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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 12:08 AM)
Not that impressed and as such I sold the damn thing on ebay (made 50 bucks) and picked up a 360. Oh and if anyone is interested in wireless controllers, cosco and circuit city are selling them for 38.99 and 39.99 respectively (which is 10 bucks off the normal price of 49.99).

Good call, I'm waiting until Halo 3 and then I'm picking up the 360.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 05:26 AM)
not 2 mention if you buy the 360 and the wireless internet adapter and the fee to payonline... your virtually paying the same price as you would for a ps3.

Lets see, in two months the Xbox will be a full fledged DVR, the thing is amazing as a media extender already (when networked with a media computer). The games on the system are infinitely better (and the exclusive Microsoft games >>>> exclusive PS3 games). And the Xbox online mode is so much better because its subscription (I never thought I'd say that but it is).


And I don't need a wireless adapter anymore so I'm not too concerned with that. Oh and the Xbox Platinum can be found for about 299 (depending on when you are buying it) or you can find a way to get Cosco to give it a discount (which is what I did because I love Cosco's warranty).


Oh and the PS3 controller is a piece of s*** compared to that of the Xbox. The Xbox one is so much more ergonomic its not even funny. I can't believe Sony scrapped building there new controller because I think the PS3 controller is very flawed. Plus the wireless controller on the Xbox is far better (PS3's has had a lot of problems, I'm sure they'll fix it, but they've had tons of interference issues).

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QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 10:01 AM)
Details/Link? :)

Gates announced it. I may be a bit premature with the 2 month thing, but Gates said that is one of the next things so there will be an update patch. They are also going to be coming out with an HDMI cord for it sometime relatively soon.


QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 10:03 AM)
So Jason, you returned a 360 to get a PS3, sold the PS3 and used the money to get a 360?


Was all that hassle worth the $50?

Yes, cause I bought the Xbox for about 100 bucks cheaper than when I originally paid for it. So I saved 150 bucks in the end. And I got to make sure that I bought the system I really want.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 05:57 PM)
The games on the system are infinitely better (and the exclusive Microsoft games >>>> exclusive PS3 games).

Well of course, PS3 has been out for two months. If you look at the 2007 line-up, however, Sony's>>>>>>>>>Microsoft's. Add that to the fact that Microsoft's in-house developers are terrible compared to the competition, and I would say PS3 is far superior to the 360 if you want to go the game route. Neither's media extensions are superior to the other, I'd say.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 18, 2007 -> 09:59 PM)
Anyone got Resitance online names that I can add?






I love the PS3. I bought one last week when gamestop had the 100 bucks off deal. I can not wait until the new games come out in the spring.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 11:57 AM)
Lets see, in two months the Xbox will be a full fledged DVR, the thing is amazing as a media extender already (when networked with a media computer). The games on the system are infinitely better (and the exclusive Microsoft games >>>> exclusive PS3 games). And the Xbox online mode is so much better because its subscription (I never thought I'd say that but it is).


And I don't need a wireless adapter anymore so I'm not too concerned with that. Oh and the Xbox Platinum can be found for about 299 (depending on when you are buying it) or you can find a way to get Cosco to give it a discount (which is what I did because I love Cosco's warranty).


Oh and the PS3 controller is a piece of s*** compared to that of the Xbox. The Xbox one is so much more ergonomic its not even funny. I can't believe Sony scrapped building there new controller because I think the PS3 controller is very flawed. Plus the wireless controller on the Xbox is far better (PS3's has had a lot of problems, I'm sure they'll fix it, but they've had tons of interference issues).


Every point you make is flawed. First, compare Xbox 360's launch titles to that of PS3's for a fair comparison. Microsoft didn't have much to offer at their launch either, and if I can remember correctly, they didn't have a game as good as Resistance: Fall of Man to offer on the first day of launch. And wait until the Metal Gear Solid's and Final Fantasy's come out for Sony until you claim Xbox has better name titles.


Second, look up the price of a blu-ray DVD player. Then, look at the price of the PS3 which INCLUDES a blu-ray player. Most people b**** and MOAN about the price of the PS3, but the thing is a HOSS. You think the 360 is a great media "extender"? Well, the ps3 can be your media CENTER. Pop in a 500 gig HD into the ps3 and enjoy the OS and blu-ray player and come back to me.


Third, the controller is a matter of opinion and feel. I think the Xbox controllers are clunky, the buttons are smashed too close together and overall, it's difficult to use. I feel the PS3 controller is better designed for the human hand and the way human response works. I find it more comfortable to hold, and certainly more easy to use. But the point is, the controller is a matter of personal opinion.

