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Are cellphones killing bee colonies?


The world's bee colonies are dying mysteriously, and a study from Landau University suggests that mobile phones may be to blame. The colonies are subject to "Colony Collapse Disorder," (science-ese for "we don't know where all these bees have gone") and the disorder accounts for the death of anywhere from 50-70 percent of bee colonies. Since bees pollinate most crops, flowers and fruiting trees, the end of bees is seriously bad news for the world's food supply.


It's been long understood that bees respond to electromagnetic radiation. Dr Jochen Kuhn at Germany's Landau University has shown that bees don't return to their hives when cellphones are present. The study doesn't prove that cellphones are responsible for CCD, but it does provide evidence that mobile phones are implicated in the death of hives.


The alarm was first sounded last autumn, but has now hit half of all American states. The West Coast is thought to have lost 60 per cent of its commercial bee population, with 70 per cent missing on the East Coast.


CCD has since spread to Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. And last week John Chapple, one of London's biggest bee-keepers, announced that 23 of his 40 hives have been abruptly abandoned.


Other apiarists have recorded losses in Scotland, Wales and north-west England, but the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs insisted: "There is absolutely no evidence of CCD in the UK."


The implications of the spread are alarming. Most of the world's crops depend on pollination by bees. Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, "man would have only four years of life left".


LINK: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/04/15/are_c...ones_killi.html

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QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 16, 2007 -> 03:18 PM)


Holy cr@p. :o


I read a short communication about this maybe a year ago but had no idea of the potential magnitude of the problem.


Holy cr@p. :o :o


Edit to add that there is skepticism over this matter, so maybe only a lower case holy cr@p is in order fo now. . .


Many beekeepers are skeptical of the reports or at least how they're adding up. For 100 years, beekeepers have logged periodic reports of sudden and inexplicable bee die-offs.


People refer the latest die-off by its initials "CCD," but one Georgia beekeeper instead calls it the "SSDD" crisis for "Same Stuff, Different Day."


"People have lost bees from the beginning of time," Sowers said. . . .


Most empty hives have been discovered at large, commercial migrating bee farms - and that has led some beekeepers to theorize that it's the stress of being trucked cross-country that's killing the bees.


"The (bee's) instinct is to go out and collect pollen and nectar, and that's what they do. When they can't get out of the hive, it puts them under stress. They need to go to the bathroom on a regular basis, but they won't go in their hive," said Ken Ograin, an Elmira beekeeper. . . .


Finally, beehives simply die. Scattered reports of large-scale mortality date from 1915, 1960 and 1987. Scientists don't always know why.


"This may be a repeat of that situation where we simply don't figure it out," said Morris Ostrofsky, president of the Lane County Beekeepers Association.


In fact, some farmers say they are puzzled about the dire news stories appearing in local, state and national media in the past several weeks.


"It's not new this year," Williams said. "If you know what I mean."


Media hysteria? It's just possible that might be involved. (Via Slashdot, which also features other skeptical comments on this story.)


STILL MORE: Skepticism from an entomologist.


I'm not ready to rule out the cellphone connection, but I'd have to say that it's far from compelling at this point. I do think people should check out the Radio Quiet Zone. Plus, via Boing Boing, a Snopes entry casting doubt on the Einstein quote. Not that it matters much one way or another -- Einstein was a smart guy, but as far as I know he had no special expertise on the subject of bees.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 10:07 AM)
If you forget about the hour and a half of wait time, I actually had two really good customer service instances with the IRS last night. :o


Gee, where they busy?



QUOTE(shipps @ Apr 15, 2007 -> 10:30 PM)
Have you ever took like a pound of cheese melted in the microwave and ate it alone?Oh how I love the bachelors life.


A Complicated Song


Uh huh, extra cheese.

Uh huh, uh huh, save a piece for me.


Pizza party at your house,

I went just to check it out.

19 extra larges,

What a shame, no one came.

Just us, eatin' all alone,

You said take the pizza home.

No sense lettin' all this go to waste,

So then I faced


Pizza all day, and everyday, there's cheese round the clock,

It's gettin' me blocked, And I sure don't care the irregularity.


Tell me,

Why'd you have to go and make me so constipated

Cause right now I'd do anything to just get my bowels evacuated,

In the bathroom.

I sit and I wait and I strain and I sweat and I clench and I feel the pain

Oh, should I take laxatives or have my colon irrigated.

No, no, no.


I was feelin' pretty down,

'Til my girlfriend came around.

We're just so alike in every way, I gotta say.

In fact, I just thought I might,

pop the question there that night.

I was kissing her so tenderly,

But woe is me.


Who would uh guessed, her family crest.

I suddenly spy, tattoo'd on her thigh.

And son of a gun, it's just like the one on me.

Tell me.


How was I supposed to know we were both related?

Believe me if I knew she was my vousin we never would of dated.

What to do now?

Should I go ahead and propose and get hitched and have kids with 11 toes,

And move to Alabama where that kind of thing is tolerated.

No, no, no.


(no no no)


I had so much on my mind,

I thought maybe I'd unwind.

Try out that new roller coaster ride,

And the guide...


Said not to stand but that's a demand,

That I couldn't meet, I got on my feet,

And stood up instead and knocked off my head you see.

