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Righteous Indignation From the Left..........


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Seems Diane Fienstien has been using her position to steer Iraq construction contracts to her own husband's firms.






And she's the chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lolhitting



I dont expect the left to foam at the mouth and scream bloody murder as they do with Cheney & Halliburton but at least a small measure of outrage would be appropriate.

Edited by NUKE
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Ummm, hell yeah this should be investigated. Did these companies that Feinstein had "ins" with get no-bid contracts? Or did they go through the bidding process? That's my big question... Because if they had to go through a bidding process, there may not be much to investigate there.


The story seems to show some smoke. If there's fire, I'm all good for removing her chairmanships and kicking her out of the Senate leadership.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 10:45 AM)
Ummm, hell yeah this should be investigated. Did these companies that Feinstein had "ins" with get no-bid contracts? Or did they go through the bidding process? That's my big question... Because if they had to go through a bidding process, there may not be much to investigate there.


The story seems to show some smoke. If there's fire, I'm all good for removing her chairmanships and kicking her out of the Senate leadership.


I'm with you there. If the Dems did not learn from the billions in no bid contracts that Chaney's cronies received, they should be kicked out on their asses for doing the same thing. Damn right I'm indigent as should every American who is paying to destroy and rebuild Iraq. I'm not certain why Kap believes this is somehow different, it sounds the same to me if true.


If he's won fairly and squarely as the low bidder in a competitive situation, I don't see a problem. I am also certain if there isn't a problem, the GOPerheads on the board will give us a chorus of media bias trying to dig up dirt on the Speaker.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 05:16 PM)
I'm with you there. If the Dems did not learn from the billions in no bid contracts that Chaney's cronies received, they should be kicked out on their asses for doing the same thing. Damn right I'm indigent as should every American who is paying to destroy and rebuild Iraq. I'm not certain why Kap believes this is somehow different, it sounds the same to me if true.


If he's won fairly and squarely as the low bidder in a competitive situation, I don't see a problem. I am also certain if there isn't a problem, the GOPerheads on the board will give us a chorus of media bias trying to dig up dirt on the Speaker.

It's different because if she had a ® behind her name, it would be on the front page of the NY Slimes and the top story on every Sunday morning TV show in America. She may not have done anything wrong, we don't know yet, but again, if she had an ® instead of a (d), it would be enough to run full throttle on this story.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 11:17 AM)
It's different because if she had a ® behind her name, it would be on the front page of the NY Slimes and the top story on every Sunday morning TV show in America. She may not have done anything wrong, we don't know yet, but again, if she had an ® instead of a (d), it would be enough to run full throttle on this story.


Don't worry I'm certain Rush, Hannity, O'Really, Colson, Fox News, Dobson, Ingram, and the Wall Street Slime will be all over it. Of course the coverage is far more important to GOPerheads than what actually happens. If GOP wrong doing can be excused as media bias and Dem non stories can be blown up by rallying the troops against media bias, all is right in the world. :lolhitting

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 11:47 AM)
Don't worry I'm certain Rush, Hannity, O'Really, Colson, Fox News, Dobson, Ingram, and the Wall Street Slime will be all over it. Of course the coverage is far more important to GOPerheads than what actually happens. If GOP wrong doing can be excused as media bias and Dem non stories can be blown up by rallying the troops against media bias, all is right in the world. :lolhitting

You miss the point, Tex. The general masses might only watch a small amout of news in any given day, and it usually comes from the big 3, not Fox, etc. Or they read the major newspapers. If the story isn't mentioned there, how do they know about it? What she is doing appears to be similar to what Hastert did here, but how many average joes in Kansas know what she did? Did they hear about it on the ABC news? Nope. But they sure heard Hastert's name mentioned on national broadcast. Reporting DOES have a say in public perceptions of people, parties and our government as a whole. Both sides can br crooked as hell, but if the general public only hears about one side being bad, it tends to skewer public opinion in a rather slanted way.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 12:08 PM)
You miss the point, Tex. The general masses might only watch a small amout of news in any given day, and it usually comes from the big 3, not Fox, etc. Or they read the major newspapers. If the story isn't mentioned there, how do they know about it? What she is doing appears to be similar to what Hastert did here, but how many average joes in Kansas know what she did? Did they hear about it on the ABC news? Nope. But they sure heard Hastert's name mentioned on national broadcast. Reporting DOES have a say in public perceptions of people, parties and our government as a whole. Both sides can br crooked as hell, but if the general public only hears about one side being bad, it tends to skewer public opinion in a rather slanted way.


Well we all heard about it. I know a lot more people that parrot what they have heard from Rush, but not too many people parrot the evening newscast.


The GOP has insulated themselves from criticism by always shouting media bias when they screw up and it gets reported. They also try and gain traction on any story by screaming media bias when it is a Dem. The end result is they will not have to be accountable. And that is bad for this country.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 08:45 AM)
Ummm, hell yeah this should be investigated. Did these companies that Feinstein had "ins" with get no-bid contracts? Or did they go through the bidding process? That's my big question... Because if they had to go through a bidding process, there may not be much to investigate there.


The story seems to show some smoke. If there's fire, I'm all good for removing her chairmanships and kicking her out of the Senate leadership.

Did a little checking, and as far as I can tell, it was a contract awarded through the normal bidding process to a company that, unlike KBR, has not been recently fined for the work it has done and continues to do for the government. And it's probably not worth pointing out but I'm gonna do it anyway, that URS company has a chunk of it owned by the Carlyle group, that ol' investment group owned by GWBush, Jim Baker, and a few others, which means that the President also was a potential fiancial beneficiary of this deal. The deal was also cleared by the Senate Ethics committee when it was being run by the Republicans.


