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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 08:40 AM)
It is too damn cold here today. I've been waiting for it to warm up before venturing to the store and it hasn't moved past 39 degrees. That's not why I moved here dammit.

Got ya beat...it actually froze in Pasadena last night. Burst water main pouring onto the street, policewoman standing in the middle of the ice patch warning drivers about the ice, me biking across it and smiling...

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 10:48 AM)
Got ya beat...it actually froze in Pasadena last night. Burst water main pouring onto the street, policewoman standing in the middle of the ice patch warning drivers about the ice, me biking across it and smiling...


A lot of places around here forgot to shut off their sprinkler systems, resulting in skating rinks everywhere. :P

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 09:40 AM)
It is too damn cold here today. I've been waiting for it to warm up before venturing to the store and it hasn't moved past 39 degrees. That's not why I moved here dammit.

28 degrees in Phoenix on Sunday morning. I ran the Rock n' Roll half-marathon (which, based on the way I feel two days later, you should probably train for). Anyway, we were standing in line to be shuttled to the start line (it's a point to point run) for 10 minutes. Then we got on a bus and waited a few minutes. We were blocked in by another bus, so our driver beeped. The bus in front of us proceded to back up into our bus. Realizing his error, the driver of that bus pulled forward. Then, just to make sure the damage was done, backed into us again. They made us get off the bus and get back into line. The back of the line. For another 25 minutes. 28 degrees in Phoenix. But, it's a dry cold.

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BERLIN (Reuters) - A 46-year-old German motorist driving along a busy road suddenly veered to the left and ended up stuck on a railway track -- because his satellite navigation system told him to, police said Sunday.


The motorist was heading into the north German city of Bremen "when the friendly voice from his satnav told him to turn left," a spokesman said.


"He did what he was ordered to do and turned his Audi left up over the curb and onto the track of a local streetcar line. He tried to back up off the track but got completely stuck."


The police spokesman said about a dozen trams were held up until a tow truck arrived to clear the car off the track.



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Several German motorists have crashed their cars in recent months, later telling police they were only obeying orders from their satnavs.


Okaaaay, what it tis offisir my satnaph, thatz it, my satnav, told me to do it





QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 16, 2007 -> 05:18 PM)
I have defeated computer solitaire 3 straight times (yes, its a very slow day at work).

Get that on your resume

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I got like 7:30 hr's. Absolutely passed out at 11. It's great, ever since I started running a couple miles when I get home from work (before I cook my dinner) I've really started to sleep even better (and I sleep good as it is).


On a sidenote, I'm 100% convinced that aside from noise, the reason some people can sleep well and some can't sleep well has to do completely with stress levels. Me, I forgot absolutely everything when I'm going to go to sleep.

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QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 10:58 AM)
I got like 7:30 hr's. Absolutely passed out at 11. It's great, ever since I started running a couple miles when I get home from work (before I cook my dinner) I've really started to sleep even better (and I sleep good as it is).


On a sidenote, I'm 100% convinced that aside from noise, the reason some people can sleep well and some can't sleep well has to do completely with stress levels. Me, I forgot absolutely everything when I'm going to go to sleep.

it's all about if you can turn your mind off. I used to have a major problem with it, but it's gotten better. Usually if i can't sleep I'll put on a DVD of some tv show that i've seen alot and it just zones me out and i fall asleep quickly

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That's definitly true, Jason.


I laid in bed from 12:15 until 6:15 this morning and I was thinking about girls, sports, putting things together in my mind, dreaming without sleeping, imagining things.. I just couldn't get to sleep. It's awful. I wouldn't be a good buddhist.

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Sleep for me is getting to be a vicious cycle. I'm contracted to do a big moonlight technical writing gig that has me working 4-5 hours late into the evening/morning after I've come home from the day job, had dinner got the kids to sleep etc.


I sit down to get back to work around 9pm and I'm so tired I think my eyes are going to explode. But once I fight through the exaustion of the day and get into the groove I'll catch a second wind and be able to get a few solid hours in. I try to make it a point to knock of by 1:30 am so I can get a few hours of sleep and then be up at 6:30 to start all over again.


My problem is I'm usually really humming along by that time and even though I know I have to try to sleep I can't shut my brain off and I end up tossing and turning for at least an hour before I nod off. By the end of the week I've built up a sizable sleep deficit so that Friday night rolls around and I'd like to hang with teh wife and get reacquainted, and I end up passing out by about 10 pm! :stick

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I'm usually a pretty deep sleeper, but when I have something important on that next day e.g an exam, an interview etc., that's when I have problems getting to sleep. I get nervous, and it's hard to relax and put yourself in that "zone" for sleep.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 04:35 PM)
I'm usually a pretty deep sleeper, but when I have something important on that next day e.g an exam, an interview etc., that's when I have problems getting to sleep. I get nervous, and it's hard to relax and put yourself in that "zone" for sleep.

This is me in a nutshell outside of the deep sleeper part I wake up at the drop of a hat. When I'm really having trouble getting to sleep I might take a NyQuil Liquitab or if I'm not in the mood for a drug induced coma I'll just open up my windows which brings the temp in my room way down then I go to this site and play some of those sounds over my laptop, that usually knocks me out within a half hour.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jan 17, 2007 -> 07:28 PM)
This is me in a nutshell outside of the deep sleeper part I wake up at the drop of a hat. When I'm really having trouble getting to sleep I might take a NyQuil Liquitab or if I'm not in the mood for a drug induced coma I'll just open up my windows which brings the temp in my room way down then I go to this site and play some of those sounds over my laptop, that usually knocks me out within a half hour.




That stuff gives me severe hallucinating nightmares.



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I am the lightest sleeper in the world though. If the heater turns on and starts blowing, I will wake up (unless I'm sick or sleeping for the first time in a day or two cause in those cases I will actually be in a deep sleep as my body makes up for its lack of legitimate sleep). Basically the slightest of noise and I'm up (no one could Tee Pee my house as a kid because my window was always open and I'd hear things instantly and pull pranks back at them.

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On the topic of sleep: I have no problems sleeping except on Sunday nights and I f***ing can't sleep this week going over the Bears game in my head, it's f***ed up. I CANNOT stop thinking about it.


On the topic of cold: Yay wearing shorts when your car is showing 8 degrees outside. :)

Edited by WHarris1
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