa Test." Years later, Mrs. Morris retired, the principal, and she told me that she'd personally intervened, telling Ms. Dawkins that I was the smartest boy she'd ever met and couldn't fail me.


Which I feel a smug and smarmy satisfaction from. Over the years, I've loved being an escape artist and a man of surprises.


6. I like to tell people that I believe that people should be able to challenge others to Duels and if the other accepts, I don't think there should be a Legal Consequence for killing someone in a duel. That is to say, that if I challenge someone to a fight to the death and they kill me or vice versa, that should be my choice. I'm not sure if I tell people that because I believe the Sissification of Today's Society needs a satirical boost or what, though I wouldn't cry if Duels were legalized. No way, man.


Just like, you know, I think political correctness is for pansies. I think the best remedy for a kid being picked on is, "Hit 'em back!" (barring huge exceptions like large numbers of bullies at once or significant age differences, etc.) just like I believe that Ozzie Guillen was right to tell Garland and Tracey to man up when they refused to hit someone, and for that reason -- along with the fact that he's the single greatest pitcher to ever live -- I admire Pedro Martinez. There's nothing wrong with putting a ball between someone's shoulder blades and then spitting on the mound or taking a step or two toward them.


7. I believe in honesty. Straight-forwardness, which isn't the same as transparency as I don't believe in NOT KEEPING SECRETS, cause I do believe in secrets. I just believe that if someone asks you a question, or if someone tells you something, you tell the truth or decline to tell anything or, in the middle, make clear that you're leaving a couple of things out.


That's seven, and I could give more, but won't. Yet.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Dec 28, 2006 -> 12:15 PM)
1. I've only met one member from soxtalk.

2. My dad was born in Ireland and didn't come to Chicago until he was 22.

3. I have four hamsters (Peanut, Fuzzy, Squeeky and Stinky IV) - the only pets I have ever had were hamsters.

4. I am a huge Queen fan and am stoked about Johnny Depp being pegged to play Freddy Mercury in a movie being made by Robert Deniro's company in conjuction with Brian May and Roger Taylor.

5. My husband owns 15 cars and yes we live in the city - all but two are where we live.


Rooftop - my aunt lives in Cal Park (my grandparents' old house)

Moved away from there in 1977. Haven't been there in about 15 years. I bet it has changed a lot

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5. I lost 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks.


4. I will be attending Grand Valley State University (NCAA Div. II Football champs 2 years in a row and 4 of the last 5) next fall


3. I went from 5'10 to 6'5 from freshman year to senior year in high school.


2. I have 2 dogs, both females, named Jojo and Mina.


1. I am 100% Serbian.

Edited by SoxFan1
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1. Despite my current lack of belief in a Divine Agent, when I was younger I was a devout Catholic who seriously considered the priesthood and almost went to Quigley Seminary South before opting for St.Ignatius instead.


2. I didn't lose my virginity until the summer before my senior year of high school, and when I did it was outside in an open-air courtyard on the UIC campus.


3. Through high school and into college my summer job was selling hotdogs out of a stand at Buckingham Fountain, various Lake Michigan beaches, and/or at Lincoln Park Zoo. I also worked as a food vendor for home Bears games; I was at the stadium for every home game of the 1985 Championship season but only saw the 4th quarters of the games after we closed up the food stand.


4. Odd jobs during college in Chambana included working at a Greek fast food joint, at a record store, and in an undergraduate work-study gig breeding cockroaches for various ecological studies.


5. I got together with my future wife completely by accident when a flat tire made me late for a date with another person and by the time I got to the pub she was gone and so I sat down with a group of grad students from a different department that included my future wife. It was three days before Valentine's Day and apparently she was desperate for a date and asked me. :D

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 29, 2006 -> 02:25 PM)
2. I didn't lose my virginity until the summer before my senior year of high school, and when I did it was outside in an open-air courtyard on the UIC campus.




wow, what took you so long? 17? geez...late bloomer

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1. Growing up, my parents didn't let us drink soda (all of which were called Coke - whether they were Coke or not). We could only have "Coke" as a treat on the weekends. One glass each, poured from the bottle. During the week we drank milk or Kool Aid, which we called "red juice."


