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Google to the rescue in child-abuse case


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Police are crediting a New Brunswick child with Googling a way out of being a victim of sexual abuse.


While not all that computer savvy, the child -- from an undisclosed New Brunswick address -- was smart enough to find a help line and e-mail an anonymous cry for help. The two-paragraph message, which was sent without any identifying information, actually landed in Queensland, Australia, first. But detectives in Australia and Canada were soon able to trace the e-mail back to Canada and help bring the child out of a dangerous situation shortly before Christmas.


"The young victim went on the Internet and Googled 'kids help line,' " RCMP Corporal Lana Prosper said in an interview. "Basically the child is saying, 'This is what is happening to me. I don't like it. Please help me. What can I do?' "


The RCMP and local police in New Brunswick are investigating, but are not revealing the child's gender, age or community as the probe continues. "The child was -- I don't want to say removed -- but the child has a safety plan in place and is no longer in an abusive situation," Cpl. Prosper said.


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