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Zelda: Twilight Princess


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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 01:52 AM)
I was this was with Ocarina too. I won't be able to beat this until Mid-March, as I only get one more day at home, before I'm heading back to school.


Curious, how many hours did you log to beat it?


about 36 hours


my list goes:



Twilight Princess


Wind Waker (i'm playing that now for the first time and its just tedious... an ok game but tedious)

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Im with you guys on the lists.


Ocarina of Time


The Legend Of Zelda (the original never gets old for me)

im reserving a space for Twilight


I loved Windwaker, I thought it was a nice breath of air into the series, and they needed a little changeup in the storyline and idea of the storyline. In the end, it ended up being the same, but at least it was told differently.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 03:32 PM)
Gameplay > Graphics


Twilight Princess offers nothing that the previous games offer, that's my big beef with it. Every new game has offered something different.

remember the game was meant for the Wii (not initially but in the end) and thats where the different comes in. The gameplay with the Wii is just friggin cool

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 03:17 PM)
remember the game was meant for the Wii (not initially but in the end) and thats where the different comes in. The gameplay with the Wii is just friggin cool


I don't think they harnessed the capabilities of the Wii at all. Considering the concept of the Wii, I'd have expected some monumental changes. Instead, it's the same old s***, now you can just flick your wrist around and point the remote at the screen. I don't find it that cool.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 05:22 PM)
I don't think they harnessed the capabilities of the Wii at all. Considering the concept of the Wii, I'd have expected some monumental changes. Instead, it's the same old s***, now you can just flick your wrist around and point the remote at the screen. I don't find it that cool.

do you have the wii version or the gc version?

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 10:25 PM)
Since everyone's doing it:


1. Link's Awakening

2. Majora's Mask

3. Wind Waker

4. Ocarina of Time

5. A Link to the Past




Haven't finished TP yet(or come even close, just beat the 3rd temple), but right now I would put it at number 2 even though it's just a bigger OoT.


That's probably the most bizarre list I'll ever see. Can you explain why you ranked them as such?

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There is no question for me that A Link to the Past was the best Zelda game. EVER. The bosses were hard, something OoT and TP can't attest to. Wind Waker had tough bosses compared to previous titles, but the whole ocean thing pissed me off. I hated that concept.


As for TP, the bosses are so fricking ridiculously easy once you know how to fight them. Stallord, The Arbiters' Grounds Boss, is the best boss fight out of all the Zelda games I have played. It is easy but the fight is kickass. I haven't come close to beating the game. 30 hours of Gameplay and am only in the Temple of Time.

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QUOTE(34FG56MB52JC @ Jan 5, 2007 -> 02:16 PM)
There is no question for me that A Link to the Past was the best Zelda game. EVER. The bosses were hard, something OoT and TP can't attest to. Wind Waker had tough bosses compared to previous titles, but the whole ocean thing pissed me off. I hated that concept.


As for TP, the bosses are so fricking ridiculously easy once you know how to fight them. Stallord, The Arbiters' Grounds Boss, is the best boss fight out of all the Zelda games I have played. It is easy but the fight is kickass. I haven't come close to beating the game. 30 hours of Gameplay and am only in the Temple of Time.


A Link to the Past also had the most temples. I love the sidequests in that game, and OoT is the only game that has had a final boss that can even come close to rivaling the difficulty of Gannon in ALTTP. Even so, OoT's Gannon was a breeze. Windwaker was fantastic, but as you said, the water was terribly annoying, and though the final Gannon had plenty of potential to be HARD, he was easy to beat because all you had to do was strike him a few times. The final battle in the game lasted about 2 minutes. That's not the way it should be.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 4, 2007 -> 05:52 AM)
Ditto, Majora's Mask was easily the worst of the series.


A Link to the Past and Windwaker have the best sidequests and the largest maps. Ocarina of time had a pretty big map too and some good sidequests, but it was the easiest of all that I've played. A Link to the Past is the only of them all with a challenging final boss.