Tell me.


Why'd I have to go and get myself decapitated?

This really is a major inconvenience, oh man I really hate it.

It's such a drag now.

can't eat, I can't breathe, I can't snore, I can't belch or yodel anymore,

Can't spit or blow my nose or even read Sports Illustrated.

Oh no!


Why'd I have to go and get myself all mutilated? (yeah yeah)

I gotta tell ya, life without a head kinda makes me irritated.

What a bummer.

I can't blink, I can't cough, I can't sneeze.

But my neck is enjoying a pleasant breeze now.

Haven't been the same since my head and I were separated.

No, no, no.

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After watching all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for about the millionth time I am now confident in saying it is the best show I have ever seen and I'm not sure anything could ever top it.


The intelligence, creativity and depth of the writing is just insane. Every line in every episode holds relevance. There are just so many things you don't pick up the first, second or even third time you see them, everything is said and done for a reason.

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QUOTE(shipps @ Apr 15, 2007 -> 10:30 PM)
Have you ever took like a pound of cheese melted in the microwave and ate it alone?Oh how I love the bachelors life.



I don't melt it but I do frequently consume entire blocks of extra sharp cheddar. Which reminds me, I've got one in the fridge. Mmmmm...cheese.....

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 11:12 PM)
After watching all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for about the millionth time I am now confident in saying it is the best show I have ever seen and I'm not sure anything could ever top it.


The intelligence, creativity and depth of the writing is just insane. Every line in every episode holds relevance. There are just so many things you don't pick up the first, second or even third time you see them, everything is said and done for a reason.


I luved that show and haven't gotten into any other TV shows since. That first season was amazing. Can't say the same about the rest, but still a great show.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 12:12 AM)
After watching all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for about the millionth time I am now confident in saying it is the best show I have ever seen and I'm not sure anything could ever top it.


The intelligence, creativity and depth of the writing is just insane. Every line in every episode holds relevance. There are just so many things you don't pick up the first, second or even third time you see them, everything is said and done for a reason.

it is quite brilliant in it continuity over the 3 seasons with the same jokes and whatnot....really tremendous writing and acting

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If there is anyone out there that knows of a company looking for someone with a degree in electrical engineering who has has 6 years of experience (2 with one company and 4 with the present company), could you let me know? I am primarily looking more in the west/southern suburbs as well as the south side of Chicago.


Thanks all!

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 17, 2007 -> 11:12 PM)
After watching all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for about the millionth time I am now confident in saying it is the best show I have ever seen and I'm not sure anything could ever top it.


The intelligence, creativity and depth of the writing is just insane. Every line in every episode holds relevance. There are just so many things you don't pick up the first, second or even third time you see them, everything is said and done for a reason.

i've went through it once and know i need to watch them again.

The first time around I got too caught up in the ridiculousness of the plot.


The best running gag was the chicken dance, I thought.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 12:43 PM)
The best running gag was the chicken dance, I thought.


"Chickens don't clap!" :bang


My favorite running gags involved Tobias - his condition as a chronic Nevernude and his life as a failed actor, etc.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 12:12 AM)
After watching all 3 seasons of Arrested Development for about the millionth time I am now confident in saying it is the best show I have ever seen and I'm not sure anything could ever top it.


The intelligence, creativity and depth of the writing is just insane. Every line in every episode holds relevance. There are just so many things you don't pick up the first, second or even third time you see them, everything is said and done for a reason.

I agree. After a bad day, I will often pop in an episode. I actually catch myself using it's catch phrases a lot. Usually it's "I've made a huge mistake."


It's one of those rare shows that makes you laugh multiple times EVERY episode.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 04:08 PM)
I agree. After a bad day, I will often pop in an episode. I actually catch myself using it's catch phrases a lot. Usually it's "I've made a huge mistake."


It's one of those rare shows that makes you laugh multiple times EVERY episode.

Haha, I find myself using a lot of Gob phrases. "I've made a huge tiny mistake" and "COME ON!" especially.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 09:45 PM)
Haha, I find myself using a lot of Gob phrases. "I've made a huge tiny mistake" and "COME ON!" especially.


When my kids ask me for a handout I like to tell them 'There's always money in the frozen banana stand.'


They are 7 and 9 so they just look at me like, 'What the fock are you talking about?!'



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  FlaSoxxJim said:
Apr 18, 2017[/b] -> 09:30 PM' post='1398105']


When my kids ask me for a handout I like to tell them 'There's always money in the frozen banana stand.'


They are 17 and 19 so they just look at me like, 'What the fock are you talking about?!'




Predicting the future . . . :D

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Apr 19, 2007 -> 02:33 PM)
National Orange and Maroon Day

Nationwide Orange and Maroon Day has been established to encourage individuals to wear Virginia Tech colors this Friday (April 20).


These "spontaneous" tributes seem so lame and stupid.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 18, 2007 -> 09:30 PM)
When my kids ask me for a handout I like to tell them 'There's always money in the frozen banana stand.'


They are 7 and 9 so they just look at me like, 'What the fock are you talking about?!'





I also find myself calling for high fives in odd situations. "See! Kids love Franklin!"

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