2. My cousin is arguably the most famous Irish-American violin player in the world, and another cousin danced in the original version of "Riverdance." I have no talent in either area. My sister, however, took dance lessons with Michael Flatley. She is marginally more talented at Irish dance than I.


3. In high school, my dad was diagnosed with high cholesterol. The doctor said he needed to cut down on red meat and include more fish in his diet. My mom bought a deep fryer to cook the fish in. No lie. :bang


4. In third grade, I lost the part of Paul Bunyan in a school play to a girl. I later took that girl to senior prom. My wife was also at that prom (though I didn't know at the time). I met my wife a few months later on my first day at U of I. Still together 16 years later with three kids.


5. I once shot at the wrong basket in a high school basketball game. I came off the bench at the beginning of the fourth quarter, and I hadn't been paying attention. A teammate inbounded the ball to me as I broke toward the basket. I went in for the layup. And missed. No wonder I never played.

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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Dec 30, 2006 -> 12:04 AM)
2. My cousin is arguably the most famous Irish-American violin player in the world


Eileen Ivers?????


If so, wow. I'm a huge fan. My wife walked down the aisle to an Eileen Ivers song at our wedding.


And, if not, who??

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5. I once shot at the wrong basket in a high school basketball game. I came off the bench at the beginning of the fourth quarter, and I hadn't been paying attention. A teammate inbounded the ball to me as I broke toward the basket. I went in for the layup. And missed. No wonder I never played.


That reminds me of something about myself. I've prided myself on being a Robin Hood-type bully. Since the seventh grade I've been going after kids in my same year who pick on other kids. Which is amusing in its own way since the boys I wind up feuding with are usually a few inches taller than me -- most males are as I'm a Senior in HS who is five eight -- and heavier -- which is another usual, as I'm 150 pounds, lite for even my frame.


Well, Gabriel S. was a punk. He made fun of the boy in our class who had a speech impediment and he talked about "hoes" and went around picking on a few of the weaker kids who had no social skills. Well, I didn't learn how to swim in the seventh grade -- though I learned about a month into it, as we had swimming classes -- and one day in the showers I was drying off and he said, "You learn how to swim, f*****?" and up until this point, I'd just been the know-it-all smart-aleck, but not Robin Hood. For some reason his comment set me off and I grabbed him and flung him across the showers where he landed in his bluejeans and got soaked.


As time went on, I became more physically aggressive -- to life in general: holding my head high, feeling confident enough to race people down hallways, etc. -- and he and I began to feud. One day, we were playing basketball in gym and he'd been picked before me. I was picked nearly last, but I was a hard-nosed player who takes fair outside shots. I was just picked last because of my height. So, he is playing against me and I'm defending him. After several blocks -- big, booming blocked shots -- he got mixed up and ran to the other side of the court and shot at the wrong basket, missing. I laughed at him and so did everyone else. He thought it was fairly funny. But not for long.


See, we had an impromptu assembly about half a year later. They were there to teach us about Respect. They asked for an audience volunteer to go up there and share a story about respecting others. AKA, they wanted to hear a story about a time when we'd disrespected someone. I went up there and told Gabriel's story and then said, "And that boy is sitting in this very room!" and everybody was laughing hysterically and cheering me on. They decided, for some reason, to call Gabriel to the stage. He went up there and they asked me what I wanted to say to him, with a wink and a nudge. I said, "I got ya," and I said to Gabriel, "My dear boy, you can't expect to shoot into the wrong basket AND MISS and not get guff for it!" and all laughed. I then said, "But really, man. What's wrong with you?" and he turned tomato red. The lady took the microphone from me and covered it and told me that that wasn't what I was supposed to do! I said, Okay okay, I got ya, and went back on the mic. I said, "I'm sorry man, but if you want, I'll help you hone up on your skills," and everyone laughed more. Including all the teachers in the crowd who thought I was hilarious.


Gabriel just took it though he tried to kick my ass a few times, with the last one being in Gym during a kickball game. Or after, rather. We had changed and once we changed, we went back to the court and sat waiting for the bell to ring. Gabriel and I were the first ones out, and as we were there, he made some comment to me about being poor, which I was and am, really, though then I was wearing sweatpants that didn't reach my feet all the way. It set me off and I came over to him, lifted him up by the pits and threw him about six or seven feet. He slid about five more, and he started to cry. The Gym Teacher came over and said, "You just got yourself suspended, was that worth it?" and he didn't like it because we all thought he was a pervert because he noticably checked out prebubescent girls and blossoming grade school girls and I called him such sometimes and I called him on the things he did -- like insist that the girls change in a closet right next to his office. Which lasted about three days until a storm of furious parents arrrived.


