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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Mar 13, 2007 -> 08:06 AM)
Last night was a decent episode, but it seems like the show is getting off what made it great: Jack Bauer. Jack was in a basement in the corner and not on camera most of the time. While I like the President and Mrs. Logan angle, that should be secondary to Jack trying to save the world. JMO!


IMO, this show keeps getting worse and worse. I was OBSESSED with it seasons 1-5, but this year, not so much.


They have too many angles and too many storylilnes. We're not getting to see enough of the "badguys" side, Jack has disappeared for more than one episode.


I'm just finding myself to be rather annoyed and disinterested in this season.

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Where is Jack? Get him on the episode more. What is he doing getting medical treatment. Jack Bauer doesn't get medical treatment.

So his sister-in-law tries to make a play for him in the interrogation room. What?

Then he demands Audrey Raines' file on her death from Chole. Oh she has nothing better to do than that on a day the president was nearly assasinated, a nuclear bomb already went off in LA and another is on its way to SF.

Also, I need to get a job at CTU LA in security. Seems like anyone can do it. They just let the moles in.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 02:58 PM)
Also, I need to get a job at CTU LA in security. Seems like anyone can do it. They just let the moles in.


screw that. they never get breaks.

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Yeah, so, the show had one solid episode where Jack when apes*** and hung a badguy... the best scene this season.


Now we've entered the inevitable "Part Deux" of the season, and miraculously (as predicted by LVSoxfan) Audrey is a-ok, but the Chinese need something to start WWIII in order to release her.


The worst part is Prez Palmer, right before he goes into stroke-mode, ok's the plan to rescue Audrey while using the circuit board from Russian bombf*** as bait. I don't understand why they can't just use some random circuit board instead of the Russian bombf*** circuit board (or just put the son of a b**** on a magnet, rendering it useless), and why they expect that Audrey will ever be released.


However, as we all know, Audrey and Jack will be fine, and that Chinese dude will be dead in a few episodes. Oh, the drama, oh how intense. This is one show I didn't think could falter, but it's happened... all season long.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, for kicks, here's my blog on the last week of 24 and how I've run out of ways to scoff at it. For laughs:




Oh hell no tell me I did not used to love this show. There was a time, back in the day (like last year), when I couldn't wait to watch 24, especially back seasons on DVD. It was so addictive you could easily spend an entire weekend on the couch watching Jack Baer kick terrorist ass and once again make L.A. safe for... cough... all those really, really nice people that.... populate L.A.


Back then we'd overlook things like: hey, why are these guys always targeting L.A.? Everyone knows that in L.A. to get anything done you need representation. We'd also overlook things like: ooookay, no traffic in L.A.? Or, "WTF? If CTU can't even keep terrorists and traitors out of their own office, how are they going to protect us?"


Aw, we didn't care because the plot moved along so quickly you didn't have time to stop and think about things like what does Bill Buchanan actually do, or: does anybody use a damn mouse in that office? What are they all typing? Because any office monkey knows: if somebody's poking away like that, they're probably IM'ing their little side dish that The Significant Other Doesn't Know About, and NOT tracing terrorist cellphone calls. Unless the terrorists are communicating in code--code that looks like:




Anyhoo, last night set a first for 24 in that it had no action scenes whatsoever. That's right, apparently the writers sensed the growing non-demand for lots and lots of dialogue and bad soap opera interior plots as we're pounded over the head with how much Jack REALLY REALLY loves Audrey, who is now a vegetable thanks to those nasty Chinese. So forget s*** blowing up or terrorist ambushes (in Orange County! Nice!), we get lots of scenes of Jack--handcuffed to a chair for like the 1000th time because he went "rogue" (zzzzzz...) fretting about his mumbling Kung Pao Green Bean in the other room, who's being menaced by a doctor from Division (question: is there anybody from Division who's NOT an asshole?) who wants to go all Kervorkian on her.


About 45 minutes into last night (and boy that clock has NEVER ticked slower) we get treated to the "action" scene of the night--when Jack... I'm not making this up... "overpowers" agent Ricky Schroeder (who lets him... never mind, long story) and busts Audrey (in a hospital gown!) out of CTU to... the lower level of CTU. Tons of non-suspense ensues as CTU tries to track down their own employee in their own office.


As any cubicle jockey knows, the way to flush out any employee is to put leftover pizza on the table in the office kitchen. Or leftover candy. Or leftover sandwiches. Hell you could leave leftover cat food out and people would still eat it. I promise, you do that, and you will see people that you did not even know worked at your company come out of the woodwork. Because everybody loves free stuff, even if it's stale.


Where were we? Oh yeah. Sorry. Maybe 24 is doing all these indoor shots because Rupert Murdoch slashed their budget. If you think about it... an awful lot of this season has been... indoors. Where are the choppers? The airplanes landing on freeways? The assaults on compounds? Instead, we get... Morris the Mope bickering with Tourette Chloe in the dark CTU hallway, where Milo goes to make out with Nadia. In the middle of a nuke crisis.


Then it's back to the White House, where evil VP Powers is crushing the larynx of a guy across the room using The Force because the guy dared question one of his decisions... er, wait wrong movie. Where evil VP Powers--now in charge because President Wayne Palmer is BACK in a coma after having a stroke (What? They couldn't have him fall and break his hip?) which means now we've got two main characters who are vegetables and you know what that spells: A C T I O N.


As if Powers (or whatever his name on the show is--nobody cares at this point) couldn't be any more evil trying to attack hapless Middle Eastern Countries That Are Never Named (um... sounds... very real life) he's trying to launch his own shag & awe campaign with his slutty blonde underling by showing her his cruise missle. Oh, and she seemed to be one of the Coalition of the Willing until we found out--slut!--she was sleeping with a lobbyist (who isn't in Washington these days!) who's really... working for the Russians!


Now that the Islamic terrorists are out of the picture, I can't tell who the enemy is supposed to be--is it the Chinese Dudes Where Nobody Knows WTF Their Problem is But They Really Hate Jack? Or is it the now-evil Russians, whose president threatened us with military action last night if we don't get that circuit board back! Because it has a design only known to the Russians, or so they claim.


Which just shows how clueless the Russians are (welcome Comrades, to capitalism!) because as anybody knows: the Chinese have everything. Flat screens, Madonna CDs, pirated copies of Spiderman 3, you betcha. Anybody who doesn't think they don't already have a copy of your "circuit board" and are selling it at the Peking Wal-Mart is living in... well, 24 world.


And just in case you didn't already hate everybody in the White House (hey! Like now!), they supply us with weasel-like Tom, the Dick Morris-like little schemer who's sucking up alternately to Darth VP and President Palmer (before he became a veggie) and keeping secrets on everybody. I'm just waiting for him to tell Darth VP that taking out Russia--if they don't STFU with the threats already--would be a "slam dunk."


Had enough yet? If you've been watching, there's plenty to be tired of, besides the tired plots, the tired acting, the endless talking and story lines you've seen a dozen times already. I don't know if you can turn a show like this around after it's fallen so far, but somebody better be thinking about 2008 and a whole new vision, or else I start watching Dancing with the Stars.

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