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Brian Anderson


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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 06:16 PM)
Interestingly, if people recall, I believe Anderson actually put together a pretty good spring training last year. 21/68, home run, .845 OPS in the spring. And he's hit over .300 in ST both years where he was in camp with the big boys. So ST might very well be the least of his concerns. Or so we hope.


He should have a month or two in the big leagues to get going, and by get going, I basically mean hitting in the .230's or so. That's all I want from him to start the season, he doesn't have to be good with the bat, just not bloody awful. With his defense, he should just give us more than an NL team gets out of its 9 hole.


And anyway, in terms of the general topic of this thread...trading Brian Anderson now is a terrible idea. Why? Because right now, Anderson's value is basically as low as it could possibly get unless he hits .160 the next 3 years. Right now, anyone who wants to acquire him will be trying to do so with the hope that they can "Turn him around" and get more out of him than we could because he does have a lot of talent. But teams would do the same thing at the end of next season, and probably the season after that if he's still struggling then. On the other hand, if he can learn a few things somewhere along the line, and put together a good season, then suddenly his value goes right back up.


Think about this...how much would the Sox have cost themselves if they decided to trade Crede in the middle of the 05 season, when he was still struggling before he finally worked the kinks out of his swing (and there was sure a lot of talk about replacing him with Eric Chavez, for example). By holding onto Crede, the Sox saved talent, they suddenly found themselves holding a much more valuable trading chip in Crede, and they've saved themselves over $15 million in the last 2 seasons alone.


What have you heard? We're trading for Chavez?

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QUOTE(U can putitontheboarrrrd...YES @ Jan 8, 2007 -> 02:29 AM)
I want to see BA everyday until the break. If he still isnt producing, platoon him with Sweeney or whoever.. but dont trade him...I just hope to god that they dont feel their better option is Mack.


Concur on most counts except one - the platooning. I don't see that helping the Sox much at all (esp if it's with Mack), so unless the Sox absolutely need better numbers out of that spot, I say keep him in there until the All-Star break and trade for someone else if we get to that point. Sweeney is going to have the same growing pains so I don't know that switching them out is going to help the team much. Mack needs to stay as far away from CF as humanly possible.

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For the old timers, maybe he's destined to be the next Ken Berry.

All field, no hit.

The Sox were patient with Crede; maybe they plan the same with BA

and he'll reward them soon by learning how to hit.

Edited by greg775
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I honestly think Brian has to come out at least decent this year. if he plays the first month or more around .200 or worse they will definately make a move on him.


I never once considered Brian the source of our problems last year because when he was horrible the other guys were getting off and we were winning anyway.


When Brian seemed to get his feet up under him that's about the time a couple of our pitchers in both the rotation and pen starting trying to throw strikes with their eyes closed. Brian was totally NOT responsible for our season...In fact, the situation was PERFECT for us (and him) where the big boys carried him while he struggled and finally he started to hit a little more.


All that said, he has to become more of a hitting force and will need to do so very early in the year. Brian has 20-25 homer potential I believe, could probably steal you 15-20 bases a year and play great defense...he's a kid we have to be patient with.

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QUOTE(kwolf68 @ Jan 9, 2007 -> 03:26 PM)
I honestly think Brian has to come out at least decent this year. if he plays the first month or more around .200 or worse they will definately make a move on him.


I never once considered Brian the source of our problems last year because when he was horrible the other guys were getting off and we were winning anyway.


When Brian seemed to get his feet up under him that's about the time a couple of our pitchers in both the rotation and pen starting trying to throw strikes with their eyes closed. Brian was totally NOT responsible for our season...In fact, the situation was PERFECT for us (and him) where the big boys carried him while he struggled and finally he started to hit a little more.


All that said, he has to become more of a hitting force and will need to do so very early in the year. Brian has 20-25 homer potential I believe, could probably steal you 15-20 bases a year and play great defense...he's a kid we have to be patient with.


