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Lennox Lewis


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I always wondered if there were any boxing fans here. The state of boxing is pathetic. Klitschko is a stiff, a great big tomato can. The fight went about the way I expected it. Max Kellerman is a pompous ass. You think anyone would be interested in reading SI1020's history of boxing? I'm seriously considering writing one.

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So much is made about how todays athlete is so much better in every respect than those of yesteryear. If I listed my all time boxing greats there wouldn't be many from this era on the list. The heavyweight division is the worst. 250 lb + Lennox Lewis does not impress me all that much. Mike Tyson is one of the biggest myths in the history of professional sports. The sport gets very little pay per view money from me, and I'm as big a boxing afficionado you'll ever find. I used to try to go to all the big and little fights in Chicago. I loved the Chi vs. NY Golden Glove challenge. Chicago had a lot of promising fighters in the late 70's and early 80's. Only Lee Roy Murphy and Alfonzo Ratliff amounted to much.

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Heck Kyle Farnsworth looked more impressive than most of the heavy weights...

I am far from a boxing expert. However, it seems to me that if Lewis was fighting in a "up time" of boxing history, he wouldnt be very impressive.

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I always wondered if there were any boxing fans here. The state of boxing is pathetic. Klitschko is a stiff, a great big tomato can. The fight went about the way I expected it. Max Kellerman is a pompous ass. You think anyone would be interested in reading SI1020's history of boxing? I'm seriously considering writing one.

Boxing is one sport that I'm not into..........that I REALLLY want to get into.


I would honestly love to read ur history of Boxing.

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I am a huge boxing fan and all the current talent is in the lower weight classes. I have seen Klitschko fight a few times before this and thought he had a serious chance of winning the fight tonight. Like someone mentioned he was ahead by 2 rounds on all 3 cards. He isn't flashy, but he is big and has some power. Lewis looked sluggish and not in good shape. I think the combination of a long layoff, underestimating his opponent, and his highest weight ever caused the sluggishness. I have never been a big fan of Lewis or the current heavyweight class for that matter. Lewis got lucky that the fight was called. The punch that opened the cut wasn't even clean. It was a side swipe where the leather just grazed the skin, which happens to be one of the biggest causes for opening cuts. I seriously doubt that Lewis could have gone 12 rounds. He was really breathing hard and Klitschko looked in better shape, including landing a few big shots in the 2nd that had Lewis stumbling a little. I think Lewis would have dropped his hands as the fight went on because of his lack of condition and that Klitschko would catch him with a big right that would have put him on the canvas. Lewis better get into better shape if he is going to get have a rematch with Klitschko or fight Jones. The heavyweight class is in a sad state. It consists of jab and clutch and thats it. Thats why I like the lower class and my favorite fighter is Gatti. It turned out to be a better fight then I had expected, but I was upset it was called.

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Boxing is one sport that I'm not into..........that I REALLLY want to get into.


I would honestly love to read ur history of Boxing.

Thanks, I may do it. It would take about six to twelve months. Have lots of time on my hands at the moment.

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I thought Lewis looked like s***. The cut was caused, in my opinion, by a glancing punch with maybe the seam of the glove and then a few headbutts and facewashes to really get it bleeding. Lewis obviously didn't train hard for this fight - he was at his highest weight ever, he looked slow, he was tired in the 2nd round, and if the fight had continued, I think Klitschko would have dropped him. Lewis had no defense, he wasn't throwing that good heavy jab of his AT ALL, and he was clutching at every opportunity. He looked ready to fall, I thought.


Plus, he was really being a pompous ass in the pre-fight and post-fight interviews. If he said "look at the state of his face" one more time, I'da puked...


I think Tyson's street fight would have been more fun to watch.

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I am so glad I stayed home to watch the fight last night...great action, and I was really into it. The last two fight I have watched have been awesome (Gatti vs. Ward and last nights).


Last nights fight wasn't in anyway a classic, but because it was close I loved it. Its too bad they had to stop the fight because I would have loved to see Lewis fall on his ass.


I think there will be a rematch, and I expect Klitschko to fall early in the rematch. This fight was a wake up call to Lewis, and he will train harder. Klitschko will not be as prepared next time b/c he will have to take some time off for that eye.


I would actually love to see Vladmir Klitschko have a go with Lewis. One of these Klitschko brothers will dethrone Lewis. I hope they don't put the next fight on Paperview, because I don't want to have to pay.

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To quote Robin Williams...


"People go to boxing matches to see 'the sport of boxing'.  Just like people go to NASCAR races to watch cars make left turns all day long."

:o ....THEN why does the regular population watch Tyson-Lewis while the big boxing fans watches a normal match?

