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Pictures from the Dodgers Sox Games


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Now that we can attach pictures, I've decided to post some of the pics from the Dodgers Sox Games, I'll post a few now a few later


This first one is the group shot of us from the Grand Ave. Sports Bar. I'll have to edit it later and add the names of the people. But I do know Jason is on the far left in the White T-Shirt, and I'm in the center with the black shirt and white pants

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I know that now. I was just going on you're comments in the past of long hair.


Since you posted you're photo with E-Lo I know.

Yeah I cut it recently but it's getting long again, I gotta make another appointment. And My hair was a little longer than his at it's longest point.

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Look's like a mullet to me Cali. Maury would love it  :headbang

the top is a little longer than the bottom so it's not a full mullet, most of the time my hair just flips up curls up in the back, but I guess it's at the point where it's too long to do that. My hair grows way to f***ing fast :angry:

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great pictures, thanks!


it ios good to have faces to associate with names


Jason has no Sox gear to wear?



take this in the right spirit - that is a group of good looking young men - Sox fans are better looking!

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great pictures, thanks!


it ios good to have faces to associate with names


Jason has no Sox gear to wear?



take this in the right spirit - that is a group of good looking young men - Sox fans are better looking!

Now Now, that is a Sox shirt that I'm wearing. I also got two hats, wasn't wearing any though.

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Hmm..I'm not sure. I've seen Gudio open up his wallet a few times, can't say the same for Jason.

When I open my wallet up, I do it slowly and hope that somehow my mom or dad will be like, its ok son :lol:


The best part is every once in a while it actually works. I always pull the i'm a poor old student line.

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From waht I know, E-Lo talk like a Mexican American, a bit of a Mexican accent.

yeh he does. i heard him talk on thursday before the game. he told the people in the left field corner, "first i run, then i sign"

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