I don't think anyone is trying to say he was the source of our problems. Obviously the main problem was the pitching staff didn't perform the way it was expected to. Most people were high on Brian's defense, but I think most people were surprised with how good he actually was.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 7, 2007 -> 08:05 PM)
More often then not, the first time you have sex, you suck; the more you do it, the better you get at it. But improvement doesn't equal quality, it just means you're better than bad. Whoop-dee-s***.


In this instance, Brian's still inexperienced, but he's atleast lost his virginity.


Pretty simple, really.


All 3E8 was trying to say was that it was essentially impossible for him not to improve, and that his improvement doesn't mean he's good or that he's going to be good next year. To expect a .270 average due to a .257 second half average is a bit too optimistic.


Though, on the other hand, it's not too unreasonable to figure that he very well could put up a .270 average. It's just not bloody likely.

Hitting a baseball isnt as easy as falling off the turnip truck which u seem to have done a few times. ;) Just because u hit .200 doesnt mean u automatically will improve. If that was the case then everyone who ever played baseball for more then 1/2 a season and sucked would magically become a .250 hitter just like BA did. I'm giving credit where its due. He improved and he's likely to keep improving till we see what his ceiling is.

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QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jan 6, 2007 -> 07:11 PM)
I love the optimism, but its only 9:10, you could not have downed that much liquor yet. BA is gonna be good in a couple years, but for this season he is still a .250, 10 HR, 50 RBI guy.


I'd take that at this point.


I do think he's headed back to AAA early if he shows signs of '06.

Edited by The Ginger Kid
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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jan 10, 2007 -> 02:31 PM)
I'd take that at this point.


I do think he's headed back to AAA early if he shows signs of '06.


If they do that...bye bye trade worth. They will trade him at the deadline before they ship him back to AAA. UNLESS, they plan on keeping him no matter what, which I don't think is the case.

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Any chance that the Sox go after Darin Erstad to split time with him? He claims to be fully healthy and thinks he can play CF in '07. I could see him splitting time in CF and LF plus the ocassional start at 1B to rest Konerko. I know the Sox liked him a few years ago and his demeanor would seem to fit in well and he'd also fill the Ross Gload role rather well.




"The A's remain interested in free agent Darin Erstad as an outfielder and first baseman.


Erstad told the Los Angeles Times six teams expressed interest in him"

Edited by droper
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On Erstad, he's on paper not the worst option in baseball history, but he's not a real solid one either. He hasn't been able to stay healthy at all these past few years, his production will be several steps below what Gload was able to give us even if he is healthy, and his defense has worsened as his health has decreased.


That said, a lot depends on the price and what he's willing to accept. If he wants a chance to be a starter, he shouldn't get it in Chicago. If he's willing to accept starting at most 30 or 40 games in the season, and he's willing to take a very cheap contract (Which, if there are 6 teams after him, he may not be willilng to do) then it might be a decent move.


Then again, it might just be a mistake to give Ozzie a left handed backup CF, because Ozzie might decide that every time there was a righty on the mound he needed to be out there. Again. Because BRIAN ANDERSON IS A FREAKING COMMUNIST AND EVERYONE KNOWS COMMUNISTS CAN'T HIT RIGHT HANDERS. AND MEN CAN'T GROW BEARDS IN SPACE.

Edited by Balta1701
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I think that people should look at it this way:


How valuable is a CFer that plays great D and has some good offense ?


You can judge by hard it has been for Kenny to find one or how much he would have to give up to trade for Baldelli or the contracts given out to Mathews and Pierre !


Why not give BA a chance beyond one season ? He always hit in the minors and imagine how valuable this guy will be if he hits like that in the majors ?


I would give him atleast one more year. What if he hits .260 with 15 homers this year and after that averages .275 with 20 homers a year ? Isn't that pretty darn good for a top notch defensive CFer ? I think that's reasonable to expect of him .


And, besides if Dye is gone after this year, don't we need to hold onto him. We need 3 quality 2-way outfielders.

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