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Been Saving This for the Right Time....


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Well you really didn't do much, just added text!  :D

that's why it's lame :lol:


I am an inavator though, If I see you making graphics with f*** in them, I'll know where you got the idea.


It's genious in it's simplicity

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that's why it's lame :lol:


I am an inavator though, If I see you making graphics with f*** in them, I'll know where you got the idea.


It's genious in it's simplicity

I won't be making anything like that.

Good, Cause I have high priced Hollywood lawyers that would sue you so fast..... :lol:


And just for HSC...

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Not exactly what I use my friend. :usa

Well Duh, But I'm not gonna try all the elaborate s*** that you do. This program does it's job, especially in the now famed "Cali Player First Name 'f***ING' Player Last Name" Pictures.

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Ian, would you do me a HUGE favor, my beloved Sox fan???


Make me a "Carlos f***ing Lee" picture so I can save it and maybe make it into a poster later!!! :headbang

Yeah..... make it with a ball flying over his head or dropping out of his glove :lol: . Seems like the only time Sox fans have anything to say about him anyway :rolleyes:

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Ian, would you do me a HUGE favor, my beloved Sox fan???


Make me a "Carlos f***ing Lee" picture so I can save it and maybe make it into a poster later!!! :headbang

Yeah..... make it with a ball flying over his head or dropping out of his glove :lol: . Seems like the only time Sox fans have anything to say about him anyway :rolleyes:

You are asking for it!!! :nono

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