Edited by BobDylan
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Second, look up the price of a blu-ray DVD player. Then, look at the price of the PS3 which INCLUDES a blu-ray player. Most people b**** and MOAN about the price of the PS3, but the thing is a HOSS.


Of course they b**** and moan. Most people don't want a blu-ray player, so they're just being charged a lot extra they don't want.


I feel the PS3 controller is better designed for the human hand and the way human response works. I find it more comfortable to hold, and certainly more easy to use. But the point is, the controller is a matter of personal opinion.


I would say you are in the minority. If you rest your hands naturally, your thumbs will lay up top on your index fingers, not down by your ring or pinky fingers. The Dual Shock controller's analog sticks are in a terrible location, which is why on virtually all controllers, the most important buttons are not down there.

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 07:28 PM)
Of course they b**** and moan. Most people don't want a blu-ray player, so they're just being charged a lot extra they don't want.

And then on the other hand you have the 360 which is pointless to own with online play. Of course that will cost you 50$ a year, running the price of a 360 up to about 650 instead of just giving us something that should be free.

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Basicly, your initially paying a larger amount to buy ps3 and right now of course if you compare games the 360 has more. But overtime you will be paying just as much for a 360 hell over enough time even more and the games that will be coming out for both systems gives the ps3 a big advantage. The only game the 360 has over it is Halo3 but I dont buy systems for 1 games especially one I consider a bit overated (rather play n64 goldeneye)


As for controllers, my friend has both and I dont have a particular favorite. I did like the controls for Gears of War moreso than Resistance but the controller in general did not have a favorite. In the end, the wii controller and system is the best :P

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Considering there is a lot of talk about Metal Gear being on both systems eventually, and GTA is both systems...I'd say that the main games that Sony used to own that were specific to one system are no longer the case. Throw in HALO 3 and well I'm sold (but I don't play Final Fantasy).


And I want to point out that yes, I think if you want a BluRay player than the PS3 is a bargain, but I'd rather wait until the dust has settled and get a quality player. Oh and the PS3, the one where I have to pay extra money to get either component cables or HDMI cable (albeit I give em credit for offering HDMI at its release).


I am not talking about release games though, I've looked at the list of games exclusive to both systems (future releases) and vastly prefer those that are on Microsoft's console (thats obviously personal preference though).


And I want to point one thing out...you can buy an Xbox 360 platinum for 299 (you just may have to wait a week or two, but Microcenter & Toys R'us have had this deal and I have heard a couple other places did for a while too)...so even if you wanted wireless, thats 399. Thats 200 bucks less than the PS3 with those features. Thats a big difference. And the Microsoft online is superior to that of PS3, imo. Again, statement of opinion and I'm a cheapo so I hate the idea of having to pay 50 a month, but in the end its a bargain if you play games online a lot (or if you get a few buddies over and than all of you play online).

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QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 09:08 PM)
Whats this Gamestop deal where they give you a hundred dollars off?

Right before the new year...Toys R Us gave you 100 bucks in store credit. I heard Gamestop did something similar (also with the PS3 I think). Circuit City does like a 30 buck online gift card and you get a free game. Micro Center for about 2 months had a 100 buck mail in rebate (it was only supposed to be for Black Thursday but they ended up doing it up till the New Year).


Now stores went back to 399 for the most part, but if you look around you can still find it for close to 299 (just takes a bit of patience). For the Ps3 I am not sure what the 100 buck gamestop deal was but one of my friends mentioned it and than I saw it mentioned in here.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 10:54 PM)
Considering there is a lot of talk about Metal Gear being on both systems eventually, and GTA is both systems...I'd say that the main games that Sony used to own that were specific to one system are no longer the case. Throw in HALO 3 and well I'm sold (but I don't play Final Fantasy).


And I want to point out that yes, I think if you want a BluRay player than the PS3 is a bargain, but I'd rather wait until the dust has settled and get a quality player. Oh and the PS3, the one where I have to pay extra money to get either component cables or HDMI cable (albeit I give em credit for offering HDMI at its release).


I am not talking about release games though, I've looked at the list of games exclusive to both systems (future releases) and vastly prefer those that are on Microsoft's console (thats obviously personal preference though).


And I want to point one thing out...you can buy an Xbox 360 platinum for 299 (you just may have to wait a week or two, but Microcenter & Toys R'us have had this deal and I have heard a couple other places did for a while too)...so even if you wanted wireless, thats 399. Thats 200 bucks less than the PS3 with those features. Thats a big difference. And the Microsoft online is superior to that of PS3, imo. Again, statement of opinion and I'm a cheapo so I hate the idea of having to pay 50 a month, but in the end its a bargain if you play games online a lot (or if you get a few buddies over and than all of you play online).