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To quote Robin Williams...


"People go to boxing matches to see 'the sport of boxing'.  Just like people go to NASCAR races to watch cars make left turns all day long."

:o ....THEN why does the regular population watch Tyson-Lewis while the big boxing fans watches a normal match?

Because it's Mike Tyson and we all know how f***ing much of a whackjob that guy is. :bang

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I've enjoyed Friday Night Fights the last couple years, the lower classes seem more artful. A real good boxing match can be as entertaining as NFL. There doesn't even have to be a knockout for it to be entertaining, as long as it's hard-fought.

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Klichko brothers are freaks of nature, but nether of them stands a chance aganst a

fit 'n' ready Lennox Lewis, even at 37+. I saw Wlad's fight against Corey Sanders....what an overhyped pussy that dude is! Pathetic.


Havaing said that, Lewis almost committed a legacy suicide by coming out all fat and apathetic, at his advanced bpxing age he should be working harder than ever just to mantain...or just quit. He got lucky with that side swipe cut, the white giant would have dropped him in the 3rd round IMO.



(However I think saying things like Lennox woudn't be able to hang with Foreman or Ali in his/their prime is ludicrous- he would have killed them both in under 5 rounds. Easy. We are talking about totally different conditioning, strenght, speed, tactical preparation, etc from 30 years ago.)

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Klichko brothers are freaks of nature, but nether of them stands a chance aganst a

fit 'n' ready Lennox Lewis, even at 37+.    I saw Wlad's fight against Corey Sanders....what an overhyped pussy that dude is! Pathetic.


Havaing said that, Lewis almost committed a legacy suicide by coming out all fat and apathetic, at his advanced bpxing age he should be working harder than ever just to mantain...or just quit.  He got lucky with that side swipe cut, the white giant would have dropped him in the 3rd round IMO.



(However I think saying things like Lennox woudn't be able to hang with Foreman or Ali in his/their prime is ludicrous- he would have killed them both in under 5 rounds. Easy.  We are talking about totally different conditioning, strenght, speed, tactical preparation, etc from 30 years ago.)

There's so much strife on message boards, Ive been trying extra hard to be agreeable, but on this point I couldn't possibly disagree with you more. I don't care how big, strong, fast blah blah blah blah modern athletes are, they are not automatically better. Is the quality of play in the NBA better than it was one, two, three decades ago. Hell no, I say. The NFL? Everybody has forgotten simple things like tackling, hell Kyle Farnsworth recently made on of the best textbook tackles I've seen in years. Lewis may be the best of todays heavyweights but he wouldn't even make my top 20. Anybody that can watch todays boxing and say this is anything approaching a "golden age" is tripping. Pernell Whitaker and Roy Jones Jr. come to mind as great fighters of recent vintage but after that I'm stuttering and stammering to name anyone else. Technology marches on at a breathtaking pace, but athletes today are not necessarily better and most certainly are not tougher. BF you have a wide array of knowledge about a number of subjects but you are flat out wrong on this one. Todays boxing is pathetic and Lewis and the current sorry class of heavyweights are a prime example. If i ever did buckle down, do the necessary research and write a boxing book I'm sure you wouldn't read it, or if you did it would get flung against the wall like I used to fling my algebra books when I was a school kid LOL.

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Is the quality of play in the NBA better than it was one, two, three decades ago


Just like in hockey and football, today's baskteball is "uglier", less wide-open than it was 30 years ago, maybe even less skilled....but there is NO f***ING QUESTION that Wilt Chamberlaine, Jim Brown and Waybe Gretzky, who were all ahead of their time and are exceptions mind you, still wouldn't dominate their respective sports if they were playing in the 21st century. None whatsoever. They'd still be very good, but far from the best.


Nostalgia is nice, but it can never replace the sheer, science-enhanced athleticism of today's stars. Look at track and field, look at tennis and soccer today and 30-40 years ago and it's like watching a slo-mo...even after taking into account imperfections of old recording equipment.


Is it fair to compare and speculate? Yes and no....but ask George Foreman if he could beat Lennox Lewis of Tyson fight even in his prime and the answer will contain two syllables...Would Ali at his best be able to compete with Lennox Lewis, Hollyfield and Tyson at their best? Maybe, anything is possible. But if I were a betting man, I'd put my chips on last year's Lennox Lewis to drop Mohammed before the 5th round.


The Klitchko fight only reinforces this theory: modern fighting is so competitive and margin for error is so small, that if you start looking past your opponent, if you don't train hard enough and if you come out just 10 punds overweight, you can be easily beated by a much inferior fighter. Lewis got lucky.