Fortunately for me, I had friends at The Front Office and they kept me from getting suspended. I got one day of in-school suspension which was fine by me. Several hours to do nothing but catch up on homework? Ha!


I'm not entirely proud of the gradeschool shenanigans but I'm not ashamed, either. Gabriel eventually told me he was glad to have known me, and I must say, I would be missing out on some humorous days without him!




I still knead some kids. It's why I'm known as the AJ Pierzynski of my school. But for the most part, High School has a lot less bulls*** than grade school. I mean, I have rivalries and enemies at my school, but nobody really bullies anyone.


PS: I first had sex in 2005. And I've never had sex in Chicago, believe it or not. Since Florida wants to make it a campaign issue. :P


Pennsylvania is a beautiful place. Had a girlfriend and a wide variety of events took me to Pittsburgh with her where we shared a room a couple of times.


I'm currently seeing a girl, have been for two months and haven't had sex with her. Maybe the trick is to take her to Pittsburgh? (Really, we're just taking things easy and one day at a time.)


The sex is kind of interesting, now that I think about it -- well, the relationship side of me. Every girl I've ever dated is very different from the last. Racially, and personality, and things of that sort. My last girlfriend -- my first true lahv -- had quite the sex drive and my current girlfriend doesn't really. I'm not sure if that bugs me or not.

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I'm going to go for a different approach and name things for someone else people don't know:


1. I bragged about law school for years, then quit after 3 months.

2. I have a lazy eye that I get raging mad if people make fun of.

3. My parents split up due to an affair, yet my current girfriend was in a serious relationship when I hooked up with her.

4. I drank a lot at school (go Purdue!) yet I'm Type I diabetic so it clearly wasn't a good idea for me.


and #5.... I knocked up my high school girlfriend and didn't find out until 5 years later it's not my kid (yet I still haven't done a paternity test).



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1. I threw two no-hitters, one in a Little League All-Star game and one in American Legion (game was shortened to seven innings due to the 10-run rule)


2. Played D-I baseball at Evansville. Was teammates with Andy Benes and Sal Fasano. On 1988 NCAA Regional team when Andy Benes beat #1 ranked Arizona St. 1-0 in Tempe. That game made him the #1 overall pick in that year's draft.


3. I remember exactly where I was when the whole University of Evansville basketball team was killed in a plane crash on Dec. 13, 1977. I was in a classroom waiting for my class to go on stage during a grade school Christmas program. I had gone to the first two home games that year, the first two I had ever been to.


4. I spent three days with Willie Mays, including driving him around in my car. I have an autographed October 1960 issue of Sport Magazine with Willie on the cover.


5. I worked for the Sox AA affiliate for 8 years, allowing me to get to know many current and former Sox players and some of their families. I've drank beer with many. I also created the giveaway items during that time, including all the bobblehead dolls and stadium replicas.


a few more to add.....


6. I played a 30 & over game (when I was 29) at Rickwood Field, the oldest baseball park in America, built in 1910.


7. I bowled on a club team in college that competed in a league with Indiana, Illinois, Ball St., Illinois St, Purdue and others. Averaged about 175. Highest game ever = 266.


8. Still single at 38.


9. Had to testify in the trial of the police officer convicted of killing my next door neighbor about 12 years ago.


10. I am good at darts, foosball, trivia, video games, etc. but not at pool.




11. I have a huge bobblehead doll collection made up of mostly MLB players in their Minor League uniforms. Also have a nice autographed baseball collection which includes 13 current or sure-fire Hall of Famers.

Edited by Rex Hudler
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1. I have been battling a sex addiction for quite some time now.

2. I once hosted a version of Family Feud at my high school.

3. I have a rather large collection of Australian and UK game shows downloaded from torrents.

4. I once met legendary broadcaster Ernie Harwell briefly and got his autograph (didn't really get to speak with him though, it was so packed)

5. I was given the chance to jobshadow Pistons announcer George Blaha in May of 2005 for a speech class (got on the radio too)

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