But I've said it before and I'll say it again; few things would make me happier than to totally remove the influence of money and lobbyists from the entire U.S. government. No lobbying for contracts by spending money, significantly higher wages for elected officials to insulate them against bribery, much more strict controls on investment and lobbying by family members of elected officials, and public financing of campaigns.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 12:21 PM)
Well we all heard about it. I know a lot more people that parrot what they have heard from Rush, but not too many people parrot the evening newscast.


The GOP has insulated themselves from criticism by always shouting media bias when they screw up and it gets reported. They also try and gain traction on any story by screaming media bias when it is a Dem. The end result is they will not have to be accountable. And that is bad for this country.

WE all heard it because we either care about politics to a certain degree and/or hate the other side so we search out news bad for them. Ask your neighbor if they heard about it? Or the grocery checkout clerk? Odds are that they have not.


Just curious, how has the GOP not been held accountable for anything they have done? EVERYTHING they have done has been blased about in the MSM for all to see. ONce an accusation is out there, right or wrong, it is hard to close the barn door after the donkeys have all left. Mayn of the Hliburton contracts were awarded thru the appropriate bidding process. Some of the no bid types went to them because they were the only company that could provide what was called for in the contract. And Balta, if I remember correctly, there are many prominent people on the Democratic side also in on the Carlyle group, so just because a few elephants make some cash on them, doesn't mean it is a segregated house. Donkeys play along too. But I'll be happy to go along with your last paragraph about removing the influence of money and lobbyists. I could supprt higher wages along with increased penalties and enforcement of violations.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 07:03 PM)
But I've said it before and I'll say it again; few things would make me happier than to totally remove the influence of money and lobbyists from the entire U.S. government. No lobbying for contracts by spending money, significantly higher wages for elected officials to insulate them against bribery, much more strict controls on investment and lobbying by family members of elected officials, and public financing of campaigns.

It will NEVER happen. And to me, that's the biggest problem with our government today.


I don't listen to those s***bags you're talking about Tex. Nuke found it, not sure where he heard about it, but the media goes after ® people like flies on s*** when stuff like this comes up. I love your generic recanned bulls*** when this media stuff gets brought up.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 02:01 PM)
It will NEVER happen. And to me, that's the biggest problem with our government today.


I don't listen to those s***bags you're talking about Tex. Nuke found it, not sure where he heard about it, but the media goes after ® people like flies on s*** when stuff like this comes up. I love your generic recanned bulls*** when this media stuff gets brought up.


And I love your generic recanned bulls*** when this media stuff gets brought up. :cheers


And I still love you Kap. :D

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It is a broad spectrum of political affiliations to be sure, but since you all seem to know the ones associated with a R, some associated with the D are:

- George Soros - billionaire and very liberal political backer

- William Kennard, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle's Managing Director in the Telecommunications & Media Group from 2001 to the present.

- Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2001 to the present

- Mack McLarty, White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, President of Kissinger McLarty Associates, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2003 to the present

- Arthur Levitt - former Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (A clinton asppointee)


And this little tidbit sure to go unnoticed by many,

Former President George H.W. Bush retired from Carlyle in October 2003. George W. Bush served on the Board of Directors of early Carlyle acquisition Caterair. Bush left the board in 1992 to run for Governor of Texas.

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QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 02:11 PM)

It is a broad spectrum of political affiliations to be sure, but since you all seem to know the ones associated with a R, some associated with the D are:

- George Soros - billionaire and very liberal political backer

- William Kennard, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle's Managing Director in the Telecommunications & Media Group from 2001 to the present.

- Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2001 to the present

- Mack McLarty, White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton, President of Kissinger McLarty Associates, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2003 to the present

- Arthur Levitt - former Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (A clinton asppointee)


And this little tidbit sure to go unnoticed by many,

Former President George H.W. Bush retired from Carlyle in October 2003. George W. Bush served on the Board of Directors of early Carlyle acquisition Caterair. Bush left the board in 1992 to run for Governor of Texas.


Of course when there is money to be made, politics takes a back seat. Bush resigned and Feinstein was never involved, yet here we are discussing it.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 08:04 PM)
And I love your generic recanned bulls*** when this media stuff gets brought up. :cheers


And I still love you Kap. :D

It's not a generic bulls*** answer, it's yet another specific example of the bias.


BTW, Balta's post pretty much hit it right on.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 02:34 PM)
It's not a generic bulls*** answer, it's yet another specific example of the bias.


BTW, Balta's post pretty much hit it right on.


Anytime a Dem isn't front page for a possible misdeed or a GOP isn't front page for a possible good deal, you get all outraged and mention media bias. What this is is a specific instance of it not being front page. I'm not certain why you would want to bump 4 soldiers being executed in cold blood off the front page. The front page is what sells newspapers. If there is a chance that a who's who of political figures could be indicted on ethics stuff you know it will be played out over and over again.


BTW, Here's the Santa Rosa Press Democrats front page today

Connecticut Post

LA Times They didn't mention Bush is a R but the article was positive.

Arkansas Democrat Gazette


Scanning the front pages at http://www.newseum.org/ it seems that Bush, the recent deaths in Iraq, and local news is getting most of the play. How does that show specific instances of media bias?

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 27, 2007 -> 02:01 PM)
It will NEVER happen. And to me, that's the biggest problem with our government today.


Nuke found it, not sure where he heard about it.........



Im an avid reader of Fark.com, which for those who are unfamiliar with it, is a site where people post news and offbeat news stories and comment on them.

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