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game thread Sox against scrubs


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Cludjer and ss2k3....



HOW DO YOU LIKE DEM MISSED OPPOORTUNITIES NOW......."perceived" mistakes....riiiight. 



Winning and losing like I said.

:rolleyes: I told you so, I told you so.


WTF are you two years old? Did I disagree with you about missed opportunities? This is the second time I have said this so I will type it really slowly so maybe you will get it this time. You made a broad generalization about a player based on one single AB, that was proved narrowminded when you look at the FACT that is he the best hitter the Sox have this year with RISP. But don't let me stand in the way of your perpetual negative rants or anything. Go ahead and make up some stuff that I said here and have a schizo-good time!


Perpetual negativism? You wish you were as high on this team's prospects as I was coming into this season. You only wish. Short f***ing memory you have.


Making s*** up? When you expect our 7-9 hitters to get us rolling and I challenge that, I am making stuff up?! WTF? Or when you bring up everyone's RISP numbers to whitewash the fact that Lee--among other players I mentioned--f***ed up numerous times.....I am making stuff up too? .


All I did was state the fact and mention a baseball cliche (it;s not what, but when) in regard to this team pathetic situational--or any--execution....Yeah, buddy, keep on making irrelevant, neutral-polarity statements in order to corect my "generalizations" and then get mad when someone dares to actually read something into your excuse-making posts....Statements have implications and your "defending" Lee was very apparent, I was well within reason in my interpretation of your post. Just because you never uttered "I am hereby excusing one Carlos Lee of any wrongdoing", doesn't mean you didn't indirectly...And who f***in' cares if there are other Sox player who are worse than CLee--he still couldn't come through (RISP of 275 ain't NOTHING to be ecstatic about either) when we needed him and neither could most Sox players....Result? Sox pissed the game away. That was my WHOLE point even when the game was 0-0 tie....Pardon me for being right at the end.


And, yes, the very little things and lack of execution on seemingly dismissable plays early on....ONCE AGAIN came back to bite this team on it's collective ass. If we are up 3-0 as we should have been through 8 innings, Colon stays in, has enough room for error and we probably escape.....this was a 6th winnable game we tanked in the last 2 weeks...which only reinfoces another point of mine: Sox are still terrible and will be so until proven otherwise. 9-1 run in the next 10 games will be a start. Untl the STFU, will ya?


(You have no reason to be upset with me, none whatsoever. ...Keep your passive-agressive BS to yourself, k? I don't wish to fight with you, but I will if you want me to...you still haven't responded to my "correction" of your 2000 team hitting theory BTW, not that it matters in the end)

Wow, do you just look to argue? I think BMR is exactly right, you just love to fight. Heck you sound like an ex-girlfriend of mine, just looking for something to point out as wrong to start something.


As if you did read my first two posts, PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH IS MAKING s*** UP! There was that hard? No need to delve into what obviously is window dressing to try to improve what you know you originally did. As to that...


Defending Lee is what I was doing. To make a broad statement based on one single AB, is that solid analysis? You would have thrown a hissy fit if someone else had done that, why are your words so much more defensible? Of course Carlos screwed up there. That much was pretty obvious, and being an exESPNer, it was a pretty kenblanksesque post to use one AB by the most effective player on the team as "the story of this season".


I have been on message boards long enough to not care if someone doesn't see eye to eye with me on the game. But it is utter ignorance to start putting words into peoples mouth and make long winded rampling speeches on something that was never even said! You should know better than that, right?


As to 2000, if guys like Sandy Alomar, Herbert Perry and Chris Singleton hit like Olivo, Rowand, and Crede have hit this year, do you think we win 95 games? Do you think we win 85 games?


Of course the pitching is the key. We would be 15 games out of first place if the pitching had been anywhere near as bad as it was last year. Loiaza has been a god send.


And as for your psych 101 analysis, thanks but I already had that class. And just out of curiousity, what do you call someone who tries to hide behind a keyboard, looking for arguements to give themselves a sense of self-worth?

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And as for your psych 101 analysis, thanks but I already had that class. And just out of curiousity, what do you call someone who tries to hide behind a keyboard, looking for arguements to give themselves a sense of self-worth?



"Not me"?



I thought you were a big boy, with feelings to spare. I was wrong, you couldn't take the simplest of criticisms of Carlos Lee (whom again I praised profusely in many posts) who did f*** up in this very important game...what was the point of giving me all this passove-aggressive s*** in the first place? I stated a fact (he did f*** up and Sox did give the game away eventually just as I predicted) and chastized this team, not only Lee, for being same old chockers they were all season long. Is Carlos as big a chocker as Konerko, Jimenez and Valentin this year? You're right, he isn't but .275 with RISP is nothing to be proud of; if he was hitting 355, you might have had a case, but you are defending a very mediocre player during a very bad game (4 LOB) for him as well as well as for the entire team....I don't really get why you felt the burning need to "correct" my "sweeping generalization" when it was obvious from the start that "not whatm but when" that was a very applicable cliche....so in essence you are starting a fight over nothing in order to make me into some kind of a stereotypical online villain....my only weakness is responding to you where I should have saved those 10 minutes of typing for something else.


