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Catch-All Anything Thread


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I think I'm going to die. I play in a weekly soccer league (pretty competitive league but in the end its still for fun) but with our busy season just ending we were down a few players (no subs plus 2 short) and I now feel like I want to vomit.


To make matters worse all our players that were there stepped up and played our best games only to lose near the end.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 7, 2007 -> 12:58 AM)
I think I'm going to die. I play in a weekly soccer league (pretty competitive league but in the end its still for fun) but with our busy season just ending we were down a few players (no subs plus 2 short) and I now feel like I want to vomit.


To make matters worse all our players that were there stepped up and played our best games only to lose near the end.


Grow up, get fat, and stop that s***.

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QUOTE(shipps @ Apr 7, 2007 -> 06:03 PM)
Having gas at work really sux.My stomach keeps on rumbling and my co-workers are giving me nothing but awkward silence.


It could be worse, Mario would probably be giggling like a little girl going Jeff made a smelly.

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After spending 5 hours of my Saturday night at Buzz,I just want to reiterate how much I hate going to clubs.Spending the hole night talking to people 2 inchs away from your face with their breath smelling like crap and JackDaniels.And those who you would call good dancers are really just drunken body movers who wax their eyebrows twice a week and wear pointy shoes from Aldo.I dont get why would anybody enjoy being around a bunch of people like that every weekend.

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QUOTE(shipps @ Apr 8, 2007 -> 07:26 PM)
After spending 5 hours of my Saturday night at Buzz,I just want to reiterate how much I hate going to clubs.Spending the hole night talking to people 2 inchs away from your face with their breath smelling like crap and JackDaniels.And those who you would call good dancers are really just drunken body movers who wax their eyebrows twice a week and wear pointy shoes from Aldo.I dont get why would anybody enjoy being around a bunch of people like that every weekend.


That pretty much sums it up. I enjoyed them a lot more when I switched to be the designated driver and would just make certain all my buddies embarrassing moments would not be forgotten and would be safe. I also met some nicer ladies that way. ;)

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I have t he type of VCR/DVD combo that automatically sets the time. The last few days, the time has been jumping all over the place. It's 8:12am now and my clock jumped to 11:38.

Yesterday, I woke up at 6am for work and my clock said 10:30am. It usually fixes itself, but any reason for this?

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QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 9, 2007 -> 06:13 AM)
I have t he type of VCR/DVD combo that automatically sets the time. The last few days, the time has been jumping all over the place. It's 8:12am now and my clock jumped to 11:38.

Yesterday, I woke up at 6am for work and my clock said 10:30am. It usually fixes itself, but any reason for this?

Well, one obvious potential problem is the Daylight Savings time switch. Normally it would have happened April 1, this year it was like 2 weeks earlier. So if you flipped your clocks back in mid-March for DST, they may have tried to flip back on April 1st. I had a couple that did. That wouldn't explain everything,b ut it could have screwed up 1 hour a week ago.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 12:17 PM)
Did someone have a "Turn back the calendar" day and not tell me about it? It sure looks and feels like January outside...


No but my Weather Creating Machine is working!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!


Kneel before Ribbie!!!



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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 01:19 PM)
Has anyone seen the previews for 'Scarred'?

I'm not at all squemish and I almost puked watching them the other night.

Holy Crap.

Ya, that show looks pretty insane. I think the premier was last night, I missed it. :(

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QUOTE(shipps @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 05:01 PM)
Has anyone gone to the Body works exhibit?It looks to be pretty interesting.



Saw it two years ago, it is awesome.


QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 11, 2007 -> 02:12 PM)
Ya, that show looks pretty insane. I think the premier was last night, I missed it. :(


The interesting thing is to see the different ways that people react to pain. A couple of guys get up and just say: "aw crap, I broke my arm in four places" and some guys look like they're gonna die.

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