I dont see how you could have liked Windwaker and its terrible paper cut out graphics..


I guess I just dont understand how Oot and Majoras Mask arent 1,2 on everyones list.. I think they were easily the best looking and most enjoyable Zelda games..


I had to get an N64 emulator to play them again on my computer because of how much I missed those games..

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QUOTE(T R U @ Jan 5, 2007 -> 09:45 PM)
I dont see how you could have liked Windwaker and its terrible paper cut out graphics..


I guess I just dont understand how Oot and Majoras Mask arent 1,2 on everyones list.. I think they were easily the best looking and most enjoyable Zelda games..


I had to get an N64 emulator to play them again on my computer because of how much I missed those games..


Are you f***ing serious? And what the hell do graphics matter anyway? GAMEPLAY > graphics


Much has been said about The Wind Waker's cartoonlike, cel-shaded look, which was initially met with quite a bit of skepticism when it debuted some time ago. That skepticism is completely unfounded, though, as this new entry in the series looks absolutely amazing. What seems like a relatively simple look on the surface is revealed to be quite complex pretty early on, as the game begins to show off some of its facial animation techniques. The game's characters are extremely expressive in their motion and appearance, and this adds emotional weight to the game's text-based story line. There are lots of great little touches to the game's look. The game's focus on wind translates into grass that blows naturally, sails that fill with wind when you've pointed them in the right direction, and swirling gusts of wind that clue you in to the wind's direction and force--something that actually factors into the gameplay on more than one occasion. Artistically, The Wind Waker is nearly unmatched, on the GameCube or on any other platform.


Link Here


Windwaker even has better graphics than Twilight Princess, which, in my opinion, aside from Majora's Mask, is the worst game of the series.

Edited by BobDylan
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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 06:09 PM)
Are you f***ing serious? And what the hell do graphics matter anyway? GAMEPLAY > graphics

Windwaker even has better graphics than Twilight Princess, which, in my opinion, aside from Majora's Mask, is the worst game of the series.


I agree, I thought the cell shading graphics were an interesting change for the series. The strange thing is that they come off as being paper cut out graphics, but the more you play it the better they seem. Hard to explain, thats just how I felt when i was playing the game.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Jan 8, 2007 -> 11:31 PM)
A decade from now I think Wind Waker will still look "good" in the eyes of gamers because cartoony graphics tend to age well.


Agreed. I liked the game and the graphics look great, in my opinion.



I wasn't expecting revolutionary graphics for TP but with all the time waiting was hoping for graphics slightly better than RE4...I was disappointed in that respect...

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 06:09 PM)
Are you f***ing serious? And what the hell do graphics matter anyway? GAMEPLAY > graphics

Windwaker even has better graphics than Twilight Princess, which, in my opinion, aside from Majora's Mask, is the worst game of the series.


you really thought TP was that bad?? i loved the graphics but i wasnt expecting AMAZING and for me the gameplay was good. it was a bit easy but good nonetheless. For me it's more about story than innovation in the gameplay per se. In that respect i was really happy until the end where it was relatively anti-climactic. that being said it was still my 2nd or 3rd favorite with Oot 1st. i just didnt really dig windwaker at all. and i JUST played it for the first time after doing TP. I didnt like the story at all... i mean who cares about "kid who's not link but... wait... actually sorta kinda is link"s sister... i dunno.


I agree though that the graphics got better as the game went on - but i'd still rather have TP graphics than WW any day

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 10:25 PM)
you really thought TP was that bad?? i loved the graphics but i wasnt expecting AMAZING and for me the gameplay was good. it was a bit easy but good nonetheless. For me it's more about story than innovation in the gameplay per se. In that respect i was really happy until the end where it was relatively anti-climactic. that being said it was still my 2nd or 3rd favorite with Oot 1st. i just didnt really dig windwaker at all. and i JUST played it for the first time after doing TP. I didnt like the story at all... i mean who cares about "kid who's not link but... wait... actually sorta kinda is link"s sister... i dunno.