(Speaking of tennis, do you honestly think Ilie Nastasi and Jimmy Connors would be able to do ANYTHING against Pete Sampras and Agassi in their prime? Common.)

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If i ever did buckle down, do the necessary research and write a boxing book I'm sure you wouldn't read it, or if you did it would get flung against the wall like I used to fling my algebra books when I was a school kid LOL


You have a pretty low opinion of me.

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I'm not an old fart embedded in the past. There are high school girls today who swim faster than Johnny Weismuller in his prime. I take it on a case by case basis. I don't think the quality of play in the NBA is at an all time high, in fact I think it's deteriorating. I won't even watch hockey anymore, Mario Lemieux was dead right in his criticisms of the game, and I'm sure many nights he regrets coming out of retirement. I love the NFL but again I see no golden age there either now. Call me nostalgic or an old coot or whatever, I just know what I see. Genius doesn't always progress on a straight line. I've yet to see a RB as breathtakingly skilled as Gale Sayers. I'd take him over Barry Sanders in a heartbeat. I'm one of the most humble guys around. If you're smarter than me great. I seek those types of people out, instead of avoiding them like most folks do. Boxing is one subject I'm stubborn enough to think I know a little something about. Technology, size, speed, athleticism, throw it all at me I don't care. Todays boxing is in a less than sorry state. Lennox Lewis is a nobody fighting nobodies. The Klitschkos are tomato cans. Roy Jones Jr. is great, there is some of your athleticism, but he has nobody to fight to test his greatness. We here who are alive in 2003 are not in a "golden age" of anything, least of all boxing. Let me see one of them fight 76 rounds. Let me see one of them fight over 10 rounds of a 40 round title fight with a broken arm. I'd like to see one win a middleweight title in a crowded division, and hold the crown for three years while blind in one eye. I'd like to see one throw a left jab and turn it into a hook in mid punch so fast that you can't tell the difference. You are dead set that everything and everyone in the world of sports gets better with time. I look at it one thing at a time and make my judgements.

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Lewis looked crappy after round 2 IMO.  He's so damn arrogant too...anyone who heard him after the found knows that he sounded like a guy who knew he lost. I can't wait for the rematch.

Oh, there is no question that Lennox almost f***ed up his entire legacy coming out to fight like that.



But, if he is anything close to what he was last year at 36, both physically and metally, the fight won't last 5-6 rounds...even considering how normally cautious a fighter Lennox is. There is just too big of a disparity in skill and athlteicism between the two: Lewis could break Klitchko with his left jab alone and if he ever connects with his looping right, it's over.

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You have a pretty low opinion of me.

On the contrary I have a very high opinion of you. Humor, and ones individual personality do not always translate well over the internet. If we were speaking you probably would have laughed at my comment. :D

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I'm not an old fart embedded in the past. There are high school girls today who swim faster than Johnny Weismuller in his prime. I take it on a case by case basis. I don't think the quality of play in the NBA is at an all time high, in fact I think it's deteriorating. I won't even watch hockey anymore, Mario Lemieux was dead right in his criticisms of the game, and I'm sure many nights he regrets coming out of retirement. I love the NFL but again I see no golden age there either now. Call me nostalgic or an old coot or whatever, I just know what I see. Genius doesn't always progress on a straight line. I've yet to see a RB as breathtakingly skilled as Gale Sayers. I'd take him over Barry Sanders in a heartbeat. I'm one of the most humble guys around. If you're smarter than me great. I seek those types of people out, instead of avoiding them like most folks do. Boxing is one subject I'm stubborn enough to think I know a little something about. Technology, size, speed, athleticism, throw it all at me I don't care. Todays boxing is in a less than sorry state. Lennox Lewis is a nobody fighting nobodies. The Klitschkos are tomato cans. Roy Jones Jr. is great, there is some of your athleticism, but he has nobody to fight to test his greatness. We here who are alive in 2003 are not in a "golden age" of anything, least of all boxing. Let me see one of them fight 76 rounds. Let me see one of them fight over 10 rounds of a 40 round title fight with a broken arm. I'd like to see one win a middleweight title in a crowded division, and hold the crown for three years while blind in one eye. I'd like to see one throw a left jab and turn it into a hook in mid punch so fast that you can't tell the difference.  You are dead set that everything and everyone in the world of sports gets better with time. I look at it one thing at a time and make my judgements.

You make several great points, SI.....



....but you are forgetting that I too never dream of callling this a "Golden Era" of anything....other than the Golden Era of Short Attention Spans and Apathy, maybe?



I too went pretty much on case-by-case basis: Ali/Foreman versus young Tyson/Lewis.



Which of course doesn't mean that my "overall level" arguement is not valid.

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