Metal Gear coming to all systems is a FALSE rumor.


The new PS3 network seems to be holding up well. I'm not certain, but I believe online play is free for good. Microsoft owned online gaming with the last gen, but Sony has made their changes and mimicked what Microsoft has done. Only, it's free.


Can you provide a list of games that are Microsoft only releases? I don't know where to check, or I'm just plain blind at the sites I go to. Any matter, we've both said it, it's all a matter of opinion. I had the PS, the PS2 and bought the PS3 because I'm familiar with it all: the games, the controller, the set up, the troubleshooting, etc. That's essentially the main reason I went with Sony over Microsoft. I've seen the Xbox360, even played it a little, and it's a great system. But given that it's a totally new set-up for me, I feel lost with it. Therefore, I don't buy it.


But anyway, I'm still interested in arguing games. Sony has always had a wide range of games, and a few that are worth every cent every time they come out. Really, the only game I wish Sony could get is Metroid Prime. But I don't really know what Microsoft has beyond Halo.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 21, 2007 -> 10:39 PM)
Metal Gear coming to all systems is a FALSE rumor.


The new PS3 network seems to be holding up well. I'm not certain, but I believe online play is free for good. Microsoft owned online gaming with the last gen, but Sony has made their changes and mimicked what Microsoft has done. Only, it's free.


Can you provide a list of games that are Microsoft only releases? I don't know where to check, or I'm just plain blind at the sites I go to. Any matter, we've both said it, it's all a matter of opinion. I had the PS, the PS2 and bought the PS3 because I'm familiar with it all: the games, the controller, the set up, the troubleshooting, etc. That's essentially the main reason I went with Sony over Microsoft. I've seen the Xbox360, even played it a little, and it's a great system. But given that it's a totally new set-up for me, I feel lost with it. Therefore, I don't buy it.


But anyway, I'm still interested in arguing games. Sony has always had a wide range of games, and a few that are worth every cent every time they come out. Really, the only game I wish Sony could get is Metroid Prime. But I don't really know what Microsoft has beyond Halo.

I'll look for it, but I remember it being in a gamestop magazine or something like that that one of my buddies had. It had the WII, PS3, and 360 and were talking about all the games and I remember all of us looking at it (albeit we all have similar tastes/preferences in games) and going wow, the PS3 has lost all of there main exclusive right games.


This publication had Metal Gear as being non-exclusive as It said that its release will be on the PS3 but that they will also release it after on the 360 (although I know this has been something thats been debated on here as it seems like there are varying reports on how true that is).

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 02:36 PM)
This publication had Metal Gear as being non-exclusive as It said that its release will be on the PS3 but that they will also release it after on the 360 (although I know this has been something thats been debated on here as it seems like there are varying reports on how true that is).


Kojima (MGS creator) on the series moving to other consoles: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/meta...tml?sid=6127573


Granted, it's an old article, and yes he leaves the door open a slight crack.

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QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 06:39 AM)
Really, the only game I wish Sony could get is Metroid Prime. But I don't really know what Microsoft has beyond Halo.

Gears of War...and that's it. But even that game is not developed by Microsoft, but rather Epic, who is bringing their own PS3 exclusive shooter due out this year.


As for the MGS4 thing, I don't believe it could go to any other system. The game is using every single bit of memory availble on the Blu-Ray disk, which means it would be impossible to port over to the 360. Kojima has stated this many times.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 03:35 PM)
Gears of War...and that's it. But even that game is not developed by Microsoft, but rather Epic, who is bringing their own PS3 exclusive shooter due out this year.


As for the MGS4 thing, I don't believe it could go to any other system. The game is using every single bit of memory availble on the Blu-Ray disk, which means it would be impossible to port over to the 360. Kojima has stated this many times.



I own a PS3 and a 360 so I honestly do not have any long term preference over either, but saying that Halo 3 and Gears of War are the only 360 exclusives worth anything is crazy. Here is a list of games exclusive to the 360 that look/are pretty damn good (note some will be out on PC -- but my PC sucks):


Alan Wake

Fable 2

Mass Effect

Halo Wars

Lost Odyssey (From Final Fantasy composer and producer)

Blue Dragon (from Chrono Trigger team)

Dead Rising


Kane and Lynch



Too Human

Splinter Cell 5

Halo 3

Gears of War

Project Gotham 4

Forza Motorsport 2

Conan: Hyborian Adventures

Viva Pinata (seriously, it's fun)

Banjo 3

Circle of Doom


Sony has lots of great games coming out also, they just need to come out soon because I'm getting bored of playing the same game over and over.

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