I agree though that the graphics got better as the game went on - but i'd still rather have TP graphics than WW any day


In my opinion, the game was a digression from Windwaker in every sense. Easier gameplay, worse graphics, less sidequests, smaller map, less (meaningful) items, etc, etc. Even the story is worse just for the sole fact that Link stands there in every scene with a stone face and doesn't have a SINGLE line. You'd think a guy appointed by the gods would have a little more expression, no?


It's still a very good game, as all the Zelda games are (except Majora's Mask, I really thought that game was quite bad), but in a series like this, I always expect it to evolve into better things. In the case of Twilight Princess, I had high expectations coming into the new platform and new gaming concept. They didn't deliver on any fronts and gave fans just "another" Zelda game. I expect the next one to harness the Wii capabilities.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 01:23 PM)
In my opinion, the game was a digression from Windwaker in every sense. Easier gameplay, worse graphics, less sidequests, smaller map, less (meaningful) items, etc, etc. Even the story is worse just for the sole fact that Link stands there in every scene with a stone face and doesn't have a SINGLE line. You'd think a guy appointed by the gods would have a little more expression, no?


It's still a very good game, as all the Zelda games are (except Majora's Mask, I really thought that game was quite bad), but in a series like this, I always expect it to evolve into better things. In the case of Twilight Princess, I had high expectations coming into the new platform and new gaming concept. They didn't deliver on any fronts and gave fans just "another" Zelda game. I expect the next one to harness the Wii capabilities.


well the graphics thing is just a matter of opinion - i like the more realistic graphics as opposed to the cartoony ones and thats just the ways it is, but i dont think there was a smaller map - running everywhere would have taken ages, its just that theres a horse in this one instead of a slow as s*** boat. I personally hated the sailing aspect of WW and a "smaller" map that doesnt involve tedious travel is fine by me. otherwise though i agree with the sidequest thing but as for link's expressions - why would you WANT link to have lines? thats the POINT of Zelda games - ya know that Link is YOU. thats the concept at least. He has always been a blank slate in zelda games and i dont know why that would have changed for TP

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QUOTE(Reddy @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 01:30 PM)
well the graphics thing is just a matter of opinion - i like the more realistic graphics as opposed to the cartoony ones and thats just the ways it is, but i dont think there was a smaller map - running everywhere would have taken ages, its just that theres a horse in this one instead of a slow as s*** boat. I personally hated the sailing aspect of WW and a "smaller" map that doesnt involve tedious travel is fine by me. otherwise though i agree with the sidequest thing but as for link's expressions - why would you WANT link to have lines? thats the POINT of Zelda games - ya know that Link is YOU. thats the concept at least. He has always been a blank slate in zelda games and i dont know why that would have changed for TP


Valid points, and yes, I did think the boat was a bit much. However, the reason I keep saying the map in TP is small because it's all closed off until you reach certain points in the game. Maybe I'm recalling this wrong, as I can only remember for certain in A Link to the Past, but in other games you can see the entire map from the start. You can explore areas and look forward to earning different items.


As for Link's expressions, you're right, but the thing I loved about Windwaker is they gave little Link facial expressions.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 01:33 PM)
Woo, I finally beat the game. I logged a little over 45 hours. I hadn't been able to play since Winter Break, because of being away for school.


The ending's a little disappointing, but it's better than Ocarina's ending.


Is the boss difficult? I've always thought this was a weak point in the game. The only tough boss, IMO, is in A Link to the Past.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 08:27 PM)
Is the boss difficult? I've always thought this was a weak point in the game. The only tough boss, IMO, is in A Link to the Past.


They were tough, but a lot of the difficulty was finding their weakness. The castle had a lot of quirks and secrets that took a bit to figure out to get through.

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