Me hiding behind screen names? BMR was right? Why, because I disagree with your 2000 Sox arguement as well as the timing of your RISP post? Do you want me to pretend like I agree for the sake of peace? Considreing how many times I defended Sox players and have stood up for fellow soxtalkers, do I even have to dignify this pathetic theory of yours in reagard to my character and decency? Like ws120682, what are your credentials that you have the cojones to sum me up as though you know me, anyway? I have never gotten personal with your before, I have never even had a fight with you, so what the f*** are you blathering on and on about? You dislike me, it's your tight, but don't presumptiously pretend like some deeper truth is on your side here, ok? I am not surprised that BMR is still bad-mouthing me even after I made peace with him on a dime...he really hates me for some unknown to me reason...but who cares? Apparently you do.


As far as me putting words in your mouth, that's bull- in response to MY post (not the other way around) you clearly stated that you expect 7-9 hitters to spark/galvanize this team, and that veterans will have no choice but to respond because they have proven it in the past....I thought it was ludicrous to expect Harris, Crede and Olivo to overcompensate for the 1-6's relatively atrocious hitting (the main cause why I am selling this team short for now), and the record proves me right so far. What's wrong with it? Where did I "make anything up"? We don't have to agree on everything, do we?


Man, I clearly overestimated your sense of fairness. My mistake. So once again what exactly did I twist and, more importantly, how would I benefit from it, what's my motive? You admitted you counted on 7-9 hitters and you admitted you "defended" Clee...so you must agree with my "twisting" of your words then? lol

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"Not me"?



I thought you were a big boy, with feelings to spare. I was wrong, you couldn't take the simplest of criticisms of Carlos Lee (whom again I praised profusely in many posts) who did f*** up in this very important game...what was the point of giving me all this passove-aggressive s*** in the first place?  I stated a fact (he did f*** up and Sox did give the game away eventually just as I predicted) and chastized this team, not only Lee,  for being same old chockers they were all season long.  Is Carlos as big a chocker as Konerko, Jimenez and Valentin this year?  You're right, he isn't but .275 with RISP is nothing to be proud of;  if he was hitting 355, you might have had a case, but you are defending a very mediocre player during a very bad game (4 LOB) for him as well as well as for the entire team....I don't really get why you felt the burning need to "correct" my "sweeping generalization" when it was obvious from the start that "not whatm but when" that was a very applicable cliche....so in essence you are starting a fight over nothing in order to make me into some kind of a stereotypical online villain....my only weakness is responding to you where I should have saved those 10 minutes of typing for something else.


Me hiding behind screen names?  BMR was right?  Why, because I disagree with your 2000 Sox arguement as well as the timing of your RISP post?  Do you want me to pretend like I agree for the sake of peace?    Considreing how many times I defended Sox players and have stood up for fellow soxtalkers, do I even have to dignify this pathetic theory of yours in reagard to my character and decency?  Like ws120682, what are your credentials that you have the cojones to sum me up as though you know me, anyway? I have never gotten personal with your before, I have never even had a fight with you, so what the f*** are you blathering on and on about?  You dislike me, it's your tight, but don't presumptiously pretend like some deeper truth is on your side here, ok?  I am not surprised that BMR is still bad-mouthing me even after I made peace with him on a dime...he really hates me for some unknown to me reason...but who cares?  Apparently you do.


As far as me putting words in your mouth, that's bull-  in response to MY post (not the other way around) you clearly stated that you expect 7-9 hitters to spark/galvanize this team, and that veterans will have no choice but to respond because they have proven it in the past....I thought it was ludicrous to expect Harris, Crede and Olivo to overcompensate for the 1-6's relatively atrocious hitting (the main cause why I am selling this team short for now), and the record proves me right so far.  What's wrong with it?  Where did I "make anything up"?  We don't have to agree on everything, do we?


Man, I clearly overestimated your sense of fairness.  My mistake.  So once again what exactly did I twist and, more importantly, how would I benefit from it, what's my motive? You admitted you counted on 7-9 hitters and you admitted you "defended" Clee...so you must agree with my "twisting" of your words then?  lol

I was going to let this go on a few occasions but some of your statements are so absurd and so ironic I just can't let them go.


First of all the whole making this personal thing was the funniest of them all. You made a statement, I gave you the facts behind the statement you made, that upset you so badly that two hours later you had to make a post that called me out by name. What in that post upset you so badly. It was a string of statistics for god's sake. Is no one allowed to respond against your posts without you freaking out and giving out psychoanalysis? I am not sure how this turns into "passive aggressive behavior, but whatever. By that definition every single time that someone replies adversely to someone else's posts they are exhibiting PA behavior. Judging by the amount of arguements that you have been in just in my short time here, I have an assessment for you, antisocial personality disorder, with frequent breaks from reality.


As to the whole turning you into some kind of a villian. You really have a healthy ego. I don't know why you think that by me not agreeing with your post you have been put up on some pedistool that people feel the need to knock off.


I never said you were hiding behind screen names. Where did that come from? I said hiding behind your "KEYBOARD". (Once again making s*** up. ) BMR was right that you always seem to be having some long winded arguement with someone that always seems to turn personal. But I have no desire to be your new Hatfield.


Anyway, respond away, add whatever you want to what I said. I am done with this.

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