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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Mar 24, 2007 -> 12:41 PM)
Did you know it hurts really bad when you whack the side of your head on a steel pole? It bleeds too. To make a really good time out of the ordeal, you HAVE to experience a nose bleed where the blood is shooting out of your nose. Good times I tell you.

Rough week huh?

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Mar 24, 2007 -> 11:41 AM)
Did you know it hurts really bad when you whack the side of your head on a steel pole? It bleeds too. To make a really good time out of the ordeal, you HAVE to experience a nose bleed where the blood is shooting out of your nose. Good times I tell you.


:o :pray I hope you are feeling better.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Mar 26, 2007 -> 01:10 AM)
Teachers should get fired for scheduling tests on Opening Day. What the hell.


Students should be failed for not being smart enough to avoid an Opening Day test.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 25, 2007 -> 11:13 PM)
:o :pray I hope you are feeling better.


For the most part yeah. I have a habit of massaging my scalp while working on stuff and started to do that this morning and jumped because it hurt when I put pressure on the area (haven't looked, but just assuming I have a nice bruise there). The gouge and scrape was longer than I had thought though but it scabbed over and so far so good.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Mar 26, 2007 -> 02:59 PM)
I was thinking it might have been a very slight concussion because on Saturday I couldn't stand up for too long without getting dizzy or a little nautious.

If you start thinking that the GOPerheads around here are making sense, see a Doctor right away.



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I went hiking for the first time this season, and about 2 miles into my 4 mile hike I noticed my foot started to hurt. By the time I got back to my car I have a blister (no joke) that is on the entire bottom of my heel (and is starting to get close to the arch of my foot). Anyone have any tips to make it go away or make it less painful? I was really hoping to get lots of hiking in this weekend, but that might not be possible. Help me please!

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 23, 2007 -> 10:11 AM)
Sure sign the world is ending, or I'm getting really old, my Dad, who practically lives in western boots, is now wearing Crocs. How did this become a phenomenon? Is it just a southern thing with our weather?


My wife and daughters got some last year. I've seen tons of people wearing them in the past year or 2.


QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 17, 2007 -> 06:52 AM)
Love it.


So that talk about it losing suction simply because it's made out of plastic is garbage?

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 27, 2007 -> 03:30 PM)
I went hiking for the first time this season, and about 2 miles into my 4 mile hike I noticed my foot started to hurt. By the time I got back to my car I have a blister (no joke) that is on the entire bottom of my heel (and is starting to get close to the arch of my foot). Anyone have any tips to make it go away or make it less painful? I was really hoping to get lots of hiking in this weekend, but that might not be possible. Help me please!


Few things, first of all, figure out why you blistered in the first place and stop it. Two dissimilar socks really helps. A lighter synthetic sock first and a thicker natural fiber (wool or wool blend) on top will prevent a lot of these problems. Remember friction caused the blister.


If the blister has not popped, do not pop it. You will want to relieve the pressure on the blister, cut out some mole foam slightly larger than the blister and secure in place. Time will heal. Popping the blister opens up a nice path for an infection. If it does pop, keep the area clean and covered.


BTW the nest time, if there is a next time. Stop as soon as you feel a hot spot, stop and adjust your shoes, socks, etc. As part of your hiking essentials, carry some bandaids or duct tape. Put anything on the hot spot to prevents the blister.

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QUOTE(shipps @ Mar 28, 2007 -> 04:34 PM)
If I hear the expression "Its like a kid in a candy store" 1 more time Iam going to punch the nearest person in the face!


How about, "Like a Wino Bum in a Liquor Store"?? :D




Well shucks, Huck n' Tom said the fishin' hole wuz' right around here somewhere. . .



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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 02:28 PM)
The Trailer for GTA 4 comes out today, I can't wait.


I saw it online about a month ago. OMG it's badass. If you can't wait, or take the suspense, I can shoot you a PM of the website where it has the trailer at it's going to show tonight.

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 02:35 PM)
I saw it online about a month ago. OMG it's badass. If you can't wait, or take the suspense, I can shoot you a PM of the website where it has the trailer at it's going to show tonight.


pretty please

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